Rating: 5 stars
This was the most relaxing experience I ever had with a plugin in my life. As a designer, I just want to say thank you for making this so easy to use and compatible with my theme in every imaginable way. I even had a redirect on my login page set up and it still worked out. Very smooth. Easy to use. Trouble free. Highly recommended. Keep up the good work. I’ll be following your plugins in the future. Thank you.
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<p class=””>Sempre usei em todos meus clientes e era um excelente plugin, tanto para personaliza??o da página como altera??o do endere?o de acesso ao painel. Porém, nessa última atualiza??o quebrou o acesso a todos os sites, após o login ele redireciona para o IP e tive que acessar pelo FTP de todos os sites pra remover e voltar à configura??o anterior… Maior trabalho! =(</p>
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Rating: 5 stars
Plugin is awsome but ReCaptcha is not appearing in default Login/Register woocommerce page and gives error that recaptcha is not correct. Dear Author kindly resolve this issue.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I was able to set my logo and my brand image on my login page easily.