i too think it would be nice to put the “Show only children of …” INSIDE the dropdown. i made it by myself it’s easy but with the next update i have to do it agein … ??
anyway thanks for this awesome little plugin!
]]>Couldn’t login to WordPress because I was getting Undefined Index ‘post_type’ in the last if statement. I just added isset($_GET[‘post_type’]) to it.
Thanks for the great plugin!
I just installed 1.3 of the plugin, I can see a “show only children of” message on the page admin, but no drop down or other means to select the filtering. Do you have any ideas about this?
]]>Thank you for this plugin, we’re finding it extremely useful for managing sites with many pages. Great work!
I’d like to make a suggestion for the dropdown menu used to filter pages as it uses quite a bit of horizontal space because of the description “Show all children of:” which sits beside the dropdown.
Would it be possible to put the description inside the dropdown menu, similarly to how the other dropdowns filters work, something like: “Show all pages” as the first option, and remove the “Show all children of:” descriptive text which sits beside it.
It makes sense the way it is now because you’d lose the description which lets the user know that the filter is only for child pages, however it uses so much horizontal space on smaller screens especially when combined with an seo filter and per-page filter.
]]>I’d like to use this plugin but the file is missing (tried downloading from the plugin’s page on wortdpress.org and direct in my website, same problem each time)
]]>Download of the latest version v1.3 fails.
]]>Broke my the frontend of my site. Caused a memory error for some reason.
]]>On line 34 the array is missing post_status ‘future’. This breaks the plugin.
The line should look like this.
'post_status' => array('publish','draft','trash','future')
]]>Your filter is very useful but it appears on the edit page for posts too (/wp-admin/edit.php, without any argument). As posts are not hierarchical and not assigned to parent pages this does make no sense. Calling the function get_post_type_object($post_type) you can check the returned object if it has the property ‘hierarchical’. This may help to restrict the display of your filter to such type of (custom) post types.
]]>Hi there
I’m testing your plugin
in the plugin folder there are two files, with different file-names,
filter-by-parent-in-admin.php and
but with absolut the same code => why?