How can we embed YouTube video?
]]>Seems to be working. Must be a theme issue.
]]>if I deactivate flex slider but still have wp-rotator active, it results in an error. So it seems the activation check is not working:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_rotator_option() in —\wp-content\plugins\flex-slider-for-wp-rotator\flex-slider-for-wp-rotator.php on line <i>70</i>
I tried using conditionals in my template, but it didn’t help:
if(function_exists('wp_rotator') && function_exists( 'wp_rotator_option' ))
do_action( 'wp_rotator' );
]]>The images ‘display: none’ state doesn’t change on load.
]]>Back again; sorry –
I’m trying to add a caption to the plugin – I see the code here;
that says do so like;
<div class="flex-container">
<div class="flexslider">
<ul class="slides">
<img src="slide1.jpg" />
<p class="flex-caption">Captions and cupcakes. Winning combination.</p>
<img src="slide2.jpg" />
<p class="flex-caption">This image is wrapped in a link!</p>
<img src="slide3.jpg" />
But I can’t find this markup within the plugin files; any suggestions? Thanks again.
]]>Hello –
I’ve just successfully implemented your slider and am stoked to start customizing and playing with it. However; before I can – how can I remove the associated posts used to upload the content for the slider from the homepage? Ideally, I’d like the slider to remain linking to the posts; but not have them present on the homepage. I have the slider content set as ‘featured’ category; Is there a way to hide the ‘featured’ from just the homepage posts?
Thanks in advance; and for the rad plug-in.
if this plugin is enabled but WP Rotator is not, then an error message prevents the site from being displayed.
Could you add some dependency checks? for example
if (function_exists('wp_rotator_option')){
<b>Fatal error</b>: Call to undefined function wp_rotator_option() in <b>C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\flex-slider-for-wp-rotator\flex-slider-for-wp-rotator.php</b> on line <b>58</b><br />
]]>As a themer I like as much style control of different elements of content as possible. I have a small recommendation regarding the caption of this slider:
Line: 85
if ( get_the_excerpt() ) $caption .= ' | ' . get_the_excerpt();
Change this to something like
if ( get_the_excerpt() ) $caption .= ' <span class="flex-excerpt">' . get_the_excerpt() . '</span>';
I just really can use that hook so I can make the caption title look different than the excerpt. You probably have a better way of doing this but that’s a quick fix.
(also the ‘|’ is really hard to work with css wise. If you have to keep it in perhaps wrap that in a span tag as well so someone could display:none that sucker if they wanted to?)