Hi guys, I’m having a issue with FR. the images are not sized properly.
I try to change the size in FR options but didn′t work.
What i’m doing wrong?
ALL the images are display soo big, and i can’t resize them.
Please can anybody help?
It’s nice plugin but what’s that?
<div class="frs-caption-content" style="width: 41.666666666667%; background: url("https://www.dev.eurosegway.cz/wp-content/plugins/fluid-responsive-slideshow/backgrounds/black.png") repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent !important; padding:25px;"><h4 style="text-align:left; color:#ffffff;">Segway tours in Prague</h4><div style="text-align:left; color:#ffffff;">
You do not know that google does not like styles in html code?
Are you are unable to generate css file by admin script and then use it?
What a stupid solution with a background for text on slide? Why you can not make it by css instead of use background image?
That style of coding you use like 10 years old!
I’m using this in my site.But its not working ie.its makes conflict with some other plugins. even i cant remove or uninstall the others plugins too. how to avoid these conflicts.
same is wokring in https://cmsonlive.com/delighthr-new/
]]>I’m on the latest WP (4.8) and latest FRS (2.3.0) at time of writing, but I can no longer add slides.
I wanted to create a new slideshow, so I clicked on Create New Slideshow and then on the blue Create First Slide button in the centre.
However, this then fails to move on to the step for adding slides and instead just presents the busy animation.
I tried to see if an existing slideshow was affected… it is. I can no longer add a new slide to the existing slideshow.
Any ideas what might cause this?
]]>The sideshow does not work since upgrading to WP 4.8. It looks like there are paragraph tags inside the script causing errors.
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
animation : 'fade', // horizontal-slide, vertical-slide, fade
animationSpeed : 800, // how fast animtions are
timer : true, // true or false to have the timer
advanceSpeed : 2500, // if timer is enabled, time between transitions
pauseOnHover : true, // if you hover pauses the slider
startClockOnMouseOut : true, // if clock should start on MouseOut
startClockOnMouseOutAfter : 800, // how long after MouseOut should the timer start again
directionalNav : true, // manual advancing directional navs
captions : true, // do you want captions?
captionAnimation : 'fade', // fade, slideOpen, none
captionAnimationSpeed : 800, // if so how quickly should they animate in
bullets : true, // true or false to activate the bullet navigation
bulletThumbs : true, // thumbnails for the bullets
bulletThumbLocation : '', // location from this file where thumbs will be
navigationSmallTreshold: false,
navigationSmall: 600,
skinClass: 'frs-skin-default',
width: 650,
height: 487,
fullWidth: false,
minHeight: 300,
maxHeight: 0,
sbullets: false,
sbulletsItemWidth: 200,
continousSliding: false,
jsOnly: false
}); </p>
<p> /**
* touchSwipe
$('#homeshowpjc-slideshow .frs-slide-img').swipe(
swipeLeft:function(event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount) {
$('#homeshowpjc-slideshow .frs-slider-nav .frs-arrow-right').click();
<p> swipeRight:function(event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount) {
$('#homeshowpjc-slideshow .frs-slider-nav .frs-arrow-left').click();
<p> triggerOnTouchLeave:true
Hi! Just the let you know that since I did my new WP update, the Fluid Responsive Slideshow doesn’t work on tablets or mobile phones anymore. To have a look: https://www.eduquatrepattes.ca . Everything is OK on a desktop.
]]>My site https://syntek.co.id was designed by tonjoo and uses FR slideshow. Suddenly since a while ago, the ‘title’ text background of every slide disappeared. It used to be solid blue, matching buttons color.
How do I fix this?
Hi! I just came across your plugin this past weekend while setting something up for a client and I have to say it’s much easier and more straightforward to use than other slideshow plugins I’ve had in the past!
However, I am having one issue with it that I cannot fix: the left side of each image has a white border, probably 5ish pixels wide, running from top to bottom. And if I do a horizontal slide transition you can see the white bar slide across the screen with each image.
