Hi all,
Do agents need to be admin in WP? Would be awesome that FS would create a support agent role on WP, like WooCommerce creates a Shop Manager Role…
]]>Hello team
I created several agents to split the business into departments, the problem is the new ticket notification is only sent to the admin, is there a way to send the new ticket to the current asigned agent?
]]>Is it possible to integrate FluentSupport plugin and WP ERP plugin?
]]>How to Custom field integration and bidirectional Fluent Support and?ACF | Advanced Custom Fields?plugins?
I would like to add an ACF relationship custom field to the support topic custom field and purchase a plugin that is more extensible. Is there a way to do so? Currently, the custom post type of this plugin is not displayed on the ACF side.
]]>Some parts of Fluent Support cannot be translated using locotranslate.
The workflow settings page cannot be translated.
Loco translate plugin
]]>Question about user registration and user login
I’m using Ultimate Member plugin for my user registration and user login, and I see that your FLUENT SUPPORT seem has your own user registration and login portal.
I would like to ask the following questions:
Thank you.
]]>I have made some changes on form fields order and placeholder text changes using jquery. It working fine on second time page refresh. But it’s not reflecting on first time page on load.
And mainly i am facing some login issue. After login it’s showing the same login page instead of ticket creation page.
]]>How to re-order the form fields on ticket support form?
How to pre-populate the user personal details on ticket support form? Eg: mobile, email address, name.
How to change form field placeholder?
]]>Users seem to just have their initials as their avatars. Why is it not adapting to the WordPress user-set profile picture?
]]>Hi Support, we are using both your free and pro plugins, but with the free plugin, we��re getting a JS error in the console. You can see the error in the console when a user opens the support dashboard, we get this error in the console. We detected these errors through Microsoft Clarity, and we cannot work directly with the code since it��s minified. Please check this and help us resolve these console errors caused by the plugin.
Thank you.
It seems that when people log in and create a ticket, if they click the “all” button they can then see everyones tickets…..
This is a HUGE issue
]]>Can you help with troubleshooting please?
Error description:
]]>Uncaught Exception: Table ‘dbb5a7431c98_.wp_fs_ai_activity_logs’ doesn’t exist in /var/_/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/fluent-support/vendor/wpfluent/framework/src/WPFluent/Database/Query/WPDBConnection.php:452
Stack trace: 0 /var/_/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/fluent-support/vendor/wpfluent/framework/src/WPFluent/Database/Query/WPDBConnection.php(415): FluentSupport\Framework\Database\Query\WPDBConnection->affectingStatement(‘delete from “wp��’, Array) 1 /var/_/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/fluent-support/vendor/wpfluent/framework/src/WPFluent/Database/Query/Builder.php(3220): FluentSupport\Framework\Database\Query\WPDBConnection->delete(‘delete from “wp��’, Array) 2 /var/_/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/fluent-support/vendor/wpfluent/framework/src/WPFluent/Database/Orm/Builder.php(1080): FluentSupport\Framework\Database\Query\Builder->delete() 3 /var/_/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/fluent-support/app/Hooks/Handlers/CleanupHandler.php(64): FluentSuppor in /var/_/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/fluent-support/vendor/wpfluent/framework/src/WPFluent/Database/Query/WPDBConnection.php on line 452
just noticed while using loco translated that in the creation of a ticket “all products” and “please input” don’t translate when you make the change
]]>Hi, is it possible to add a note (html) (right column) for the not only ticket but also customer available in all his tickets?
If not how to display order notes in HTML/or at least do not strip tags.
]]>Hi – we’re using the filter hook "fluent_support/customer_extra_widgets"
to add a new widget.
add_filter( 'fluent_support/customer_extra_widgets', array( $this, 'add_widget' ), 10, 2 );
public function add_widget( $widgets, $customer ) {
// Need ticket id or mailbox id.
return $widgets;
Is there anyway we can get the ticket ID or mailbox ID here of the currently opened ticket?
]]>Is there a way to import tickets from a CSV file?
I just setup the free version of Fluent support. I want to test it out and see how well it works before purchasing the pro version. However I can’t get a user to login just to test. I have setup recaptcha V3 and it says it was successful. When trying to login as a user i get “Security verification failed”.
I have tried disabling other plugins especially those using recaptcha, cache plugins, cleared cache on WP and server, and nothing seems to work. Only way i can test the user login is if I disable recaptcha. I also tried making new site and secret key just in case and I still have the same issue. Has anyone encountered this issue? I couldn’t find this error when searching the forum. Thank you
It would be really great to have a way to collection satisfaction feedback from customers, like it’s available in all the other helpdesk solutions (example below).
