This shows:
This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed.
Currently using WP 6.3.2
Basically the plugin does not work at all on the latest version. Here is the error I get in the console when I try to build a form from the plugin’s Form area:
blocks.min.js?ver=b5d3b99262dfb659bd26:3 Block “core/legacy-widget” is already registered.
Hi All,
Wondering when this plugin may become compatible with WP 6.3.1. When I install the plugin on this version I only receive blank screens.
Any help appreciated
Mark Street
]]>Dear Gutenberg Forms Development Team,
Is is possible for Gutenberg Forms to process a Credit Card transaction / payment options menu and then take the payment?
For example, we have three different monthly service offerings that we sell, and when the user clicks the button, the user needs to go to a payments page, where we establish a monthly order.
Kind regards,
]]>Hello, I received the following alert from WPEngine about this plugin:
“<Your site is>?utilizing a vulnerable version of the Gutenberg Forms – WordPress Form Builder Plugin plugin.
At this time, we are not seeing that the plugin author has released an update or patch for this vulnerability.
WP Engine summary of the vulnerability: Data from an attacker could be interpreted as code by site visitors’ web browsers. The ability to run code in another site visitors’ browser can be abused to steal information, or modify site configuration.
Original 3rd-party’s report on the vulnerability: Please note that questions related to this article should be directed to the 3rd-party researcher and not WP Engine:
We encourage you to assess the risk of continuing to use this plugin until a patch is released.”
Is this something you’re working on patching?
]]>For the email notification is there any way to change the reply to option to be from the field email inside the form? Similar to the option that has to add the CC or BCC but one for the Reply To
]]>I spent pretty much time to configure and reconfigure the form and there is no way I can make it work. No entry, no mail sent and I did long-figure recipients and so on as seen in the documentation.
No message is displayed when sent, nothin i,serted in entries… the only thing I can mention is that a “#jqjksgmqjmr…” is apend to the url when I click the submit button. I do not understand how to debug this.
Hi all, I need to create 4 forms similar to my first form to do small changes in each of them. How can I duplicate a form? Clone Plugins doesn’t work with these forms. Thank you
I have 5 menuitems after activating the plugin, but there is no content whatsoever
Looking at the documentation there should be a whola lotta more. I have WP 6.2 Gutenberg latest version.
What did I do wrong?
]]>installed this plugin today and there is no button to the the form templates library. Has there been a change to where the button is placed? How do I access the library?
First thanks for this amazing plugin.
My question is whether it is possible to export the forms created, to upload to the site in case of a migration.
I looked for more I couldn’t find a way to save the forms created by me.
Best Regards
]]>I’ve tried making basic edits to block code (even something as simple as adding a span tag) and this either causes the block to need a recovery wherein it boots the new code, or it converts the whole block to a custom html block, and doesn’t use any of the CSS relevant to the classes within.
I don’t understand what mistake I’ve made, and googling has not provided any answers. Can someone please point me in the right direction or offer an explanation?
I built a form on my contact page using the form builder and selected a working form action from a form I created in the wordpress dashboard but it’s still not functional. After pressing the “submit” button nothing happens but the contact form template connected to a different form action on my homepage works.
]]>With WP 5.9.3 and forms-gutenberg, listing the available plugins (wp-cli plugin list
) leads to this Fatal error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function cwp_gf_Entries_Controller::get_bar_entries_schema(), 0 passed in WordPress/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php on line 1457 and exactly 1 expected in /web/app/plugins/forms-gutenberg/controllers/entries/entries.controller.php:185
Stack trace:
#0 WordPress/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(1457): cwp_gf_Entries_Controller->get_bar_entries_schema()
#1 WordPress/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(1398): WP_REST_Server->get_data_for_route()
#2 WordPress/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(1227): WP_REST_Server->get_data_for_routes()
#3 WordPress/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(1143): WP_REST_Server->get_index()
#4 WordPress/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(990): WP_REST_Server->respond_to_request()
#5 /home/yug/.wp-cli in /web/app/plugins/forms-gutenberg/controllers/entries/entries.controller.php on line 185
Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function cwp_gf_Entries_Controller::get_bar_entries_schema(), 0 passed in WordPress/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php on line 1457 and exactly 1 expected in /web/app/plugins/forms-gutenberg/controllers/entries/entries.controller.php:185
Stack trace:
#0 WordPress/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(1457): cwp_gf_Entries_Controller->get_bar_entries_schema()
#1 WordPress/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(1398): WP_REST_Server->get_data_for_route()
#2 WordPress/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(1227): WP_REST_Server->get_data_for_routes()
#3 WordPress/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(1143): WP_REST_Server->get_index()
#4 WordPress/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(990): WP_REST_Server->respond_to_request()
#5 /home/yug/.wp-cli in /web/app/plugins/forms-gutenberg/controllers/entries/entries.controller.php on line 185
]]> leads to Cloudflare error 521
]]>The main website and the documentation page are not loading
The plugin and the forms I have created on my website have been working very well until today when they suddenly do not work anymore, and when I go to edit the forms I see this message “Your site doesn’t include support for the “cwp/block-gutenberg-forms” block.”. What can be the problem? I tried to deactivate and activate the plugin but still the same issue!