I dug into the element and i think it’s this line doing it: <div class=”frs-slide-img” style=”background: rgb(0, 0, 0); z-index: 1; width: 614px; height: 377.846px; display: block; opacity: 1;”>
But for the life of me I cannot find where to modify that rgb value. I searched through the css files for the plugin, I have tried putting it into the custom fields in the plugin settings page, but that did not work.
Any suggestions on where to look would be greatly appreciated!
i have included FR Gallery in my blog it works fine but i published that page as FB Instant articles, it does not load the gallery
please let me know, whether gallery will support in FB instant articles or what i need to make change
i have included the “custom transformer rules” (fb instant articles) as below
“class”: “TextNodeRule”
}, {
“class”: “PassThroughRule”,
“selector”: “html”
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“class”: “PassThroughRule”,
“selector”: “head”
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“class”: “PassThroughRule”,
“selector”: “body”
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“class”: “PassThroughRule”,
“selector” : “code”
“class”: “PassThroughRule”,
“selector” : “del”
“class”: “PassThroughRule”,
“selector” : “mark”
}, {
“class”: “PassThroughRule”,
“selector” : “span”
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“class”: “ParagraphRule”,
“selector”: “p”
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“class”: “LineBreakRule”,
“selector”: “br”
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“class”: “AnchorRule”,
“selector”: “a”,
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“anchor.href”: {
“type”: “string”,
“selector”: “a”,
“attribute”: “href”
“anchor.rel”: {
“type”: “string”,
“selector”: “a”,
“attribute”: “rel”
}, {
“class”: “BoldRule”,
“selector”: “b”
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“class”: “BoldRule”,
“selector”: “strong”
}, {
“class”: “ItalicRule”,
“selector”: “i”
}, {
“class”: “ItalicRule”,
“selector”: “em”
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“class”: “BlockquoteRule”,
“selector”: “blockquote”
}, {
“class”: “PassThroughRule”,
“selector”: “blockquote p”
}, {
“class”: “ItalicRule”,
“selector”: “cite”
}, {
“class”: “ImageRule”,
“selector”: “img”,
“properties”: {
“image.url”: {
“type”: “string”,
“selector”: “img”,
“attribute”: “src”
}, {
“class”: “ImageRule”,
“selector”: “//a[img and not(*[not(self::img)])]”,
“properties”: {
“image.url”: {
“type”: “string”,
“selector”: “img”,
“attribute”: “src”
}, {
“class”: “ListItemRule”,
“selector” : “li”
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“class”: “ListElementRule”,
“selector” : “ul”
}, {
“class”: “ListElementRule”,
“selector” : “ol”
}, {
“class”: “BlockquoteRule”,
“selector” : “blockquote”
}, {
“class”: “H1Rule”,
“selector” : “h1”,
“properties” : {
“h1.class” : {
“type” : “string”,
“selector” : “link”,
“attribute”: “class”
}, {
“class”: “H1Rule”,
“selector” : “title”
}, {
“class”: “H2Rule”,
“selector” : “h2”,
“properties” : {
“h2.class” : {
“type” : “string”,
“selector” : “link”,
“attribute”: “class”
}, {
“class”: “H2Rule”,
“selector” : “h3,h4,h5,h6”
}, {
“class”: “InteractiveRule”,
“selector” : “blockquote.instagram-media”,
“properties” : {
“interactive.iframe” : {
“type” : “multiple”,
“children”: [
“type”: “element”,
“selector”: “blockquote”
}, {
“type”: “next-sibling-element-of”,
“selector”: “blockquote”
}, {
“class”: “IgnoreRule”,
“selector” : “script”
}, {
“class”: “InteractiveRule”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“properties” : {
“interactive.url” : {
“type” : “string”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“attribute”: “src”
“interactive.width” : {
“type” : “int”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“attribute”: “width”
“interactive.height” : {
“type” : “int”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“attribute”: “height”
“interactive.iframe” : {
“type” : “children”,
