I feel that I have been misled by this plugin! It says in the configuration directions, that to activate this “free” plugin (that can be ugraded), we have to sign up for account on the designated plugin homepage. And that is a PAID PREMIUM account! I feel that I wasted an hour getting duped.
]]>Your manuels do not answer a basic question: WHERE do I find the required chat code that I must have to begin toconfigured this? Nothing answers the uestion. Can anyone help or I will have to get rid of this pugin as I’m wasting time?Thank you.
]]>I can’t even get on first base with this plugin. When I view my dashboard I’m told to enter a “chat ID” and some other data I supposedly received when I activated this plugin. I got no data when I activated this. Period.
]]>So it appears that everyone is dropping support for flash (firefox, linux etc.) and I was wondering if you plan to shift to HTML5?
Thanks in advance for taking time to answer.
]]>Please Help
I can’t log in as an administrator. There is no option for me to sign in with the screen and password i was given at activation.
I go to my chatroom and click on sign i and the window opens with the message saying
“Please enter your desired screen name and password” but theres no fields to type the screen name or password in its just an “ok” button and the Facebook option
please help
[Moderator Note: No bumping, thank you.]
I am getting a lot of 404 errors,especially on this chat box anywhere I go on my website.
Help Please…
2013-11-14, 1:11 PM
/wp-content/plugins/fcchat/toolbar_items/chatbox.js //website info/groups/ 17 – 404 errors
]]>I purchased a license yesterday, readed the docs, all set.
But only me and another admin are able to chat. New users are stuck with a “connecting” message.
The new users are registered with native signup form of the WP system.
This is the only support forum to connect with you?
I also sent you an email to [email protected]
Thank you in advance.
I use your great plugin for testing and purchased the small version of connecting people.
I’ve the following issue:
If I want to use the bottom bar for chat only, I must use the FCChat widget in a sidebar. But I cannot use FCChat for multible sidebars just for one.
If I do a chat with a person and I switch within my site to another page, the bottom bar loads again. This is not fine because it would be better if the chat windows would stay open.
Any chance to get support here?
Best regards,
Okay, so I submitted payment for this thing, and followed the instructions. But the main page is stuck in a refresh loop, never showing the main page unless I disable the widget. It simply never connects, and the chat toolbar never appears.
What am I missing?
]]>If there is a feature that you want which is currently not included in the chat widget, please let me know. If it is a simple feature, we can sometimes add it in a matter of days. Also, if there is something that needs to be improved upon or changed, feel free to chime in. We appreciate your input and feedback.
]]>Run FCChat as a Pop up Window.
Posted on August 1, 2011 by admin
As of version 2.1.15. FCChat can be run as both an in-browser window, and as a pop-up window.
The pop-up window option is available from the options dialog:
Here is a screenshot:
In addition, it is posible to launch the chat directly into a popup window, when you press the “Open Chat” button on your chat widget.
To enable this mode, go to the configuration file, FCChat/config/config.js and set the following option:
//Window modes
popup_window_on_open:true, //Default in-browser window
As of version 2.1.16, the FCChat widget can be run in fixed mode, which means that the widget will stay fixed in the browser viewport as the users scrolls through the page.
A screenshot of this mode is shown below:
To enable fixed mode, go to the configuration file FCChat/config/config.js, and set the following option:
Of course, this will fix the widget to the bottom right corner of the screen. There are four different ready made widget templates you can use to place the widget in different screen locations. They are as follows:
These widget style templates are found in the styles directory.
]]>When you embed flash content in your page, you should set the “wmode” parameter to either “opaque” or “transparent”, if you want the content to be coexist nicely with other elements in the page. If you leave the flash element in the default “window” mode, the browser will render it in its own window, and thus, it will appear on top of any other page content.
There are many tutorials on the internet about wmode and embedding flash objects, so I won’t go into detail about that here.
Below is a simple example of using wmode=transparent in an embedded youtube video:
<object width="425" height="350">
<param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/2_V-7g0LAZI"></param>
<param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param>
<embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/2_V-7g0LAZI"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"
width="425" height="350">
This tutorial describes how you can connect your users’ wordpress accounts to the chat.
In this mode of operation, when a user visits your site and logs in, they will be simultaneously signed in to the chat, with the same user name as their wordpress account.
Please note that if you use this mode of operation there are no guest accounts. A user MUST sign in to your site in order to gain access to the chat. Thus, this mode is best suited to a larger site, where your visitors are accustomed to logging in. For a small site, with only a few visitors, I would recommend against using this mode.
Also, this is only going to work if your user accounts are being managed by the default wordpress software. If you are using some other system of user registration and account management, it will not work.
Ok, here are the steps that you must take to set up the link, you should already have FCChat Installed and running before proceding:
1) Go to a page on your site and open the FCChat widget chat window. Sign in to the chat with your administrative account (your FCChat administrative account, not your wordpress administrative account).
2) Click on your chat screen name and click ‘mod’ to go to the FCChat administration panel.
3) Once in the administration panel, set the ‘enableForumIntegration’ tab to ‘yes’ and click ‘Set’. A warning will appear, just click OK.
4) Next click ‘Reboot’. Wait about a minute for the chat to reboot itself.
5) Next, you need to go to your wordpress plugins directory on your site and open up the FCChat config file with a text editor. The location of the file is as follows:
6)Find the variable forum_proxy and set it exactly as follows:
forum_proxy: window["fc_chat_path"] + "proxies/fcchat_wordpress_proxy.php",
7) Find the variable startText adn set it as follows:
startText:"<b>To begin chatting, please log in. <a href='" + (window["fcp_path"] || "/FCChat/") + "html/ChatHelp.html'>Chat Help</a></b>",
8) Now load up a page on your web site with your browser. You may have to refresh the page a couple of times in order your the new settings to ‘catch’.
9) Ok, your done!
If you want to go back to the ‘guest sign in mode’, do the following:
1) Log in to wordpress with your default administrative account. Go to a page on your site and open the FCChat widget chat window.
2) Click on your chat screen name and click ‘mod’ to go to the FCChat administration panel.
3) Once in the administration panel, set the ‘enableForumIntegration’ tab to ‘no’ and click ‘Set’. A warning will appear, just click OK.
4) Next click ‘Reboot’. Wait about a minute for the chat to reboot itself.
5) Next, you need to go to your wordpress plugins directory on your site and open up the FCChat config file with a text editor. The location of the file is as follows:
6)Find the variable forum_proxy and set it exactly as follows:
forum_proxy: "",
7) Find the variable startText adn set it as follows:
startText:"To begin chatting, press the <b>Open Button. </b>",
8) Now load up a page on your web site with your browser. You may have to refresh the page a couple of times in order your the new settings to ‘catch’.
9) Done!
]]>I notice in the widget there’s fields for some kind of activation info. Yet there’s no reference, anywhere, not even here on the WP plugin page, regarding what exactly the activation entails. Sorry I couldn’t try it.