I’m trying to display the charts in the statistics page. When I enbable the chart option after copying the js in the right folder, the charts are working as expected.
But after any change to the website (new post or others changes) charts ar no more visible in the statistics page.
I also noticed that the highcharts folder has been deleted. Could it be an issue of R&W permissions.
Many thanks,
I’m wondering if there is a way to modify the HTML of the default pages of the plugin (prediction sheet etc.)
I’m trying to use this plugin on my wp website. After manually creating some matches they are not displayed in the matches page neither in the prediction pages. Only imported matches are visible.
Do you know what could be the reason?
Many thanks
I’m in the early stages of attempting to build a fantasy horse racing website. I like WordPress so I started here. My first struggle is there are many competitors in a single ‘race’ (match.)
Any insight or ideas is greatly appreciated.
Hi, I use the plugin and wanted to thank you. I recently changed the theme of my WordPress site and once a user executes the prediction and saves it, it is no longer possible to view the save phrase. Do you by any chance know what it could depend on and how to resolve it?
I would like to thank you for creating this wonderful plugin.
I wanted to ask you two questions:
1) can I change the score (currently 0) if the prediction is not entered in “10 points)?
2) is there something to automatically update match results without entering them manually?
Thanks again,
]]>Hola por alguna razon, la tabla de posiciones no esta haciendo el calculo y colocando los usuarios en sus respectivas posiciones. (muestro captura aqui)
Dentro de las opciones tengo marcado que realice el calculo simple, ya que son pocos usuarios. Al realizar el recalculo me marca un error (muestro captura aqui).
Realice el reporte de Debug como se sugiere en Ayuda, arrojo lo siguiente: (muestro captura aqui).
[30-Aug-2024 07:22:51 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Football Pool => default ranking with ID 1 is missing in the
table in /home/u954309299/domains/quinielargv.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/football-pool/admin/class-football-pool-admin-score-calculation.php on line 1091
Espero me puedan ayudar, agradezco mucho el plug esta genial solo tuve este problema.
]]>Hey Antoine,
Question about the reset plugin.
I created a Test-round.
Now I want to delete the Test-round data.
The data from the round itself doesn’t need to be removed, but the data in the ranking must.
Is it the button Reset Ranking – The active ranking table will be emptied. I need?
This will only delete the earned Ranking points, without deleting anything else, true?
Best regards,
I still enjoy using this plugin, but I noticed a visual format difference when I compared the “guess” and “questions” sections on my site.
I have a mix of football “guess” and football questions on my site, but I can see that the points from the questions are not in the same format or placement as the “normal” guesses. See the link below…
I wonder if / how i can have the same placement / point besides the answers from my questions like i have on the guess point next to the circle ?
View post on imgur.com
thanks for any help ??
]]>Hey Antoine,
I’m using this for a regular season, predicting Classics, derbies, Krakers, Toppers, in the most common leagues in Europe.
I activated the pagination to prevent users scrolling down the games they need to predict.
But now also the pagination is activated on the standings page.
Is there anyway to prevent this?
Or is there a shortcode to list all the users in the standings on a page, so without pagination?
Is it possible to see a full/complete standings in the backend?
Keep on going supporting this plugin.
Best regards,
Skytiger (RM)
We love the plug in!
We have just used it for the Euro 2024 tournament and were wondering if we lose all of that when we start a new competition for this season? Can we keep the results/scores from the Euros and still have a new competition for this season?
]]>Hi and thanks again for a great plugin.
I’ve created a tournament for the handball at the Olympic Games (also suitable for that sport :o), but when teams are equal at points in the main round and the scores not counting for all the matches, but only for the 4 teams left in the top of the group (played among themselves), FP gives a wrong ranking.
Please see this screendump of FP ranking: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/e49vo442myz01nori2ssu/FP_2024-08-04.png?rlkey=c9z57vugoma8b9rbcdq7t94a8&dl=0
And so the official ranking: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6gryp1dh7zp1gupjhloxf/Flash_2024-08-04.png?rlkey=4ikl3d37f1va6oocbj8bzh2ic&dl=0
FP will give you some wrong quarter-finals.
Is there a way to get around this?
I also noticed when the “goal difference bonus” is activated, that with a draw like 28-28 (handball) and a user have the result 25-25, there is no points given to the user, it’s like the difference has to be greater than zero.
Can you please share the CSV template?
I want to prepare list of games for the champion league.
Thanks, Meir
After updating Football Pool to the latest version, FP Widgets don’t inherits my Theme CSS, like before updating (happens only in the footer, not in the sidebar).
Please see the following and the screendumps.
Football Pool version 2.11.9
Highlighting “Top 3 Rangliste” & “De seneste kampe” and then looking at the source:
h1 class=”widget-title”>Top 3 Rangliste</h1
h1 class=”widget-title”>De seneste kampe</h1
(start < and end > is omitted due to the formatting)
Football Pool version 2.12.0
Also highlighting “Top 3 Rangliste” & “De seneste kampe” and then looking at the source:
div class=”football-pool-widget”>Top 3 Rangliste<table class=”pool-ranking ranking-widget”
div class=”football-pool-widget”>De seneste kampe<table class=”gamesbox”
(start < and end > is omitted due to the formatting)
How to get around this issue?
