Is there a setting I can choose to open all file links in a new window/tab?
I found this for a different file-handling plugin:
function download_new_tab( $styles ) {
$styles['new_tab'] = array(
'name' => __( 'New Tab', 'delightful-downloads' ),
'format' => '<a href="%url%" title="%title%" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">%title%</a>'
return $styles;
add_filter( 'dedo_get_styles', 'download_new_tab' );
Is there a similar hook/filter/action used in File Groups that I could use to modify the link output?
]]>The SEO plugin’s Open Graph meta display triggers “the_content” hook. On file archive pages this runs “fg_archive_page” which dumps a file list at the top of the page. Disabling the Open Graph meta option in the SEO plugin removes the file list at the top of the page, but it would be nice to be able to use the SEO feature.
]]>This is a great simple plugin for listing groups of files but I needed to display multiple file groups on a single page so I went ahead and extended it to support shortcodes to provide this functionality. I also modified the file group listing to link the files within the group to their respective post page to allow the editing or their assigned attributes.
]]>this plugin would be much more useful if it could relate to buddypress groups rather than post categories and tags. is there a way to do this and i am just missing it? i am looking for security within groups. The need is to share files with in private groups and not site wide.
I have added: define( ‘FILE_GROUPS_HIDE_NATIVE_MEDIA’, false );
to the end of my wp-config.php file, but the Media Library tab in admin is still missing.
Anyone else experiencing this in WP 3.1.2?
]]>I’ve created a group, uploaded files but when I try to see the page, WP says it does not find it ??
]]>Great functionality and what I need. But I seem not to be able to handle the zip archives and I really do not need it. Is there a way to disable that?
]]>This looks great. I’ve been through several file-sorting/organizing plugins. WP-Filebase just failed on me, which is very sad. I’m checking into simpler options now and this looks really nice. I’m looking for just one more feature, though: could you provide a shortcode? What I really need is something to say [file-groups group=””] and display a list of files. Do you think this feature would be available anytime soon? And if not a shortcode, is there a piece of PHP code I could use (I would integrate with Shortcoder)?
Is there any possibility to have groups of File Groups ?
With this plugin active – the upload/insert icons above the Edit Post content area are replaced with a button to create a related file group. (instead of having the button added to the list?)
Clicking on the Create Related file group – requires a tag to be added to the post before you can create the File Group. However the tag isn’t “copied” to the File Group edit window after clicking the button.
But this a great idea and I look forward to using with one of my current projects.
– Tom
Have this plugin not tested with 3.0.5 and thus its minimum requirments is 3.1? Or is this tested and will just not work on 3.0.5?