If the flickr URL returns an other HTTP code than 200 the object $rss in flickr-me-widget.php on line 129 or 131 is an instance of WP_Error. This causes a fatal error.
Fatal error: Call to undefined method WP_Error::get_item_quantity() in /var/www/example.com/www/wp-content/plugins/flickr-me/includes/flickr-me-widget.php on line 142
A way to fix is:
if ($rss instanceof WP_Error) {
Please implement the fix in your next versions.
]]>Clicking the “Details” link for more information about the plugin of the WordPress install page or the “Visit plugin site” link on the installed plugins page results in a 404 on the Pixel8 site.
This is the URL in question:
]]>hello, first thanks for the widget, it works great. Not a complain but theres a wrong name in thumbnail size like Large Square 150×150, small 240×180.
Thats all, thanks again