I am having the following issue and I have no clue as to how to resolve it: 1: I have the following post category structure (all the post categories, native post categories that is, are children of the “blog” category)
I do not want to use redirect as some categories may interfere with future pages
I really have no idea where to start
]]>I see this has not been updated in over a year. We typically consider those plugins a security risk or possibly abandoned. Do you plan any update soon?
This plugin is fantastic and really helps with cleaning out of files from media libraries. I love that it works with pages built in Elementor, too.
Can the plugin be made to work with WordPress multisite? I find that if I activate it on the main site of a multisite install, it works perfectly, but when I activate it on a subsite it shows every file in the Media Library as “unused.”
]]>For some time, I’ve been having a problem with my Media Library loading very slowly. It takes about a minute for the first 80 images to appear in thumbnail form. After some differential diagnosis switching plugins off/on, I’ve discovered that my problem goes away when I disable “Find Posts Using Attachment” v1.0. There may not be something specifically wrong with the plugin, and I suspect it is not compatible with another plugin or my theme (a customer child theme using Avada). In addition to the standard thumbnail/medium/large variations, Avada creates lots of other sizes. Perhaps its all those variants that causes the problem?
Hope that’s helpful.
I have installed and am using the “Find Posts Using Attachment” plug-in. However, in the media listing page, under the “Used In” column, I see “(unused)” listed for images that are referenced in my published articles.
Here is one example of article content using the 4-1.png image:
Hit the speech bubble icon <span style=”white-space: nowrap;”>()</span> to toggle the feedback timeline.?
When I search the media library for “4-1.png”, the listing filters to the correct image, but instead of listing the page where this image is used, it says “(unused)”. Is this a bug?
If I can’t trust the plug-in and delete images that are reported as unused when they are actually in use, this solution is untenable. Any help appreciated.
* WordPress 5.2.2 running KnowAll Child Theme theme
* HeroThemes (Heroic Knowledgebase 2.16) and Revisionary 1.3.6 installed
I know this is common sense, but you really shouldn’t increase this to something absurd like “300” like my coworker did.
Perhaps a safety measure where if this plugin is loaded, it forces that option to be capped at some smaller number, or even 20, with a warning notice.
]]>Just a note about this plugin: If you are also using Admin Columns, you’ll want to reset the columns showing on the Media post type, else the “Used in” column won’t appear!
]]>Is there a way to find the images attached to a post with this plugin?
]]>This plugin is great but unfortuntely, most of our websites use a page builder plugin like WP Bakery Composer / Visual Composer. Images added to using the page builder are not recognized by the plugin – any idea how to support also these images?
]]>When I click to view media (from the ‘media’ link in the admin menu) the page won’t load. The wheel just spins. But when I deactivated this plugin, the page started loading again. I hope that this plugin will be updated, because it would be so useful!
]]>One question though: Does it go through the images and look for posts that use them in real time every time one goes into the media library?
I am currently experiencing that the media library works very slowly (after installing the plugin). But perhaps that could be due to server maintenace at my hoster.
]]>Have just found this and am starting to use it. This will be fantastically useful, if it works as promised (have not yet test-driven it). So a very big thank you for having developed it!
i was wondering if your plugin is still compatible with WP 4.9.5?
the site for which i was hoping to use this plugin also used WPBakery, just in case this is causing incompatibility…
in any case, the plugin is showing ‘Unused’ for nearly all images (including ones that are used), except for some images that are used as ‘Featured Image’ (but not all).
Could this be related to WPBakery, or custom image sizes?
Thank you for this plugin, it looks very promising
]]>I installed it and didn’t see the “used in” column. Realized I needed to add it with Admin Columns Pro plugin features. Once there, all images say “unused” which is definitely not the case. Is this incompatible with enhanced media library or, EWWW Image Optimizer?
]]>Great plugin!
I run a site with multiple contributors. Now and then I would like to delete images which is not used.
Your plugin really simplifies this. If it isn’t used just delete the image. But we are using a CPT with fields from Advance Custom Fields.
Is it possible to have the plugin search for images used in custom fields?
I did read topic “Find media attached to custom fields” but I’m not sure how to edit the code. Did some attemps for an hour bot couldn’t make it work.
]]>Just found a dealbreaker: I have some pictures attached to a post which are shown with the gallery shortcode
[gallery link="file" columns="4" ids="3927,3930,3932,3934,3936,3938"]
Nonetheless the plugin says, the pictures are unused.
This is a pretty big drawback, or lets say: there’s still room for improvement =)
]]>This plugin does exactly what I want, with the small constraint, that it is only shown in the main media view. if you select the filter to only show unused media files (files which were uploaded but not linked to a post), there’s no column.
This would be extremly handy. This way one could see those attachments whiche are unlinked and not in use – which would mean you can delete them.
as far as I can remember thats a seperate query, but I suppose you could easily extend to code to that.
Thanks a lot in advance,
]]>Hello Sergey.
Here is a .po file for the French translation, and the corresponding .mo file.
Note: some translations are not included (plugin name, plugin URI, author, and author URI) because I can’t see why they should be translated.
]]>Just caught a small bug related to images in content detection.
My websites default URL is not secure, so most images inserted into the content will be “https://” but I do have some pages that are set to secure so when images are inserted into the content on those pages they have “https://”.
I edited this bit of code to remove the https:// or https:// of the URL before it searches the content.
if ( $intermediate ) {
$cleanurl = preg_replace("(https?://)", "", $intermediate['url'] );
$attachment_urls[] = $cleanurl;
]]>I run a website that uses Advanced Custom Fields and they manage over 4000 files for a school site, these files are all uploaded to custom fields where the meta_value is the attachment ID.
I edited your plugin to also show any attachment that is uploaded to a custom field. This is likely not worth using in a plugin because there could easily be false associations, like an attachment ID being 20 with another custom field value have the value of 20, but for my needs and managing their files its working really well!
Here is my code incase anyone whats to achieve the same thing.
In the get_posts_by_attachment_id function, add the below code:
//Custom code - Get All attachments that are in a custom field
$used_in_custom_field = array();
$attachment_query = new WP_Query( array(
'meta_value' => $attachment_id,
'post_type' => 'any',
'fields' => 'ids',
'no_found_rows' => true,
'posts_per_page' => -1,
) );
$used_in_custom_field = $attachment_query->posts;
//End - Custom code - Get All attachments that are in a custom field
In the get_posts_using_attachment function change the array_merge to the below:
$posts = array_merge( $post_ids['thumbnail'], $post_ids['content'], $post_ids['custom'] );
In that same function add this to the if else if loop:
} elseif ( in_array( $post_id, $post_ids['custom'] ) ) {
$usage_context = __( '(In Custom Field)', 'find-posts-using-attachment' );
Really clean and well built plugin, thanks!