Rating: 5 stars
WordPress 6.x , no longer works, “There has been a critical error on this website”
Rating: 5 stars
Worked perfect!
]]>Rating: 2 stars
I have a site with about 30,000 posts and the custom taxonomy count was off. After running this plugin a few times the taxonomy count actually got worse. I had to run it a few times because it timed out.
Not worry, though. I used the following SQL to fix the problem and it ran very quickly.
9300 rows affected. (Query took 2.9573 seconds.)
UPDATE wp_term_taxonomy SET count = (
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_term_relationships rel
LEFT JOIN wp_posts po ON (po.ID = rel.object_id)
rel.term_taxonomy_id = wp_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id
wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy NOT IN ('link_category')
po.post_status IN ('publish', 'future')
Rating: 4 stars
Many thanks, brother. Although I don’t know how comes the wrong number of posts in category… But your plugin is saving my wordpress life…
]]>Rating: 5 stars
The number of posts associated with a category may get mixed up (mine is due to the daily import and deletion of the posts with wp all import plugin) and this plugin can correct this error to the actual number of posts. It also works with custom post types. My suggestion would be the addition of wp cron functionality so it can fix the category counts automatically once in a while to ensure all the categories are up to date.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Thanks !!!!!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
a must have for fixing the import bugs
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Thanks! This plugin saved me a lot of time trying to do this manually. Simply. effective. Bravo.