je n’arrive pas a sauvegarder la règle des tarifs car a chaque renseignement du prix il me dit ” vous devez entrer une valeur valide” si je met mon tarif avec un point(5.29) et si je met une virgule (5,29) il me dit saisissez un nombre comment cela ce fait-il ?
marine cartier
]]>Is there a way to select a set of discounted categories, and apply discount only to items of those categories, while not applying to other items from different categories in the same cart?
I want to setup a ‘BUY 3 PRODUCTS FOR £20’ on my site.
I have setup a rule in woo commerce pricing & discounts but I can’t get it to work. Does anyone have any advice on this. I have a screen grab of my settings so this may help.
Dear Sirs,
Can you tell me if “Woocommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts” works on products that have been translated in different languages using WPML.
I have a multi-lingual site (using WPML) and need some discounting facilities.
Since WPML makes a duplicate of a product for translated products, the discounting system may not be working.
Catalog Pricing Rules not work on the category page and product page.
can you guide me how to do it
I am trying to add a new price discount, but when I record the information, it does not record the list of products I have entered.
I add the products fine and click the Save button at the bottom but when I open the line again the products are gone. V1.0
]]>Doesn’t seem to work with a multisite install
When I try to activate it on a site it says it needs WooCommerce to be installed and active – which it already is…
]]>not work. You can not save settings in condition – select product. how can I solve the problem?