I would like to check the footer widget on my site to see if there is some anti-spam solution integrated (like reCaptcha), but when trying to view the widget (Appearance-Widgets), the following error message appears:
The “dpe_fp_widget” block was affected by errors and may not function properly.
When going to Appearance-Customize, the block does not load either and I cannot see what content has been put into the various widget sections.
How would I find out which erros are causing this?
Thank you,
We’ve used the Flexible Posts Widget on our site for years to display posts in a particular category. As of 12/3/20, our category selection no longer works and the only widget settings that seems to stick are Post Type. We’ve tried setting the widget to display posts of a certain category or posts with a certain tag, but neither actually save.
Thanks for any help,
Hi, I have a problem using Flex Posts on my site.
Sometimes when using layout 2 it doesn’t respect the correct size of my thumbnail and cuts the image.
I am attaching a link to one of the sites so that I can check it out.
It is the “MORE IN STORE” area.
The image of the post “Jungle Animal Printable Masks for Colouring” is cut out However the highlighted image has a correct proportion.
How can I fix this?
Best Regards
]]>Is there a way to show arrows on mobile for the carousel?
Is there a simple way in which i can exclude the current post? ?? It looks pretty ugly to repeat the same post that I am reading in the sidebar (related post)
If there is no simple way, can you help me with some lines of code to i can add to the plugin?
Thanks, great plugin
First of all thanks a lot for these wonderful free tools.
I am new to Word Press an found Flexible Posts Widget very usable and I want to use it with Elementor page builder.
The Flexible Posts Widget works properly as it must inside a Right Sidebar, however it does not allow further settings of “Get posts by” in Elementor.
The three options of this property (Get posts by), “Post Type”, “Taxonomy & Terms”, and “ID” become RED and cannot be set to anything when this widget added to an Elementor page.
Please let me know if this is an Elementors pro option or some setting I have missed.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Is it possible to make the widget title a link? So for example, if I was choose to display posts from a particular category the title of that widget would be a link to the archive template for that category.
]]>Same as the title.
I’ve downloaded your plugin.
In the description it says that it has a shortcode functionality, is wrote in the readme too.
I’ve looked at the plugin’s file, and i didn’t found any “add_shortcode” in any .php file.
So… where is the shortcode? How can i achieve that?
Thank you in advance.
]]>Is this plugin still maintained, is there a roadmap?
]]>I have a multi-author website and wish to add the widget on each post’s sidebar, showing only the specific author’s recent posts. Is it possible with this plugin?
]]>Is it possible to add the function to filter posts to show them only if they are of the same category of the posts I’m in?
]]>How can one get posts from the same archive (term/post type/etc)?
]]>Hi, I’m trying to get 3 pages by comma-separated post ID but, when I do this, I get 10 posts followed by the 3 pages. This looks like some kind of bug where Get Posts by ID is not overriding a page listing?
]]>Is there a way to FPW in order to create a widget, that only contains posts has the standard post format?
]]>(Searched the forum but didn’t find anything regarding this issue.)
When you generate the list, you use the post-id as the id for the list item resulting in duplicate IDs on a page, which again can result in javascript errors.
May I suggest that you append “fpw” to the list IDs ?
Btw, I’m a huge fan of you plugin and use it on several sites.
I have used this plugin for quite some time now, and I mainly use it to display older, selected posts.
The problem I have been having is, that when I share a new post on Facebook, its article image gets somehow changed in the shared link. The image that is shown on the shared link is one of the article images currently shown via your plugin.
This problem doesn’t occur every time, not even most times, but sometimes.
Any thoughts?
Could we add our custom filter setting for widget. like I want to select only sticky posts.. is there any way or hook ?
]]>I’m trying to use the plug-in on my site that runs Elegant Theme’s “Magnificent” Theme, and have it activated and moved into a sidebar, but nothing shows up on my site.
I’ve tried various settings for which posts to show but nothing has worked.
My site is https://www.flyingwrestler.com.
Thanks for such a great plugin, it really is flexible. Currently i am showing 9 post per page and for the next post i want to put numeric pagination to the end. I tried next_posts_link() and its not showing next page but may be i am doing it the wrong way. Any help would be appreciated. my website is https://www.globemost.com Thanks
Bellow is my code:
* Flexible Posts Widget: Old Default widget template
* @since 1.0.0
* This is the ORIGINAL default template used by the plugin.
* There is a new default template (default.php) that will be
* used by default if no template was specified in a widget.
// Block direct requests
if ( !defined('ABSPATH') )
echo $before_widget;
if ( !empty($title) )
echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
if( $flexible_posts->have_posts() ):
<div class="front-page-posts blog-style-grid ">
<div class="header-side-bar">
<?php if ( is_active_sidebar( 'header-side-bar' ) ) : ?>
<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'header-side-bar' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php while( $flexible_posts->have_posts() ) : $flexible_posts->the_post(); global $post; ?>
<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class('post-item'); ?>>
<div class="post-container">
<div class="post-meta-thumb">
if( $thumbnail == true ) {
// If the post has a feature image, show it
if( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
the_post_thumbnail( $thumbsize );
// Else if the post has a mime type that starts with "image/" then show the image directly.
