Hello! I can’t make it work ?? Could you please upload some screens with proper settings in FAQ?
I made this way, but it doesn’t work: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1487714/rubs.gif
I I installed this yesterday and set up went smooth. I signed up to get email notice to my personal email account. Got the confirmation email. I did not get a notice today when a new post published. Any advice?
]]>In this thread we’ve been discussing a problem that makes Feedburner Feedsmith Extend see the sitemap.xml page generated by the XML Sitemap plugin as a feed and redirect it to Feedburner, which users would prefer not happen so we can use both plugins together.
A quick fix has been proposed by the developer. It would be great if you guys could talk this out. I’d like to keep using both plugins but without this easy fix, I’ll have to drop one of them.
I would like to use the author feed and i cannot make it work, it redirects to the feedburner main feed.
How can i fix it?
]]>Is there still support for this plugin?
I have it installed on a site and it no longer appears to be working. When you try to access the feed in any way other than directly typing in the feedburner URL, it tries to redirect but the redirect URL is wrong.
Here’s the feed I’m trying to redirect using this plugin:
Any thoughts?
I’m trying to set up the plugin but the config page doesn’t save feed’s URL, as under “You can set FeedBurner feeds for each categories here” it shows all blog’s tags (5000+) and not categories (42) so page it’s so long that it can’t be saved.
The error returned is:
Forbidden – you don’t have permission to access /wp-admin/options-general.php on this server.
Thank you for any help or clue.
]]>I am aware that the shutdown of the Feedburner API on Oct 20 does not mean that Feedburner will shut down entirely, just certain third party services/plugins that use the API.
However, I’m not very sure if that will also break this plugin, which is simply for redirection rather than (for example) displaying Feedburner stats within WordPress. Can anyone clarify?
]]>When activate the plugin with WP_DEBUG on. I get two deprecated notice. Please fix them and keep the plugin upto date.
Notice: add_option was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.3 with no alternative available. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 2714
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 2712
I tried disabling all plugins and enabling only your plugin. The notice still shows. And little confused because the it points to core file. Perhaps plugin developer better understand the issue.
]]>When I convert my site into a mobile site it only shows a maximum of 10 comments. How do I increase the amount of comments that appear in my site’s RSS feed?
]]>I only have one suggestion: change the word “also” at the end of the text at this plugin’s description page to “as well” or even “too” – either would be a better fit (“also” sounds better at the middle of a sentence). ??
]]>Isn’t the plugin suppose to change the rss url on my site to feedburner?
Also in plugin settings for this what am I suppose to paste into the “Main Feed”? My WordPress feed or the one I created in Google Feedburner?
]]>I have this installed but can’t seem to find any setup/config info. Do I need to do anything on https://feedburner.google.com/ other than just sign in? Do I need to submit my feed here also or is this all taken care of with the plugin?
]]>I have subscribed myself many times to different websites and love getting automatic updates. Now as a new website “owner”, I wanted to offer the same thing to potential clients. I dl the plugin, but it does not seem to be working.
It appears they have 2 choices 1) to subscribe to receive blog updates in your feed reader or 2) enter your email address to receive new blog posts by email.
When I test both of these links this is what happens.
1) when I click on the subscribe I get the message from google “we’re sorry….but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can’t process your request right now. See google help for information.
2) when I enter an email for blog updates, I don’t get any to the email that I entered. (I have tried posting a new post, updated it, but it still does not work)
Please help, This is the last thing I need to figure out before website is fully functional. my website is https://www.stampwithlori.com
Thank you.
If I have a site with a blog as part of it, and want to offer a main feed for the site as well as a separate feed just for the blog, do I have to categorize or tag for all blog posts and use the category feed or tag feed feature for the blog feed, or is there a better way?
I installed Feedsmith extend – now when I click on my feed link on my home page the url in the html is correct https://www.businessinteriors.co.uk/feed/ but when clicked there is now a 302 redirect that sends it to https://www.businessinteriors.co.uk/feed/www.businessinteriors.co.uk/feed/www.businessinteriors.co.uk/feed/
That obviously doesn’t work…I have no idea where this 302 redirect is set up by the plug in (cant see it in .htaccess) and also when I uninstall the plugin the problem is left behind with a permanently broken re-direct to nowhere. When ever I try and go to https://www.businessinteriors.co.uk/feed/ it send me to the wrong broken link…help!
Many thanks,
]]>Is there a way to utilize FeedBurner to be used for all posted site changes (on certain pages) instead of just for blog posts? I would like visitors to be able to subscribe to various pages, not just the blog. Thanks.
]]>This must be a really stupid question, but which feed do I add in the plugin settings (e.g. Main Feed) ?
For example if my original WordPress feed is https://codecorner.galanter.net/feed and my FeedBurner feed is https://feeds.feedburner.com/galanter/CodeCorner – which one do I enter in Feed’s options?
]]>Is there any way to change the plugin to redirect author feeds as well as category/tag feeds? Is this an easy change? I’ve been scowering the web and none of the fixes out there seem to do the trick.
]]>Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\Hosting\4591565\html\nalates\wp-content\plugins\tentblogger-404-repair\plugin.php on line 131
I suspect the problem was a URL from a post where I used a ’ in a post title that makes it into the slug.
There is a problem with WP allowing the ’ (U+02BC) to be placed in a slug.
John thinks it is a server permissions problem. When the site was first setup some other plugins had permission problem. I have gone over permissions for this site with Go Daddy and all others are working. I don’t think it is a permission problem, but I can’t say it isn’t.
]]>At first I thought it didn’t work, but then I realized that you need to make a new post or update a recent post in order for your feed/rss xml file to be regenerated. Otherwise, your site uses a cached copy that doesn’t get updated when the plug-in is activated.
So if it looks like it doesn’t work, just update your last post and then check and see if it works.
]]>after installing, when activating i recievet this message:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare my_action_callback() (previously declared in /usr/home/elataquedelaslesbisasesinas.com/web/joantorrens/wp-content/themes/Nova/epanel/core_functions.php:332) in /usr/home/elataquedelaslesbisasesinas.com/web/joantorrens/wp-content/plugins/feedburner-setting/feedBurner-feedSmith-extend.php on line 209
]]>I use the Thesis theme on my blogs:
I have used feedburner feedsmith to channel the RSS to feedburner for each of them. On April 13, I started getting posts from twitter feed like this one:
Howling Wolf Fretwork: submit_url = “https://wood.stephaniesuesansmith.com/howling-wolf-fretwork/”; I … https://bit.ly/hhalEF
On April 12th, they looked normal:
Southern Black Racer: This weekend, I let my dogs out and saw something very odd. A snake was frozen trying to … https://bit.ly/gMFnUK
I switched to Hootsuite to post to twitter and facebook, but it does the same thing. I think I upgraded WordPress around then and am wondering if the plugin isn’t playing nice any more. How do I fix it? Thank you.
Here’s a small patch to make a good plugin even better: https://pastebin.com/84ZHSBVh
I corrected two deprecated calls and removed any mention of jquery (js & css) since it was not needed.