Country, phone and address upgrade and Overall layout
1 Overall layout
Is it possible to make a checkout page layout like Flux Checkout?
2 country name by flag
Being able to select country name + flag will make it easier for users to select country name by flag when translation doesn’t work properly with polylang.
3 phone by flag
Being able to select flag + country phone number will make it easier for customers who use polylang
4 post code address autocomplete work
Will address auto-completion be possible via API?
Multiple Addresses for FEWC – Extra Checkout Fields
I’m currently using a WooCommerce Shipping Multiple Addresses plugin other than villatheme, but I thought that if FEWC could enable multiple address functionality, I could reduce the need for plugins. Is there a possibility in the future?
Is there a way to add this shortcode in an additional field?
]]>FEWC – Extra Checkout Fields + polylang
I’m waiting for Polylang support. thank you
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In order to reduce the number of input fields as much as possible, for example, we set the company field to toggle so that the field is displayed when the person who needs it clicks, but it is initially closed. Is this kind of setting possible?
]]>FEWC + locotranslate
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This FEWC text is the same as Adminpage > Plugin List > Plugin Name, so it would be nice if LocoTranslate could separate them. The plugin list is a little long because I translate the plugin names in a way that I can understand. In this customizer, I want to modify the name to be as short as possible.
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There are some parts of the customizer that cannot be translated yet.
]]>When the plugin activates, the field City will disappears from the Checkout page.
I only have Zip but not City too. When deactivated the plugin, all will be normal and the field City are visual again.
Great plugin.
I am trying to setup a custom fileds by some condition, like “IF Shipping country=Malanysia”, then show up a custom field and an Html hint, like “Please input your passport ID number or Citicen ID number for custom clearance”, is that possible?
I tried these plugins:
But both of them are not compatible well with the offical Paypal plugin at, cause the fail to checkout, and loss conversions and sales.
Too much complicated checkout funnel plugin will cause same issue.
So, really expect a light plugin to provide the flexible solution here.