Settings below still do not delete old syndicated posts which leads to broken links. How do I trouble shoot?
Updated posts:
When a syndicated feed includes updated content for a post that was already syndicated, should the syndicated copy of the post be updated to match the revised version?
Yes, update the syndicated copy to match
Feed Update Type:
Complete. When items no longer appear on the feed, they are obsolete; retire them from the WordPress posts table.
Allow Feeds to Delete Posts:
Yes. If a feed indicates that one of its posts has been deleted, delete the local copy syndicated to this website.
I have a FeedPress account with nearly 100 (and counting) feeds in it. Having the dropdowns utilizing Select2 would greatly improve the experience when looking for a specific feed in the settings for this plugin.
The plugin could have this included on the admin page:
// Enhance the dropdown select elements with Select2
wp_enqueue_style( 'select2', '//', '', '', 'all' );
wp_enqueue_script('select2', '//', array( 'jquery'), '', true);
Then having the following as JS ran on the page:
// Enhance the dropdown select elements with Select2
$('.wrap select').select2();
Very quick update to make and should greatly improve the experience of working with this plugin on multiple sites that share a common FeedPress account, have a site with complex FeedPress utilization, etc. Also, this code above loads Select2 from CDNJS for optimal delivery, but it could load a local copy instead if that’s preferred for any reason.
Just wanted to put the request out there here since I didn’t really see this plugin on GitHub, the developer having contact info, etc. to share this through other means.
]]>Since yesterday, I get a weird error message on my WordPress install:
Warning: There was something wrong with your FeedPress authentication. You have been disconnected.
followed by an invitation to update the options.
(Don’t know if linked, the error message is in English, but the invitation in French; the admin of my site is in French.)
The weird bit is, the options page shows me as registered, but the error message is still there. I tried disconnecting from Feedpress and reconnecting, to no avail.
Any idea what could be the problem? I did not update anything in the past four days on the admin side.
My site is and my FeedPress username is @stephanegallay
Many thanks in advance!
]]>My client has moved to a different solution, and would like to export their subscribers. However, because the trial has expired, we are unable to do anything. Every link on the website redirects us back to the upgrades page, even the logout, and contact pages. Account: energizingnutrition
]]>Recently the site I was getting the rss feed from changed their blog to just html They confirmed they no longer have a rss feed. Do you have any ideas how I can work around it with your plugin?
]]>When I try and manage settings the page loads until the word “Tags” appears, the rest of the page never appears. I have deactivated and re-activated but the problem remains.
]]>I saw there was an update to the Feedpress plugin. I updated and it caused a fatal error in both the admin area and the main, public portion of my website. I had to FTP in and remove the FP folder for my site to be accessible again. I tried downloading and reinstalling it and this time WordPress wouldn’t activate the plugin because of the fatal error. I use the graphene theme. Sorry, I wasn’t able to get a screen shot or copy & paste of the error.
]]>I know the newsletter isn’t the focus of your service but I would like to know what kind of newsletter customizations would be available from my end if I switched to your service.
]]>Is the FeedPress plugin compatible with WP Multisite? I am trying to use it on a child site but I cannot create a feed. I get a this error: There was something wrong with the feed creation: No XML and RSS tag found in the content.
]]>Good Day!
Just wanted to let you know about the following errors:
PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_USER_AGENT in /httpd/www/wp-content/plugins/feedpress/feedpress.php on line 803
PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_USER_AGENT in /httpd/www/wp-content/plugins/feedpress/feedpress.php on line 804
PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_USER_AGENT in /httpd/www/wp-content/plugins/feedpress/feedpress.php on line 805
PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_USER_AGENT in /httpd/www/wp-content/plugins/feedpress/feedpress.php on line 806
I think you should be able to resolve the error by capturing it in a variable and using the variable instead. Untested Example:
// Handle feed redirections
$user_agent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '';
if (!preg_match('/feedpress/i', $user_agent) &&
!preg_match('/uri\.lv/i', $user_agent) &&
!preg_match('/feedvalidator/i', $user_agent) &&
!preg_match('/googlebot/i', $user_agent)) {
add_action('template_redirect', 'feedpress_redirect', 1);
I’ve been trying and trying to redirect specific URLs to my feeds so that I can get a custom post type to have it’s own feed, but it’s not working. All feeds are redirecting back to the main feed. This is absolutely not what I want.
Can you help? Here’s what my settings look like:
Custom URL redirection
Path: /blog/datagrams/feed
Path: /blog/headlines/feed
]]>Is this plugin compatible to multisite installation?
]]>What’s the purpose of the added Genre Taxonomy?
It was added to posts without asking or any documentation why it’s there. It took me a bit to figure out it was in the code of your plugin.
]]>none of my sites are redirecting anymore since latest update
]]>turned off MP6 admin plugin to make sure but this plugin admin page doesn’t load… and isn’t redirecting my /feed/
]]>I run a blog where I post daily items based on the day in history ( I like to refresh the posts for each day by updating the posts with the currently year so that the items for that day show up on top, plus the RSS feed is refreshed so that the items are sent out every day (plus posted to Facebook, etc.). I finally figured out a way to automate to process by running a cron job of a mysql command (instead of manually updating each post every day!). However, it seems that my mysql command does not trigger the Feedpress plugin to ping an update. I would like to know if there is a simple way to do this, or to schedule Feedpress to automatically update the feed.
Here is my mysql command for reference:
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_date_gmt = concat(UTC_DATE(),’ ‘,time(post_date_gmt)), post_date = concat(CURDATE(),’ ‘,time(post_date)), post_modified = NOW(), post_modified_gmt = UTC_TIMESTAMP() WHERE MONTH( post_date ) = MONTH( CURDATE( ) ) AND DAYOFMONTH( post_date ) = DAYOFMONTH( CURDATE( ) ) AND post_status = ‘publish’
]]>When a post from Blog A gets posted on Blog B as syndicated content, any images that come along in the post have the direct path of the original image on Blog A.
Is there any way i can have the images saved on the local site with the local site path?
I dont like that if anybody was to look at the source code, or right click the image they will be able to see where the image originated from and find the original source of the content.