]]>So i have setup a test match and a test user, i predcit the score on the test users account and when i login to the admin account to enter the result it doesn’t calculate the users points.
It just gives the error
“Score and ranking calculationNo matches or questions to calculate, or no users in the pool. Ranking cleared”
Plugin Name: Football Pool Bonus Questions Extension
Description: Extends the Football Pool plugin functionality to manage bonus questions display and timing.
Version: 1.0
Author: Your Name
// Function to modify bonus question parameters
function modify_bonus_question_params($params, $question, $nr, $is_user_page)
if (isset($params[‘closing_time’])) {
$utc_time = new DateTime($question[‘answer_before_date’], new DateTimeZone(‘UTC’));
$local_time = clone $utc_time;
$local_time->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(get_user_timezone()));
$utc_time_formatted = $utc_time->format('d/M h:i A');
$local_time_formatted = $local_time->format('d/M h:i A');
$country_name = get_user_country();
$date_changed = $utc_time->format('d/m') !== $local_time->format('d/m');
if ($params['state'] === 'open') {
$closing_time = sprintf(
'<div class="closing-time" title="%s">%s <br>%s <br>%s Time<br><br> <span style="font-size:12px">%s UTC</span></div>',
__('answer this question before this date', 'football-pool'),
__('answer before', 'football-pool'),
} else {
$closing_time = sprintf(
'<div class="closing-time" title="%s">%s <br>%s <br>%s Time<br><br> <span style="font-size:12px">%s UTC</span></div>',
__("it's no longer possible to answer this question, or change your answer", 'football-pool'),
__('closed on', 'football-pool'),
if ($date_changed) {
$closing_time .= '<span class="date-change">*</span>';
$params['closing_time'] = $closing_time;
return $params;
add_filter(‘footballpool_print_bonus_question_params’, ‘modify_bonus_question_params’, 10, 4);
// Function to determine if bonus question should be shown
function should_show_bonus_question($match_timestamp)
$current_time = current_time(‘timestamp’);
$show_after = $match_timestamp + (90 * 60); // 90 minutes after match start
return $current_time >= $show_after;
// Modify the function that generates bonus questions
function modify_bonus_questions($questions, $user_id, $question_ids)
global $pool;
$filtered_questions = array();
foreach ($questions as $question) {
$match_id = $question['match_id'];
if ($match_id) {
$match_info = $pool->matches->get_match_info($match_id);
if (should_show_bonus_question($match_info['match_timestamp'])) {
$filtered_questions[] = $question;
} else {
// If the question is not associated with a match, we always include it
$filtered_questions[] = $question;
return $filtered_questions;
add_filter(‘footballpool_get_bonus_questions_for_user’, ‘modify_bonus_questions’, 10, 3);
// Note: This plugin requires the functions get_user_timezone() and get_user_country()
// from the Football Pool Timezone Extension plugin
We recently discovered that the correct answer of a linked question is not displayed anymore. I use a freshly updated version of Football Pool and no extensions (at least while testing).
The question is closed and has the answer set.
Is there anything I’m doing wrong? Have you got any idea of what to check to fix this?
]]>I am trying to customize the appearance of the plugin by writing my own extension plugin. Thanks to your examples I managed to understand how most of this works. I found the collection of hooks and parameters on the Help page, which was a great starting point.
The deeper I got into it, the more I have the feeling, that this overview is not quite complete. E.g. for the linked questions I only have a very limited set of parameters and cannot use the question or the answer itself in my custom template.
Are these actually all the possibilities or is there any way to find out how to use more or other parameters with the hooks? Maybe by looking into the source code of the plugin or something.
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hello Antoine, I am having an error in the total sum of points that “ranking” shows me. On the page that shows the points for each match of each “user page” they are assigned correctly, but when adding them manually it does not match what “ranking page” shows, there are extra points. Is there a patch that fixes this that I haven’t seen on the blog? I hope you can help me because there are many players and I have to fix this problem as soon as possible. Thank you very much Antoine!
]]>Hi AntoineH
How to use the following option seen in the backend?
“Favorite teams get an extra CSS class that you can style in your theme.“
I have searched the forum, and read your help page (and also searched Google), but I can’t find anything on how to use this “extra CSS class“.
Help needed please. Thanks.
]]>The plugin accepts scoring with penalties?
]]>Which Shortcode can I use to display a question without linking it to a specific match. I just want the user to see the question and be able to choose the answer.
]]>Hello Antoine! I am using this excellent plugin and I ask you, when for example a prediction is 1 to 1 and the result was 0 to 0, it does not add the corresponding points to goal difference. Could it be that I am doing this calculation wrong? Thank you!
