So I did the fix @tiiunder suggested. I had no issues using this widget up to PHP5.6 yet the move to PHP7 was too much for it. In removing the ‘&’ it did indeed cease the site from breaking, yet it also rendered the convenient dropdown feature null and void. I did find Micro Archive Widget to do the very same thing without errors. I am a fan of condensed archive lists and for some reason WordPress has failed to incorporate such a utility.
]]>Broken with PHP7, works with 4.7.4 with PHP <7
Crashes both front and back ends with the following Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘new’ (T_NEW) in **************.com/wp-content/plugins/flexo-archives-widget/flexo_archives_widget.php on line 801
]]>I made translate to Czech language (.mo and .po). It works correctly. Where can I send it for future version this plugin?
]]>My default theme has great triangular bullet points that I’d like to use in front of the Years. I think they will look better, and it more clearly signifies an expanding list.
Can anyone give me guidance on how to add bullet points in front of the Year?
Thank you!
]]>I changed the dropdown to activate on mouseover instead of click. In order to prevent bad user behavior on clicks, I’d like to remove the link from the Year Strings so that clicking on them does not take the user away from the page they are on.
Any assistance is appreciated!
Does the solution involve a change somewhere in here?:
function year_start_tags ($year = '', $totals = null) {
$link_title = __('Year %s archives', 'flexo-archives');
$nofollow = $this->nofollow_enabled();
// Ugly strings used in building the tags
$year_start = '<ul><li><a href="%s" class="flexo-link" ';
$year_start .= 'title="' . $link_title . '" >';
$year_start .= (is_null($totals)) ? '%s' : "%s ($totals[$year])";
$year_start .= '</a><ul class="flexo-list">';
$link = sprintf($year_start, get_year_link($year), $year, $year);
if ($nofollow) {
$link = $this->add_link_nofollow($link);
return $link;
As the topic title suggest, I would like to have the archives auto expand based on the current year of the post.
Any help is highly appreciated.
]]>Not sure if this is plugin related but…
I have an odd entry at the end of my list..
the year “209” is being displaying with 1 post below it in October.
When i click October I get a “page not found”
I’ve looked within my posts for a post from the year ‘209’ but there is nothing there.
Any ideas how I can track this down?
]]>How do I style the widget so it has less margin between the months?
Im Giorgio, owner of the website
I’ve installed your plugin, and it’s what I’ve been needing!
But I have a problem with the redirect to the archives page. For example when I click on January 2013 archive (for example in this page : it appears this address charging in my browser :
But then it will go to the home page
How can I fix this problem??
I write here because I’ve already done a lot of research online but I found no solution (also because I’m a beginner on WP and maybe I didn’t search for the right stuff!)
Many thanks!!
]]>When try to add widget to my page I’ve got this message:
Database query unexpectedly failed
]]>German translation file is available as ZIP here:
But now I do not know how to activate it. The german version is not automatically read by the widget.
]]>For those who want to call this widget (in standalone mode) from another custom plugin, I suggest this alteration at the end of flexo_archives_widget.php:
function flexo_standalone_archives ($echo=TRUE) {
$archives = new FlexoArchives();
if ($archives->standalone_enabled()) {
$output = $archives->build_archives_list(
echo $output;
} else {
return $output;
I’ve discovered the problem with creating an archives page (via creating an archives.php template in a theme’s folder) is that sometimes when you perform an update to a theme via the WP control panel, the process wipes out the custom files you’d created. To overcome that and future-proof the customization, I created a new plugin which simply adds a shortcode which in turn calls the above function to output the list. However, to maintain the correct order of content, the list needs to be returned instead of echoed.
]]>Version 2.1.5 has some minor errors. No big deal, but I wonder if the uninstall hook issue might affect uninstalling in future versions of WordPress, and the undefined properties are easy to fix. I really like this plug in, thanks for writing it.
Notice: Undefined property: FlexoArchives::$OPT_YRCOUNT_STANDALONE in [...]\wp-content\plugins\flexo-archives-widget\flexo_archives_widget.php on line 111
Notice: Undefined property: FlexoArchives::$OPT_YRCOUNT in [...]\wp-content\plugins\flexo-archives-widget\flexo_archives_widget.php on line 112
Notice: Undefined property: FlexoArchives::$OPT_YRCOUNT_STANDALONE in [...]\wp-content\plugins\flexo-archives-widget\flexo_archives_widget.php on line 124
Notice: register_uninstall_hook was called incorrectly. Only a static class method or function can be used in an uninstall hook.
]]>Is there a way to only list posts in Flexo Archives from a certain date on, for example from 2010 on?
]]>Do you have a way to not include certain categories in the archive list? Or to include only certain categories.
“Almost all Categories” widget has that functionality for Categories. It would be nice to have that for Flexo Archives as well.
]]>how can I get it to work on hover?
I tried changing the event in the jQuery but it doesn’t work very well.
basically I’d like it to work like this plugin:
great little plugin , does anyone know if the same exists for categories?
]]>When I try to save the widget, I get a blank page with the text “Are you sure”. Even when I type yes it will not save and show.
]]>Once a month’s link has been followed, can the destination page keep that year’s list expanded?
Client wants this because they think it will make navigation clearer.
I would like that some pages are not shown when this plugin makes the archive.
Can this be done ?
]]>The topic title says it all really. I want the current year to be expanded by default. Does that make sense? I’m a bit of a CSS noob, so please go easy on me!
Thanks for any help!
– Chris
]]>I have a dutch wordpress blog and although I have it in nl_NL and I see an in the Lang folder the flexo archives control panel and ‘Year 2011 Archives’ still show up in english?
i translated the plugin in Romanian.
Where to submit the files?
Thanks, Adi.
]]>Great plugin! I would just like to wrap all the ULs (the ones displayed in the sidebar widget for each year) in a DIV for style reasons. Could you point out where in the code would be the best place to make this edit?
In other words, the HTML I’d like to end up with would be something like this:
Could you please instruct me on where to make this edit in your plugin, or, better yet, include this in an update?
]]>On my test blog, the current release and development versions of flexeo archives break the dashboard of WordPress v3.2 to the point where the entire menu disappears meaning you can’t get access to anything at all.
Fortunately deactivating the plugin seems to cure the problem with the dashboard, but obviously leaves me with no archive list on the site.
]]>I installed the plugin and it works. But I can’t see where I would specify the animation… which I assume means the option to have it expand upon rollover? I don’t see a checkbox anywhere in the widget itself. Am I missing something? Thx.
After trying many archive plugins, I finally found this one. It’s just what I need (I’m using the standalone version). I would just like to know how to add the post count for every year?
]]>I love it!
Question about the sort order:
It seems counter-intuitive that the years are listed with the most recent at the top, but when you expand a year, the months are listed starting with January.
Wouldn’t it be more consistent to start with the most recent first?
ie for 2011, list months in the order March, Feb, Jan
]]>Hi, love the functionality of this. Using the standalone version. Wondering if there is a way to add args to only show archives for one Category.
I installed Flexo Archive on my WordPress site and am experiencing two unexpected behaviors.
1) While the sidebar widget appears as expected and expands to show the years and months expected with post counts expected, whenever I click any of the month links, the page displays ALL posts that have been made on the site since its beginning.
2) Over this exhaustive list of posts is the following header:
First of all, I don’t have a total of 111 posts (much fewer). Secondly the word RECIPES appears nowhere in my site’s MySQL database.