Great plugin for what it does but I need to be able to upload and display photos. Any workarounds or alternatives out there? Thanks.
]]>I’m using Contact Form 7 to capture the poster’s [first_name], [city],and [words_of_wisdom]. Are either of the following possible
Make post_title equal to “[first_name] in [city]”
or make post_content = “[words_of_wisdom] – [first_name] in [city]”
Hi, what a wonderful plugin, I have some issues though how to load terms from custom taxonomy to a drop-down menu in the form.I already load the submissions to custom post type called “cvlist” and I have some categories under the taxonomy called “positions”.
So when form sumbit I can see it was submit under with catagory and later on I can filter on back end.
Hi Sir.
This plugin is great I will be very thankful to you if you solve this problem in plugin.
Contact form Code:
<p>Select Items [checkbox dress use_label_element "All" "Casual" "Social" "Summer" "Maxi"]</p>
Form to Post Code:
Dress Types: {$form_data->posted_data['dress']}
When I submit CF7 with above checkbox code and put above form to post code It does not post the checkbox items and instead post “Array”
Am I making some mistake?
I need these checkbox and I want to post at least 10 items at a time through these checkbox.
Hi All.
This is my form:
[text meta_your-province]</p>
[text meta_your-district]</p>
[text meta_your-local]</p>
They get populated with info from my user_meta table, and turned to uneditable.
Also using I have added this:
function form_to_post_set_meta($post) {
$post[‘your-province’] = $form_data->posted_data[‘meta_your-province’];
$post[‘your-district’] = $form_data->posted_data[‘meta_your-district’];
$post[‘your-local’] = $form_data->posted_data[‘meta_your-local’];
return $post;
add_filter(‘form_to_post_before_create_post’, ‘form_to_post_set_meta’);
when I check my post_meta table, the “your-province”, “your-district” and “your-local” meta_keys are created, but they have no value.
Why are they not receiving the form data?
]]>Hi All.
I’ve got a form for posting notices to a new post, but the [post_category_name] is coming up blank, so it appears in my dashboard posts list as “uncategorized” even though it is set in the form.
Added to that, in the email portion, I have this set:
Author: [post_author_name]
Subject: [post_title]
Category: [post_category_name]
yet the e-mail I receive is this:
Subject: testing post_category_name
As you can see, both the entire line containing the author and the entire line containing the category are both deleted from the received e-mail. But in the WP dashboard when I view the list of posts, it shows the correct author there, but no category, it is listed as “uncategorized”.
Where have I made my error? ??
]]>Hi, First of all thank you for this plugin.
I am generating a hidden field in contact form with this code [hidden Myid] and posting it in CFDB with the combination of different from fields with this code:
function add_new_id($formData) {
$formData->posted_data['Myid'] = $formData->posted_data['Name'].$formData->posted_data['Age'].$formData->posted_data['DOB'];
return $formData;
add_filter('cfdb_form_data', 'add_new_id');
The Field is successfully generated like this : Amenda211998-02-01
These values also show in CFDB datatable
But when I try to post this dynamic value with form to post all the contact form fields posted except ( Myid ) my form to post Code is:
// Next line sets the post_title value
$form_data->posted_data['post_title'] = "My ID is {$form_data->posted_data['Myid']}";
I also tried to load this dynamic key with this code but it doesn’t help
// Next line sets the post_title value
// Next line sets the post_content value
$Myid = implode('_ , _' $form_data->posted_data['Myid']);
$form_data->posted_data['post_title'] = "My ID is {$form_data->posted_data['$Myid']}";
Please suggest me solution I am not good at PHP.
When using this nice add-on to CF7, the Form-to-post is delayed by one hour even though the default post setup is “send right away”.
In the general WP settings I have this time stamp:
Universel time (UTC) is 2017-03-17 12:08:04. Local time is 2017-03-17 13:08:04.
but local time (right here by the terminal) is 12:08
so – why / what ?
Issuing posts from the backend are send right away and correctly time stamped.
Please advice.
Thanks ??
]]>I am using Form to post and cfdb plugin also.
I set form to post for my forms and it is working smoothly without any conflict.
But for one form I show url of that form in cfdb table and from that table it is taking ID Name and DOB from dynamic hidden fields and use java script to post ID in that specific forms cfdb. Name ID and DOB show on the top of the form and I fill that form and submitted the post is done But its title says Array[‘post_title’]}
I mean in that specific form it is not getting tittle other forms are working fine.
I this any conflict or something. Please help me in this regard.
