Please implement the following improvements:
– remove strong from all the links
– allow multiple feedgator widgets in widgit areas
Feedaggregator (v.1.0.2) fails when a feed does not respond (for example, when given a bad URL) and told to only display the “latest from each feed.”
This appears to be solved by replacing line 293 more similar to line 307. I’ve replace line 293 with:
if( count($items ) ) foreach( $items as $j => $item ){
This effectively avoids the error statement when a feed is not responding. It becomes more of a silent failure.
I hope this can be made part of a future version.
I was searching for a plugin to do this last night when this one came up in search. I’d been using a service for the same purpose and the performance had been very spotty. This plugin does the trick.
I would, however, prefer a little more control over CSS and the ability to open feed links in a new window.