One of the features with iThemes Security is to change the wp-content directory to another name to make it harder for hackers. This is not normally a problem unless the wp-content folder is hard coded into the plugin as is with Find Me On.
Here are the lines from the plugin:
$findmeonplugindir = get_settings(‘siteurl’).’/wp-content/plugins/’.dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__));
$pluginrelativedir = ‘/wp-content/plugins/’.dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__));
To fix, find lines 48 and 49 in /[new directory name]/plugins/find-me-on/find-me-on.php and change to:
$findmeonplugindir = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ );
$pluginrelativedir = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ );
Also on line 538, change:
echo ‘<link type=”text/css” rel=”stylesheet” href=”‘ . $findmeonplugindir . ‘/stylesheet.css” />’ . “\n”;
echo ‘<link type=”text/css” rel=”stylesheet” href=”‘ . $findmeonplugindir . ‘/css/style.css” />’ . “\n”;
]]>I accidentally put the facebook icon on twice and I cannot see how to get rid of it. I even uninstalled the plugin, deleted all files, logged out, logged back in and reinstalled it. No luck! Still 2 icons there! Thanks!
I’m using WordPress 3.4.1 and when i click add nothing happens (in firebug i get the following error: SyntaxError: missing ; before statement
* For details, see the Prototype web site:
If I reload the Page the icons are there. So this must be an error with the Ajax call.
Also how can i delete icons? At the time i have 5 facebook icons with the same link.
Best regards
]]>It loads JS and CSS incorrectly and does far more than it should. manually loading CSS links! Come on, it’s destroying load performance.
]]>There appears to be an error in the code.
Line 536 of find-me-on.php contains:
echo '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="' . $findmeonplugindir . '/stylesheet.css" />' . "\n";
But this doesn’t exist and trying to call it adds significant overhead to the page load.
I have changed it to:
echo '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="' . $findmeonplugindir . '/css/style.css" />' . "\n";
which gets rid of the problem. However, surely this should be using wp_enqueue_style? This would allow a number of efficiency gains to be made. The same is true of the JS.
]]>I am trying to figure out how to change the images that are used for the social links. I changed the images in this file…/wp-content/plugins/find-me-on/images/icons, but for some reason it doesn’t replace them on the site. Any ideas?
]]>This plugin looks nice BUT it seems to always load its own JavaScript AND a load of Scriptaculous scripts.
As far as I can tell, this is totally unnecessary, they should only be loaded in the appropriate admin screen and nowhere else. This is a total waste of resources and slows down page loading for EVERY PAGE on your blog!
Please fix ASAP.
]]>But…yes…there is a but, But when you click on the “Save Icon Order” the icons you tried to add will automatically disappear. So right now I’m deleting several instances of a Facebook Fan Page and a Multiply page (yes my client still uses Multiply LOL)
Just a heads up for those experience the same problem. This workaround might work for you or it might not. It worked for me, and I think one other guy. It’s a little inconvenient so hopefully the plugin author will work on this on the next release.
]]>I am trying to do a custom button with my rss feed. the picture of the rss feed won’t work.
As it says in the title. From the configuration page, selected a site (tried Goodreads and LinkedIn), added what it wanted (my Goodreads ID and the LinkedIn URL), clicked the add button. Nothing happened. No response at all.
Also the link to the author’s website returned a not found error.
]]>Would be nice if you could add a function to select whether the profile-links are dofollow or nofollow (similar to the configuration open links in new/same window).
As long as there is no support you can simply do this manually:
<li class=\"findmeon-".$linkInfoArray[KEY_IMAGE]."\"><a href=\"".$url."\" class=\"external\" target=\"".$windowlocation."\" onclick=\"".$onclick."\" title=\"".$linkInfoArray[KEY_IMAGE]."\"></a></li>";
(line 438)<li class=\"findmeon-".$linkInfoArray[KEY_IMAGE]."\"><a href=\"".$url."\" class=\"external\" target=\"".$windowlocation."\" onclick=\"".$onclick."\" title=\"".$linkInfoArray[KEY_IMAGE]."\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></li>";
You can view a demo on my site.
]]>Is there any chance you could add StackExchange profiles such as stackoverflow?
I could give you a patch for it if you’d like.
]]>I note the developer’s website is returning 404 error and there seems to be no way to contact them at the WordPress Trax site, so am posting here to request support for in this plugin.
I can certainly edit/update it myself if must needs, but was wondering if the tool is still receiving developer support or not and how (other than this) to go about making a ticket/enhancement request.
]]>If you are running a Store with the wp-e-commerce plugin (including gold cart plugin and product slider plugin) the view of the product slider is ripped to pieces in IE8 and Opera.
]]>After deactivating and reactivating all of my plug-ins one at a time, I discovered that there is some conflict between Find Me On and the media editor in WordPress 3.0.1. With Find Me On enabled, the media editor won’t function – no croppping, no saving edits, etc. Any tips?