i have a few important questions about the plugin.
Does the plugin store any personal data in the wordpress data or others?
Does the plugin send any data to third party servers?
Does the plugin use google webfonts?
Does the plugin use cookies?
The reason is the EU GDPR and whether the plugin is compliant with it.
Thank you!
How Can I use it on a user level?
– to show each user’s their post rss stat in their dashboard?
I have an iPhone app for my blog which simply parses the rss feed for www.remarpro.com blog that I use. The issue is that the stats always seem much lower than what I expect. For example, before I switched the app to parsing RSS, it simply directed people to the website of my blog. I could expect over 200 hits a day. Now, with RSS parsing, it only shows at max 89 a day, and that’s not the average. Is parsing the XML not registering a hit?
]]>None of my stats seem to be updating since updating wordpress to 3.5
]]>I could not activate the plugin and was given the following message:
“Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.”
]]>This is what it tells me in the latest WP ??
]]>Hey there,
again, thank you for this great plugin!
Here’s a quick hack I added to my functions.php to only return the average subscriber count, as I don’t need the badge. It would be awesome if you could include this to your main functions:
function get_feedstats_getfeeds_average() {
$count = get_transient('get_feedstats_getfeeds_average');
if ($count !== false) return $count;
$count = 0;
global $wpdb;
$total_visits = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . 'fs_visits');
$total_visits = htmlspecialchars($total_visits, ENT_QUOTES);
$time = time();
$time_begin = feedstats_get_midnight( $wpdb->get_var("SELECT time_install FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . 'fs_data') );
$num_days = ceil( ($time-$time_begin) / FEEDSTATS_DAY );
if ( $num_days > get_option('fs_days') ) {
$num_days = get_option('fs_days') + 1;
$average_visits = ($num_days) ? ( round( $total_visits / ($num_days) ) ) : '0';
$average_visits = htmlspecialchars($average_visits, ENT_QUOTES);
set_transient('get_feedstats_getfeeds_average', $average_visits, 60*60*1);
return $average_visits;
– Ben
Hey there, thanks for the great plugins!
Because of this, I’m glad I can contribute a little. It looks like IP addresses aren’t recorded correctly and lead to lots of redundant entries that aren’t updated (last_time etc.) if you’re behind a reverse proxy.
I updated feedstats_get_ip() to
function feedstats_get_ip() {
global $_SERVER;
if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
} else if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
$ip = explode(", ", $ip);
$ip = $ip[0];
} else if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) {
} else {
Thank you so much!
– Ben
]]>Up until two days ago, I was getting between 500 and 900 feed readers on each of my 3 websites.
Two days ago, something changed and I’m only getting 30 to 50 feed readers on each site.
Is there a reason why this would happen?
]]>Normally I get a few hundred visits to my RSS feed a day, and now it’s reporting over 4000 a day. Either my site suddenly got popular (which is not reflected in actual hits), or the plugin is broken. I’m going with broken plugin. ??
]]>Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in …/www/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3387
]]>Crashes other plugins. Sometimes gives erroneous figures. For example, it said a site had 20,000 visitor that never had an article read more than 4 times. The next day it was a lower number, then another day it was high again, and back low again.
It is crashing three purchased plugins.