I just came across your plugin and I’m not sure if it will do what I need. So, I thought to drop a line here hoping you’ll guide me somehow ??
I have couple of ecommerce themes that are placed in a multi-site WP platform which each one has it’s own design. I have a centralized theme that I like for its design and usability. I was wondering if your plugin will enable me to fetch data from each of theme ecommerce themes and display them in this centralized-theme that I have. As you can tell, I’m not a programmer but a curious enough to learn and accomplish what I need.
Thanks much!
]]>Hi. Simple question:
Would you write exactly what the shortcode should look like – when I put it in the editor?
Thank you
I found an example.
]]>Hi Eli
I am trying unsuccessfully to import a swiffy flash conversion into my WordPress dev
I started by using the HTML5 Swiffy Insert plugin but it stripped the code
I then imported the html page into an iframe and it worked
But I cannot make the iframe responsive
I tried your Fetch URL plugin and it seems to strip the code in an identical way (visually) to the HTML5 Swiffy Insert plugin: https://sepevents.co.uk.gridhosted.co.uk/exp3/
can you help?
Thanks Julian