“selector” : “iframe”
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“class”: “InteractiveRule”,
“selector” : “div.embed”,
“properties” : {
“interactive.iframe” : {
“type” : “children”,
“selector” : “div.embed”
“interactive.height” : {
“type” : “int”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“attribute”: “height”
“interactive.width” : {
“type” : “int”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“attribute”: “width”
}, {
“class”: “InteractiveRule”,
“selector” : “div.interactive”,
“properties” : {
“interactive.iframe” : {
“type” : “children”,
“selector” : “div.interactive”
“interactive.height” : {
“type” : “int”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“attribute”: “height”
“interactive.width” : {
“type” : “int”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“attribute”: “width”
}, {
“class”: “InteractiveRule”,
“selector” : “//div[@class=’embed’ and iframe]”,
“properties” : {
“interactive.url” : {
“type” : “string”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“attribute”: “src”
“interactive.iframe” : {
“type” : “children”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“attribute”: “src”
“interactive.width” : {
“type” : “int”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“attribute”: “width”
“interactive.height” : {
“type” : “int”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“attribute”: “height”
}, {
“class”: “InteractiveRule”,
“selector” : “//div[@class=’interactive’ and iframe]”,
“properties” : {
“interactive.url” : {
“type” : “string”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“attribute”: “src”
“interactive.iframe” : {
“type” : “children”,
“selector” : “iframe”
“interactive.height” : {
“type” : “int”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“attribute”: “height”
“interactive.width” : {
“type” : “int”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“attribute”: “width”
}, {
“class”: “InteractiveRule”,
“selector” : “table”,
“properties” : {
“interactive.iframe” : {
“type” : “element”,
“selector” : “table”
“interactive.height” : {
“type” : “int”,
“selector” : “table”,
“attribute”: “height”
“interactive.width” : {
“type” : “int”,
“selector” : “iframe”,
“attribute”: “width”
}, {
“class”: “SlideshowImageRule”,
“selector” : “figure”,
“properties” : {
“image.url” : {
“type” : “string”,
“selector” : “img”,
“attribute”: “src”
“caption.title” : {
“type” : “string”,
“selector” : “figcaption”
}, {
“class”: “SlideshowRule”,
“selector” : “div.gallery”
}, {
“class”: “CaptionRule”,
“selector” : “figcaption”
}, {
“class”: “CaptionRule”,
“selector” : “p.wp-caption-text”
}, {
“class”: “ImageRule”,
“selector” : “figure”,
“properties” : {
“image.url” : {
“type” : “string”,
“selector” : “img”,
“attribute”: “src”
}, {
“class”: “VideoRule”,
“selector” : “div.wp-video”,
“containsChild”: “video”,
“properties” : {
“video.url” : {
“type” : “string”,
“selector” : “source”,
“attribute”: “src”
“video.type” : {
“type” : “string”,
“selector” : “source”,
“attribute”: “type”
}, {
“class” : “PassThroughRule”,
“selector” : “div.vce-gallery-big”
}, {
“class” : “PassThroughRule”,
“selector” : “div.vce-gallery-small”
}, {
“class” : “IgnoreRule”,
“selector” : “div.vce-gallery-slider”
}, {
“class”: “SlideshowImageRule”,
“selector” : “div.big-gallery-item”,
“properties” : {
“image.url” : {
“type” : “string”,
“selector” : “img”,
“attribute”: “src”
“caption.title” : {
“type” : “string”,
“selector” : “figcaption.wp-caption-text”
“class”: “SlideshowImageRule”,
“selector” : “.frs-slideshow-container img”
“class”: “SlideshowRule”,
“selector” : “.frs-slideshow-container”
“class”: “SlideshowImageRule”,
“selector” : “.frs-slide-img”
“class”: “SlideshowRule”,
“selector” : “.frs-slide-img img”
please help me
]]>So far I have a page with several slideshows and that works well. But I would prefer to have smaller icons representing the slideshows and then, when I click on one of those icons, a popup window comes up and runs the slideshow.