I am posting the contact form fields as post through form to post and it is working great.I had used short codes, filters and action for this and posting from different types of forms.
what I want is when form get posted from different types of forms its content has lay out as table or some thing like formatted like Name is under name heading Email is under email heading, date is under date heading and so on. And only one text field data posted as paragraph under that table.
(I do not think to edit single.php format is good option because post has some those field which should not show as table from other form in some case and remain blank as get extra space.)
How is this possible ? or give me idea how can I show it as formatted content if table is not good option then what should be used .
Thank you
Wonderful plugin. Can you suggest a way to post forms to a custom post type?
I am using this plugin in site and made custom fields to post like
{$form_data->posted_data[‘translator’]} the language is{$form_data->posted_data[‘select-language’]}
I made another form which do not include these fields when I submit that form the the helping text like “the language is” also showing.
How to solve this?
This is the plugin I was looking for. You have done a great job.
Basically I am using a contact form 7 here is code:
Post Title [text* post_title “Help Needed”]
<p><h1>Personal Information</h1><br /></p>
<p class=”one-half First”>[text* First-Name “First Name”]</br> </p>
<p class=”one-half”> [text* Last-Name “Last Name”]</br> </p>
Post Content (required)
[checkbox* post_category_name “Help-Form”]
<p> <h1> Please fill these fields</h1></p>
<p class=””>Family Requiring Help : [select* Family “A” “B”]</p>
<p class=”one-half First”>Need Language Translator : [select* Translator “No” “Yes”]</p>
[group language]
<p class=”one-half”>Please Select Language: [select* Language “Chinese” “Arabic” “Persian”]</p>
[submit “Submit Form”] [submit “Post”]
On submit data goes to CFDB and on Post it creates wp post But the post shows only Post Title and Post Content fields It does not showing other fields like select, check box, text, email, phone.
Please tell me how do I show other fields .
I realize that tax_input is not supported by the plugin, but I’m wondering what the harm would be in adding ‘tax_input’ to the $simpleFields array. This would allow a developer to hook into the ‘form_to_post_form_data’ filter and modify the posted data to include taxonomies.
]]>I have a form with 18 different fields to fill out. I need the entire form (all 18 fields) to post to a page (or post) when submitted. I have successfully gotten wordpress to generate a post, but only with a title (using CF7 short code post_title) and with one other field (using CF7 short code post_content). It’s almost like I need to use post_content on every field, but whatever field I set as post_content first is the ONLY one that gets submitted. I need the WHOLE form, not just one field! I’ve been at this for weeks and I’m about to completely give up. Can someone PLEASE HELP?????? Here’s what my form looks like in CF7:
<p>Change Request Title (multiple words need "-" between them e.g. Test-Change):<br />
[text* post_title] </p>
<p>Name:<br />
[text* requester-name] </p>
<p>Your Email:<br />
[email* requester-email] </p>
<p>Implementation Date:<br />
[date* imp-date] </p>
<p>Implementation Time:<br />
[time* imp-time time-format:HH:mm] </p>
<p>Duration (What time will the change be finished?):<br />
[time* dur-time time-format:HH:mm] </p>
<p>Please describe the change (e.g. Why is it needed? What result is expected?):<br />
[textarea* post_content] </p>
<p>Was the change tested?:<br />
[radio radio-tested "Yes" "No"] </p>
<p>If Yes, how was the change tested? If No, why not?:<br />
[textarea* textarea-tested] </p>
<p>What is the expected impact to business? (e.g. Will downtime be experienced? What depts will be impacted?):<br />
[textarea* textarea-impact] </p>
<p>Is there a rollback plan?:<br />
[radio radio-rollback "Yes" "No"] </p>
<p>If Yes, what is the plan? If No, why isn't there a rollback plan?:<br />
[textarea* textarea-plan] </p>
<p>Contacts (Name, extension, cell of who should be notified if escalation is necessary?):<br />
[textarea* textarea-contacts] </p>
<h3>RISK ASSESSMENT</h3><br />
<p>Can or will the change cause an outage?<br />
[radio radio-outage "Yes" "No"] </p>
<p>Can an entire location or dept be impacted or experience an outage?<br />
[radio radio-location "Yes" "No"] </p>
<p>Is there any risk that a failed change will not be detected immediately?<br />
[radio radio-detect "Yes" "No"] </p>
<p>Will the recovery process take longer than the time to implement?<br />
[radio radio-time "Yes" "No"] </p>
<p>Can or will security or confidentiality be compromised?<br />
[radio radio-security "Yes" "No"] </p>
<p>Supervisor's email:<br />
[email* email-sup] </p>
<p>[submit "Post"]</p>
I’m also having a problem described earlier in closed topics, of the hidden field “post_type” and the modifier of a custom post type slug directing the user to the 404 error page upon submission. The solutions suggested didn’t work for me, so thought I’d see if anyone else is still having this problem. The submissions do successfully create a new custom post type, but the user still gets the 404 error.
