I really need one of these links to be Instagram. Is there a way to say, change the twitter dialogue to be Instagram?
]]>Hi, i’ve a problem withthe facebook option.
If i am not logged in facebook, the line will show ok, and i have the title, and the like button to press. in perfect shape.
But if i am logged into facebook, the like will show in grey and it will interfere with the next widget.
You can check here: https://www.motorwebargentina.com
]]>Love this widget, very useful. However, on my site at https://www.altfire.ie the Google+ Publically Recommend (+1) button is displaying an alias of the domain (carradz.ie), for the url rather the main domain itself. This can be seen when ou hover over the button. If you actually share it, it goes ahead and posts the wrong URL to Google+. This is obviously inconvenient, and I’m curious as to where it is getting the other other (wrong) URL as it is aliased at my hosting company, and not anywhere in wordpress itself!