Thank you for this. This is the minimalist plugin I was looking for for admins that just want to KISS it. I use WordPress as my backend CMS; and, the frontend is written in a different technology to read from the WordPress database. So, I don’t use any frontend stuff.
Looking at wp_postmeta, I see you store the following fields:
fv_video (the video url)
Just wondering how to populate the other two? Specifically, the _img, so I can render a “splash image” until the user clicks play.
I suppose I can edit your plugin to ask for the additional fields in the Features Video box. Just wondering if there was something I was missing.
Is there anyway to remove this so the url to the video does not show up above the video?
]]>I want to autoplay from PHP SHORTCODE and Display Video Using PHP Fucntion
Rather than going to Media Setting, I want to autoplay video inserting autoplay=1 in php short code. ALso I want to Display Video Posted from Featured Video in some pages using PHP Function, How is this Doable?
]]>I modified the plugin to meet my requirements add made it responsive.
Please add this funktion in your next update
Here the way i did this:
added this in style.css :
.elastic-video {
height: 0;
margin-bottom: 20px;
overflow: hidden;
padding-bottom: 55%;
padding-top: 15px;
position: relative;
.elastic-video iframe {
height: 100%;
left: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
Then added this to featured-video.php :
function featuredvideo_style(){
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . rtrim(get_settings('siteurl'), '/') . '/wp-content/plugins/featured-video/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />';
And I modified the embed code by adding a div tag around the embed code with class=”elastic-video” .
line 169 in featured-video.php:
echo '<div class="elastic-video"><iframe width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'" src="'.$id.'?wmode='.$wmode.'" frameborder="0" '.$fs.'></iframe></div>';
Hello, i’d to know if is it possible selecting videos from WordPress Video Gallery plugin (
Now i can select only that videos i uploaded into default wordpress media section.
Thanks in advance.
I am using this plugin to To post videos in custom Post type.
Its working fine for me. I would like to have the share option under
every video . Please let me know to how to Achieve this .
Thanks in Advance
]]>hello, I installed the plugin but it is not compatible with my WPMU.
I installed it but at individual sites is not visible in the list plugin.
Is there a way to make it work?
Nice plugin! I just wish there was a way to include something like wmode=”opaque” … in there, automatically, so your YouTube video didn’t overlap your navigational menu.
Going to see if there’s a way to hardcode it into the plugin myself.
Good work!
]]> & I tried to make it 615×315 cause 615 is content’s width. Well it doesn’t change it remains small. Only time it changes is when I have both on auto (default) and then of course shows the crappy black bars above and under. I want it to fit right into the content.
]]> support?
[ ] Yes, soon
[ ] No, never
[ ] Maybe, will review and reply
Vernon, B.C.
Hey there,
really like the plugin.
But two things missing for me:
– please auto add an thumbnail of the video as featured image of the post
– add the possibility to link to a certain time in a youtube video:
best regards
Youtube Thumbnails can be gotten using this link structure:
And Vimeo:
Hello there,
I’d like to use the featured video plug-in to display a video in a post, but when there is no video the featured image should be displayed.
My current code looks like this:
<!-- Featured Image -->
<?php if(get_option_tree('show_featured_image') == 'Yes') : ?>
<?php if (has_post_video()) the_post_video(640,360) ?>
<?php if (has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID )) {
// Check for Sencha preferences, set the variable if the user wants it.
// Unused as of 1.04 for the time being until some bugs get sorted out
if (get_option_tree('sencha') == 'Yes') {
$sencha = '';
} else {
$sencha = '';
// Grab the URL for the thumbnail (featured image)
$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'full' );
$post_slug = str_replace(" ", "-",$post->post_name);
// Check for a lightbox link, if it exists, use that as the value.
// If it doesn't, use the featured image URL from above.
if(get_custom_field('lightbox_link')) {
$lightbox_link = get_custom_field('lightbox_link');
} else {
$lightbox_link = $image[0];
<!-- <a href="<?php echo $lightbox_link; ?>" data-rel="prettyPhoto[<?php echo $post_slug; ?>]"> -->
<img class="aligncenter" src="<?php echo $sencha; ?><?php echo $image[0]; ?>" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" />
<!-- </a> -->
<br class="clearfix" />
<?php } else {} ?>
<?php endif; ?>
But it displays both the featured video and featured image. I’ve tried but I can’t seem to get it the code working to;
1. Display a video if there is an URL for the featured video entered in the post in WordPress.
2. Display the featured image if there is NO link entered for a featured video.
I only seem to get both to be displayed working. Anybody go a solution for this?
If you use the youtube short url functionality then the plugin doesn’t seem to register that there is a featured video present. For example I put the following url in:
And nothing would display but if I put this URL in:
Everything worked fine. Might want to fix the plugin so that it accepts the shorter url.
was using the_post_video() function. Then i changed my template and i saw that outside the loop is not working, right!?
So im using get_the_post_video() passing the id, but the strange think is that it’s printing the url plus the player!
Let me know please!
I have template #40346 from Template Monster the plugin is not displaying the video only a image box. I review a previous post that mention to add the following code to the single.php file. However when I add the code a error is listed.
if( has_post_video() ){
Can anyone please assist me with my problem. Thanks
I installed featured-video and used the short code for my post. However it displays the video as well as three more videos in the header image. I am using Cover Pinpress version 1.4. Any advice?
]]>Hello there,
I’m running 3.4.2 and the Vimeo doesn’t seem to be working. It shows up a blank YouTube movie instead. Is there a modification to the code that might fix it?
Many thanks.
Just tried to install with Vulcan theme and got a conflict error: Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.Fatal error: Cannot redeclare is_vimeo() (previously declared in /…/wp-content/themes/vulcan/functions/theme-functions.php:204) in /…/wp-content/plugins/featured-video/featured-video.php on line 243
Really nice plugin!
I would like to know if it’s possible to get also the video in my loop!
Im showing, in the home page, for example the last 5 news.
Some of theme has video, so i would like to show for them, not the featured image, but the video in small size + title + the excpert.
get_the_post_video doesn’t do this right?
Thanks a lot!
I’m getting the following error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘}’ in /homepages/36/d421315180/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/featured-video/featured-video.php on line 176
When activating – any ideas?
]]>Why is this plugin called Easy WP?
Surely it should be called “Featured Video” as it’s URL and functionality imply?
I installed the plugin but I am using a different theme. The theme I’m using is called Vue Resume & Portfolio. It has a custom function for portfolio with “Add item” and etc. By default it shows 4 portfolio items on the page (from the function). It uses featured image. When on the portfolio page it pulls up a lightbox and shows the image. How do I include this Featured Video plugin with the theme I already have? I’m assuming I would have to add some code into the theme’s function? if so PLEASE help me out by proving full instructions, I’m not an expert by any means. Thank you kindly!!!!
]]>I have added this to the normal blog posts and it works like a charm, however would like to know how to add this feature to custom post types say ‘NEWS’.
]]>This plugin sort of works: you can add a featured video and it will be displayed in the post. But, with any subsequent editing of the post, the video no longer displays. Looking at the “Featured video” field, I see the YouTube embed code exactly how I pasted it. I have to delete the embed code, hit Update, paste it back and hit Update again. If the video embed code was not pasted in during this edit session, it will not work.