I have tried both FSCF and CF7 (trying both the CF7 Modules and the Hidden Field for CF7 plugins for the CF7 hidden field). I also tried using both “post_type” and “post-type” as the tag, with no luck. I tried using a redirect as a workaround, which isn’t working for me in CF7 (probably a JavaScript conflict somewhere with my theme), and works eventually in FSCF but the 404 still appears for several seconds while the redirect is happening…
Any ideas?
First of all thank you so much for your hard work on this plugin!
I am using this plugin with CF7 & CF7 Modules as advised and I am trying to create a hidden field that will set the post when submitted as pending. I’ve not had any success with this so far. Would it be possible for you to show me an example of how that would be set up for CF7?
Thank you in advance,
]]>Hi Michael,
First of all, the plugin is a great work done from you. Thumbs up! It does a very good job.
I have played with your plugin and I is very simple. I am now trying to integrate F2P into WP-customer area. But I have no luck (I’m not a programmer).
In WP-customer area, I created a private page which can be seen only a page owner and authorised users. Once the owner submit the form, F2P creates a new post (not a page) and the post is outside the private page.
Can you guide me how I can create a page from F2P and post it inside wp-customer area’s private page?
Thank you,
Hi Michael,
thank you very much for your excellent plugin! I’m using it with Contact Form 7.
Do You see any way to put static text (shortcode) next to the field name, so that the Custom Fields Meta Box in WordPress Post Edit screen shows that text wrapped arround the input value?
Any pointers are greatly appreciated!
]]>Can Form to Post handle repeating fields?
I have a form which takes multiple values in a single field. For example, if a user checks off the following…
[ ] class 1
[x] class 2
[ ] class 3
[x] class 4
[x] class 5
… it would return the value “array(‘class 2′,’class 4′,’class 5’)” to a hidden CF7 text field. I’m trying to get this into a repeating field when FtP creates the post.
If it matters at all, I’m using the plugin ACF Repeater Fields.
]]>I’d like to set a custom field, “current-status”, to “Order received” in all instances. This can be done easily by using a CF7 shortcode [text meta_current-status "Order received"]. But seeing as how the value is the same for every user, I’d rather set this on the back end.
So I thought I’d add a filter into functions.php:
function form_to_post_set_values($post) {
$post['meta_order-status'] = 'Order received';
return $post;
add_filter('form_to_post_before_create_post', 'form_to_post_set_values')
Obviously, this did not work but I think you can see what I’m trying to do here. Any suggestions?
I really like this plugin – it solves a lot of issues for me.
My site uses CF7. I understand that post_title must appear in CF7 shortcode. However, I want the post title to equal the post ID by default, with no option for the user to change this. How would I go about this?
I am using your plugin to add some fields to a post. Works well
With a simple plain form are there any hooks that I can use to capture the post id so I can update another record and what is the code $postid=???
Thank you
Or do you need to make a custom meta_image
I want to capture single items from a form and place them on a page so that I can print a certificate in an LMS plugin called LearnDash. The wp login form does not capture all the data that I require and the LearnDash shortcodes would not find them anyway (address, license number, course id#, etc.).
Could this plugin address any of that process, or should I keep searching?
]]>hi Michael,
good plugin ! simple to use.
but i have not found out how the meta_ names are done.
i have my own form set up with names like meta_datum.
but these fields do not have any data (used in my filter function).
what can one do wrong there ? or ist that only working for cf7 forms ?
thanks for the reply,
Hi Michael,
Great plugin! Is there an possibility that you add support for the parameter ‘tax_input’? Or can you tell me a work around so i can create custom posttypes and add those directy to a custom taxonomy through CF7?
It would make this plugin perfect =)
First of all: thanks for this great plugin! I was looking for a specific simple feature that other guest post plugins didn’t offer, but this plugin is great in it’s simplicity and customizability!
I was wondering: is it possible to set post format from this plugin? I tried [hidden post_format “Quote”], but it didn’t work.
Thanks for your reply!
I understand this plugin basically submits post_title and post_content as a post. But can anyone tell me how to capture all custom fields inside post_content?
I mean you can surely have all fields submit to email in the email tabs for contact form 7. Does anyone know how to do the same thing to present in post_content?
]]>Hi Michael
This looks like another terrific plugin of yours. Is there the chance that a user can select a date in the contact form and that is the date that the post gets published? ie. the user can schedule what date the post is published?