Is this plugin fully operational, after all of the recent Fb updates/changes?
I am looking to implement this, but need assurances first.
Kind regards
]]>Hi @pigeonhut,
I just wanted to let you know that the plugin throws a lot of notices in the admin area. It started upon activating the plugin. These were the ones:
– Notice when a session already started.
Fix: wrapping session_start around this:
if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) session_start();
– Notices of undefined variables in lib/MessengerBot/Mod.php for various lines. Example line 14.
Fix: use isset() to check if variable is set.
– Various notices of an undefined index in the admin settings page. See screenshot: https://snag.gy/lmncUk.jpg
It’s not a big deal, but for those of us who develop in debug mode, this could be annoying ??
]]>Your instructions and description of the plugin says: The plugin creates a “send to facebook” button at the end of the WooCommerce Sales
I am not seeing this or getting this “send to facebook” button.
I have setup the facebook app and it has been approved and added the necessary settings into the plugin setting in wordpress.
Is there something else that needs to be switched on in woocommerce or template, etc??
Also (having tried both options) is the FB App Key (plugin settings page) equal to the App ID or the App Secret from the facebook developers app?