Please help me with this as it is very urgent! I have an event coming up and the forms and entries collected so far are very important.
Thank you.
The developer of advanced-gutenberg asked me to report an incompatibility issue.
Please have a look at
I have a few fields in contact form i.e. First name, Last name, Email, Phone number, and Message. In entries, only Message log is recording. I am receiving the email notification, but again nothing is showing there except “Form Data:”.
Could anyone please help me.
]]>Hi, i think i’ve configured properly the recaptcha (got google key api, set the flag in the form), but i don’t see any “i’m not a robot” in the form.
if i look in the code of the page, i don’t see any recaptcha javascript…
i think something is wrong
It seems the documentation URL is broken: at this moment. Just FYI!
]]>Forms showing only classic editor even if I click on to switch to block editor.
How do you add a checkbox to trigger the mailchimp feed? I have mailchimp integrated and the fields mapped, however I see no way to add an opt-in checkbox to trigger the data feed to send to mailchimp. Thanks!
]]>I’ve so far been unable to root out the error at fault, but WP5.9 causes the overview page and the entries page to be blank.
]]>It would be awesome if you guys could integrate a payment mechanism in your forms. Thanks!
I found what seem to me like a bug in email notification part of the Gutenbergform bloc. Whenever I try to add dynamic data to the field ?From? it get inserted in the field ?subject?. I need to cut-and-paste it manually from ?subject? to ?from? to put it where I want it.
Another small but annoying thing, if I change the field id, it seem to only create an alias that would not show in the dynamic field list.
So whenever I insert in a form 2 fields for a person identification i.e. first name, last name, what I get is two fields named ?name-1234? and ?name-5678? even if I changed the fields Id to firstname and lastname.
]]>The CSS, and especially the use of inline css, is way too opinionated and really needs to be either pared back, or give me the option to disable it completely.
For example, a form outputs this:
#form-6815b371.cwp-form .cwp-default-submit-btn {
color: rgb(49, 49, 49) !important;
border: 1px solid rgb(49, 49, 49);
<button style="background-color:white" name="submit" value="submit-6815b371-6a85-409d-bafb-b4b189f90d14" type="submit" class="cwp-submit-btn cwp-default-submit-btn">Submit</button>
Both of which make it nigh impossible to override with custom CSS, especially if I have multiple forms with custom IDs. So I’m left with forms that do not match the styling of my site, which is not good.
Also, the colour picker does not honour the colours registered with add_theme_support( 'editor-color-palette' )
]]>Where abouts in the plug-in do I find this? I’m getting the entries but see no way to set up the email notifications? The documentation page for the plugin on the plugins website doesn’t seem to work and I can find any more info on it anywhere.
]]>Hello, I’m sorry if I am posting this in the wrong area.
I’m wondering if this plugin is still active or not… I used before for a project but I uninstalled cuz some issues.
I came back to re-try again but I see a different Author and I can not find any news if there have been changes on that…
I’m also translating it to Spanish but I don’t feel confident if this plugin is not active anymore. I would like to contribute in more things if possible: graphic design, web design, copywriting, project management, testing…
Unfortunatelly this plugin conflicts with the Gutenberg Block Manager plugin (
When activating Gutenberg Forms the Block Manager Page is empty and I get the following error:
Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons: 1. You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM) 2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks 3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app See for tips about how to debug and fix this problem.
(WP 5.8.2, Gutenberg Forms 2.2.2, Gutenberg Block Manager 1.2.2)
Thanks for support!
I am having a few issues with the plugin. When I try to clear or alter the recaptcha site keys the plugin says “saving” down the bottom of the screen but never finishes or registers any changes. When I try to click the slider to disable captcha integration it doesn’t do anything, and when I try to load the form entries it just hangs on a blank page. Is there a way to hard reset all the data including site keys? I have tried deleting and re-installing the plugin with no success…