How would I go to get something like this going?
Thanks – Merlin
Hey Hi,
Can we make the slideshow on the home page a continuous scroll? We have received a lot of negative feedback on the loop back to the beginning of the slideshow.
Here is link:
I m glad if you did it..!
My wordpress host is pushing me to upgrade tu 4.7.3.
This pluging reports to be compatible up to 4.6.4
Is this pluging goint to compatible with 4.7.3?
FR Slider stopped displaying text for some reason. Was working fine but now only the images display – no text, text box or button.
Any thoughts?
Hi, the plugin uses the full size image. Even though I set the width 600 it uses the full sized image which has 1200 pixels.
Would be nice to have a system that would crop, for each slideshow you create, according to it’s width settings, to crop it or at least let me use my predefined wordpress crop sizes.
Would be nice to have a fast reply since I’m in a emergency.
]]>Can someone tell me how to change the dimensions of the slider? I’m using the Twenty Seventeen theme and I want to make the slider bigger.
]]>I’ve installed the plugin and have several slideshows on one page. The images show up and othertimes they dont.
The images seem cut off.
We have installed this plugin and are using as home page banner. We have applied Fade animation with image and text. The text on the slide disappears after some time. It starts working back once we refresh the page again.
Is this a known issue?
Thank you very much for your support
]]>Is there any way to include the plugin on my theme instead shortcode?
]]>Heading on slider not showing properly in iphone 6.
How can I set the content only shows heading on left of slider.
url: https://loribachman.com/
I have a slideshow setup to the exact size of the images but the plugin is zooming in slightly and I need to show the images in their entirety.
Thanks for the help
]]>What can I do to get the slider to show up on an nginx server? There seems to be an incompatability issue. Specifically there is a jquery error that is occuring. It says $(…).frs is not a function. (I have the exact same files with the exact code on an Apache server and that works just fine)
I used this plugin on a test server and now I need to move the contents over to a live site ( especially what’s included in the database so I don’t have to re- enter everything again). What are the names of the fields corresponding to this plugin in the database? Which database table corresponds to this plugin?
]]>Nice plugin but can you explain how and where I can remove the padding above and below the slider? Thanks.
Can I remove or hide the loader on the slideshow?
Can you also change the arrows?
Thank you,
I have checked all the option, but is there any way i can set sliders coming in loop when finished.. because in current setup all slides running in reverse order and then start from first.
I need exactly the same as you put in your demo site.
In, First slider example.. slider running in loop. after last slide, it has to be first slider without reverse order.
]]>The plugin doesn’t seem to work with “Page Builder by SiteOrigin”. I really like both plugins a lot. Basically FR Slideshow doesn’t display at all.
Any ideas as to what I can do to FR Slider to get it to work Page Builder by SiteOrigin?
]]>How to add two buttons in a slide
I also want to use the Span tage in description
Is it possible????
Thanks in advance
]]>Error : No slide available, click here to add a new one
Is there a way to make it work on wp 4.5 ?
P.S. : i`m also using polylang and the latest version of FRS.
]]>I had my slideshow working at one point on my widgetized home page however for some reason it’s not working anymore. All I’m doing is, creating my slideshow, grabbing the shortcode, heading to my widgets and pulling the “Text” widget to my home top section and pasting it in & saving. It then only shows the actual shortcode in my home top widget section on the front end and not the slideshow as you would expect.
I do this on a random page on my site and it works, so I know it’s working and setup correctly. Is there a reason the shortcode i not working in the widgets?
I have wordpress. 4.5 and all plugins are updated (and have been deactivated at one point to test it out).
]]>Hi All,
For some reason no slideshows work in my site…
can someone take a look and provide suggestions?
Thanks in advance!