i want to include this two icons, but in you plugin i can’t find it:
can you help me please who i can use this, thanks.
I sm using this plugin on my test site but I am having trouble using a couple of icons using fas prefix. Instead I just get a question mark in a circle.
I have been using [fawesome iclass=”fa-city fa-5x”] which didn’t work
I also used [fawesome iclass=”fas fa-city fa-5x”] which also doesn’t work and outputs
<i class='fa fas fa-city fa-5x'></i>
Please could you advise?
]]>Hi, the plugin has a conflict with my theme, since it turns icons into svg, is there a way to disable SVG conversion of icons ? I can’t find any settings on my dashboard.
Thanks !
]]>Hi dear
Thanks for the plugin, the last Font Awesome is 4.7.0
When do you think udpating? Thanks
]]>Please update change log to reflect updates for 2.2
]]>Please update to v 4.4.0 fontawesome library
]]>Hi Manuel,
You did a nice job. It’s a simple but great plugin.
However I found some small problems that I managed myself to solve.
When you are using target, target fails to work because of extra spaces in front.
Attached you’ll find my solution tagged with MQB in the comments
if (is_array($atts) && $atts['target']){
$target = $atts['target'];}
else {$target="_self";}//MQB
if (is_array($atts) && $atts['href']){
$href = $atts['href'];}
return isset($href) ?
// "<a class=' ".$aclass."' href='".$href."' target=' ".$target."'><i class='fa ".$iclass."'></i></a>" //MQB-
"<a class='".$aclass."' href='".$href."' target='".$target."'><i class='fa ".$iclass."'></i></a>" //MQB+
"<i class='fa ".$iclass."'></i>";
Can you introduce this changes in the next version, please?
Thank you