On large screens, the layout of the tickets overview page does not look good.
There’s so much wasted empty room on the sides, which could be used for a better usability on the tickets list.
On the ticket detail screen, you are making use of the space, but then you limit it on the overview page, which doesn’t make sense and looks bad.
Besides that, the inbox badges are cut, and you can’t read the whole inbox name.
Again, as shown on the large screen here, it would make sense if there’s no space, but as you can see, there would be a ton of space available.
Is it not possible to set up e-mail notifications to support agents when there is a new ticket in the system?
Thank you.
bw P.
]]>Hi Fluent support,
I have followed your instructions on this support page:
But it doesn’t work – it’s just the shortcode itself that is displayed.
I am not sure how to implement the filter to change the base URL as described on that page.
The website is a client website behind a login for members only.
Can you please help? Thank you!
Bw Pedro
]]>I want to translate strings that I have written in the editor in General settings. The text that is showed to non-logged in users https://i.imgur.com/NrVUSRu.png
It doesn’t show up as a translatable sting in my multilingua plugin (I’m using Polylang)
Fluent support ticket system keeps saying “Loading Customer Portal. Please wait��” and never gets initiated. Not sure if it’s an issue with the plugin or something else stopping it from working well. I am trying it on local hosted test site. I have deactivated all plugins except Elementor pro and Woo-commerce, but the problem still exists unfortunately. Any tips or pieces of advice will be appreciated.
]]>I use fluent support the free version in my Arabic site. To display the tickets portal for my users I use this short code [fluent_support_portal] in a page. Everything is working fine except tickets appear aligned to left, i need them to be aligned to right. please help. See attached screenshot for more clarification. I use elementor pro, too.
]]>I think this is a little bug that need to be fixed quickly, when the wordpress debug is enabled, no tickets are created and the the tickets cretated for the current_user are not seen…
Here is the deprecatio error message…..
Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in?C:\xampp\htdocs\callismart\wp-content\plugins\fluent-support\app\Models\Person.php?on line?134
here is the relevant line of the code above
$defaultAvatar = get_option('avatar_default');
if('gravatar_default' === $defaultAvatar){
return apply_filters(
return apply_filters(
get_avatar_url('', array('default' => $defaultAvatar)),
I had to quickly fix this issue for myself by editing? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? “https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/${hash}?s=128”, on line 134 of C:\xampp\htdocs\callismart\wp-content\plugins\fluent-support\app\Models\Person.php
to this:
I sincerely hope this issue is fixed for all users..
In the customer dashboard, there’s this message;
“Looks like you did not open any support tickets yet”
I would like to correct the grammar so it reads:
“Looks like you?have not opened?any support tickets yet“
Is it possible for me to do this change? Or can this be fixed on your side? Other than that, I’m enjoying the plugin, thanks!
You have made it very inconvenient to display the date of responses and ticket processing. Take a look at my screenshot and try to guess when the tickets were created and when they were answered?
One customer asked us, when you answered me, I did not receive any email. We opened the correspondence, and instead of the dates and time of the response, they are in chronology: yesterday, 2 days ago, a month, and so on�� Where are the specifics? When and at what time were the answers given?
Is there any way to fix this and show dates with time, rather than abstract yesterday, the day before yesterday, and so on. Employees don’t have time to count the days every time and look at calendars for every conversation�� The indication is a month ago – it can be 28 days or 30 days ago. So when?
Our clients are companies, so there are several people to deal with
how can we get a single support account for a company, where several contacts (related to this company) can submit tickets and participate to all tickets
that would be the perfect feature
Fluent CRM already make it possible to have companies and contacts linked to a company
so Fluent Support is supposed to have the same behavior ?
thank you for your help
aiming at making Fluent Support even better ??
Have a nice day
Many customers are asking how they can search in their tickets list ? as when they have many tickets, they need to find the information / the right ticket they are looking for
can you please add a search field on top of the support box in customer view ?
thank you
We would like to add a ticket on customer portal
right now it seems we have to select a customer to create a ticket from backend, and then it says the customer is the ticket author
we actually need to create a ticket ourselves and be the author (staff author) and then the customer can reply
like a project management support tool
both staff and customer should be able to create tickets (staff must be able to create a ticket to tell the client he has to do something for instance)
how can we do that ?
Thank you