I have the following problem with your plugin:
After the group stage, the teams that won were automatically entered in the fields for the next matches in the round of 16. However, this does not happen for the quarter-final matches (results from the round of 16).
This is what it looks like: https://prnt.sc/XFDuwqFL178O
Anyone has an idea what the problem is?
</tr><tr id="match-44-1" class="match closed match-type-2" title="Begegnung 44">
<td class="time">21:00</td>
<td class="home">?sterreich</td>
<td class="flag"><img src="https://XXXXXX/tippspiel/wp-content/uploads/football-pool/flags/at.png" title="?sterreich" alt="?sterreich" class="flag"></td>
<td class="score">2<br><span class="actual-score home">(1)</span></td>
<td class="score">1<br><span class="actual-score away">(2)</span></td>
<td class="flag"><img src="https://XXXXX/tippspiel/wp-content/uploads/football-pool/flags/tr.png" title="T��rkei" alt="T��rkei" class="flag"></td>
<td class="away">T��rkei</td>
<td title="Punkte" class="numeric user-score">0</td>
<td class="matchstats"><a href="https://XXXXX/tippspiel/?page_id=189&view=matchpredictions&match=44" title="Tipps anderer Mitspieler ansehen"><img class="pie-chart-icon" src="https://XXXXX/tippspiel/wp-content/plugins/football-pool/assets/images/pie-chart.svg" alt="Tipps anderer Mitspieler ansehen" title="Tipps anderer Mitspieler ansehen"></a></td>
</tr><tr><td class="matchtype" colspan="11">Viertel Finale</td></tr><tr><td class="matchdate" colspan="11" title="Freitag">Jul 05, 2024</td></tr><tr id="match-45-1" class="match open no-prediction match-type-3" title="Begegnung 45">
<td class="time">18:00</td>
<td class="home">Gewinner 39</td>
<td class="flag"></td>
<td class="score"><input type="number" min="0" max="999" name="_home_45" value="" class="prediction" tabindex="100"></td>
<td class="score"><input type="number" min="0" max="999" name="_away_45" value="" class="prediction" tabindex="100"></td>
<td class="flag"></td>
<td class="away">Gewinner 37</td>
<td title="Punkte" class="numeric user-score"><span class="no-score"></span></td>
<td class="matchstats"></td>
</tr><tr id="match-46-1" class="match open no-prediction match-type-3" title="Begegnung 46">
<td class="time">21:00</td>
<td class="home">Gewinner 41</td>
<td class="flag"></td>
<td class="score"><input type="number" min="0" max="999" name="_home_46" value="" class="prediction" tabindex="100"></td>
<td class="score"><input type="number" min="0" max="999" name="_away_46" value="" class="prediction" tabindex="100"></td>
<td class="flag"></td>
<td class="away">Gewinner 42</td>
<td title="Punkte" class="numeric user-score"><span class="no-score"></span></td>
<td class="matchstats"></td>
Hi and thanks for a great plugin.
I have a pool with 60 matches and for now 4 users.
The first user predicted the matches with manual saving, and the rest of the users, predicted the matches with “asynchronous saves” enabled, and it went well.
But when running the “Football Pool Report” it calculates the first user for 60 predictions (spot on), but for the rest of the users (with asynchronous saves enabled), it calculates 61 matches.
Do know why and how can it be fixed. Thanks.
Best regards
Screendump: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pb57h8v7v4ue7sw2stokm/football-pool-report.jpg?rlkey=e6phqcgrha80kc7lxbvnnerys&dl=0
Hi AntioneH,
In my pool the points of the played matches (Last 16) are summed up in the table of the groups.
How is this possible?
Germany, Switzerland, Italy, England, Denmark and Slovakia have played at this moment 4 games.
Those won matches in the last 16 are summed up in the table of the groupstage.
Anyway to solve this?
is it possible to show in User Ranking Table=>
Matchpoints + Questionpoints = Total
I’m looking to edit this for a sport which doesnt have scores and it’ll be more win or loss, i am wondering if i could change the prediction sheet to show win or loss. If it’s not possible could it be possible to limit the score counter to only reach 1 for each team / so i can instruct users to play a 1 for their winning pick.
]]>hey Antoine ??
I tried to set the right answers for the bonus questions on my website but when updating the scores, the questions are there but – even if the user has the right answer given – with 0 points, please see screenshot (https://drive.google.com/file/d/11fO2J0YoJcsjrBI5uwxgQkWfSTawjrvU/view?usp=sharing).
did I miss something? thanks for helping, you are the best!
]]>Hi Antoine,
I have imported the matches from an Excel sheet (I think this one came with the plugin), now it turns out that the match numbers for the next round are not correct. Match 37 should be 38, 39 should be 40, 41 should be 42 and the other way around.
Is it that simple to change the matchnumbers in the database or do I mess up other things then? Because match number 38 is played before 37 then.
Thank you!