The plugin expects ‘plugins.php’ and ‘options-general.php’ to be in a $_GET?[‘page’]?variable.
Remove these lines from constuctor it is no longer needed.
// pages where this plugin needs translation
$local_pages = array ('plugins.php', 'options-general.php' );
// check if translation needed on current page
if (in_array ( $pagenow, $local_pages ) || in_array ( $_GET ['page'], $local_pages )) {
$this->handle_load_domain ();
? ? ? ? ?
]]>I am getting alerts from wordfence due to the age of this….is it dead? What’s the replacement for FeedBlitz if that’s the case?
PHP Notice: Undefined index: page in /wp-content/plugins/feedblitz-feedsmart/FeedBlitz_FeedSmart.php on line 30
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: fbfeedurl in /wp-content/plugins/feedblitz-feedsmart/FeedBlitz_FeedSmart.php on line 419
PHP Notice: Undefined index: page in /wp-content/plugins/feedblitz-feedsmart/FeedBlitz_FeedSmart.php on line 30
PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_USER_AGENT in /wp-content/plugins/feedblitz-feedsmart/FeedBlitz_FeedSmart.php on line 48
This plugin is dead and gone, but just for legacy users:
This plugin adds a blank line at the top of your documents (as of mid-2015 / WP 4.2.3, not checked earlier) and will break your RSS feed.
You can fix it by removing the 2x empty lines at the end of the the FeedBlitz_FeedSmart.php
Is there anyway you can add a feature to exclude custom feed URLs to be redirected? I need a feed url with lots of posts and full content. Therefore, I’ve created a custom feed url but its gets redirected by this plugin.
You can create an option field that takes the name of a custom RSS then add this to ol_feed_redirect() function
if ($feed == $customRSS) return;
Or if you can do this in better way, would be great.
Thank You.
]]>Have been trying to exclude a content category from feedblitz feed and have been told (by feedblitz) that I can use feedsmart to do it – using /not/tag.
So feed is this:
Category to exclude is this:
This url should, I’m told, be pasted into second slot in plugin settings (under Easy Setup Steps, in Step 2 box.)
Save, and the the category should be excluded … except it’s not.
Have been driven to distraction by this, so any advice on how to make the thing work very gratefully accepted!!
]]>I have completely migrated my feeds over to FeedBlitz and removed my Feedburner account. Do I still need to have this plugin activated?