} elseif( 'image/' == substr( $post->post_mime_type, 0, 6 ) ) {
echo wp_get_attachment_image( $post->ID, $thumbsize );
<div class="sh-overlay-style1">
<div class="sh-table-full">
<a class="sh-overlay-item sh-table-cell" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
<div class="sh-overlay-item-container">
<!--<i class="icon-link"></i>-->
<i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<a class="sh-overlay-item sh-table-cell" href="">
<div class="sh-overlay-item-container second-child">
<i class="fa fa-search-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
<h2 class="post-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
<div class="gb-date-aut">
<span class="gb-aut">
by <a class="postaut" href="<?php the_author_link(); ?>"><?php the_author(); ?></a>
<p class="gb-date">
<?php the_date( get_option( 'date_format' ), '' ); ?>
<div class="post-content">
$excerpt= get_the_excerpt();
echo substr($excerpt, 0, 200);
<div class="post-meta post-meta-two">
<p class="gb-cat">
<?php the_category( ', '); ?>
<?php endwhile;?>
<div class="next-prev-wrap">
<span class="next"><?php next_posts_link( 'Older posts', $post->max_num_pages ); ?></span>
<span class="prev"><?php previous_posts_link( 'Newer posts', $post->max_num_pages ); ?></span>
</div><!-- .dpe-flexible-posts -->
<?php else: // We have no posts ?>
<div class="front-page-posts no-posts">
<?php _e( 'No post found', 'flexible-posts-widget' ); ?>
endif; // End have_posts()
echo $after_widget;
I am trying to create a template by following the instructions in the installation information, but I can’t figure out how to remove the bullet points and the indent that is supposed to follow removing them. I know that this is usually done using css, but is there a way to make that change by in the php template file?
]]>I’ve been looking for a long time at a few of these plugins, and they all missed one thing for me. Different things, but always something wasn’t perfect. FPW is the most complete (can specify custom taxonomies and allows custom templates), but it didn’t let me sort by a custom field I had in ACF (Advanced Custom Fields).
Based on this person’s post (and the author’s reply), I was able to get FPW to work for me:
I have a custom plugin I use to hold functions like this so I don’t deal with my theme’s functions.php, but here is the code I added to get it to sort:
/* Adjust Flexible Posts Widget to order by meta_key */
add_filter( 'dpe_fpw_args', 'pcva_fpw_sortmeta' );
function pcva_fpw_sortmeta($query) {
// The value in meta_key is my custom field's name
$query['meta_key'] = 'hidden_sort_value';
// The value in orderby is 'meta_value_num', which means sort it as a number. 'meta_value' would sort it as alphanumeric.
$query['orderby'] = 'meta_value_num';
return $query;
I’ve been looking for this a long, long time, and since I got it working, I thought I’d share.
]]>Three functions that would make it the best post widget ever:
1. Custom Taxonomies (additional tab for every custom taxonomy)
2. NOT IN selector option [additional group of tabs – categories, taxonomy, custom taxonomy and ID’s list for NOT IN]
3. Multiple terms from multiple taxonomies [now you can only have terms from one taxonomy selected – tags or categories or ID’s). It could simply remember selections I made on every tab.
4. Post formats (video, standard etc).
It would rock!!!
is there a possibility to add a “no-index” tag to the widget links? Currently the widget creates a bit of issues in SERP for me.
thank you!
]]>Dear Guru,
I’m sorry for stupid question, but when I use the Flex Plugin, and I change the size, do happen nothing. so I think to use Extra Class field.
But where I have to insert the CSS code? in style.css?
thanks a lot
]]>My theme has an horizontal widget for displaying content above posts. Is thee a way to modify this plugin to show the posts in an horizontal display?
Is it possible to order my post category by tag?
]]>Hi there,
Is it possible to display the widget in a template via “the_widget”?
something like this perhaps:
<?php the_widget( ‘dpe_fp_widget’, ‘2’ ); ?>
It’s not working for me, if it’s possible could someone please give me the answer!
Appreciate your time ??
I’m having a problem getting FPW to correctly show the excerpt of a post. The widget works exactly as expected when the user is on the homepage and shows the full excerpt. However, when the user goes to any other page that is not on the homepage it only shows three periods ‘…’ for the excerpt. I’m using the same template to output the widget.
Any thoughts or suggestions on what’s going on? Thank you!
]]>Hi David,
This is not the first time I say this but your plugin is great, I use it a lot, thank you!
I was debugging some other matters –not related to Flexible Posts Widget– using the “Query Monitor” plugin when I came across the following PHP errors:
I enclose a screenshot.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Best regards,
If I set = Get post by: Post Type
I wanted to show only a post type (as post from special theme) of the current category where showed.
Is it possible and where add something like “add_filter” … I think.
Appreciate your help!!!
Thank you very much!