I get the following error in my console. what can i do?
Refused to display ‘https://pay-sandbox.gocardless.com/’ in a frame because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to ‘deny’.
]]>Is it possible to set up quarterly donations via a Gravity Form?
]]>Hey! Thanks for the great work. But if i send my form, i get the following error in my console. what can i do?
A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at <URL> was set without the SameSite
attribute. A future release of Chrome will only deliver cookies with cross-site requests if they are set with SameSite=None
and Secure
. You can review cookies in developer tools under Application>Storage>Cookies and see more details at <URL> and <URL>.
(index):1 Refused to display ‘https://pay.gocardless.com/flow/RE000V5K7NPXGMCZ7WMPBZEJRFQ793Z2#gf_3’ in a frame because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to ‘deny’.
We are getting the following error after being redirected back to the site, especially on mobile…
Caught exception-: Your integration has already completed this redirect flow We were unable to confirm your direct debit. Please contact us for help.
They say that the redirect is happening twice, has anyone else experienced this?
Is there a function I can run to check if a direct debit has been set up?
I am trying to use the “gform_after_submission” hook – https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_after_submission/ to update their entry with a value if the user has set up a direct debit.
I can get “gform_after_submission” to work when not going to GoCardless page so I’m guessing that hook is being ignored when they user is taken to GoCardless.
Here is my code…
add_action( 'gform_after_submission_21', 'update_user_details', 2, 2 );
function update_user_details( $entry, $form ) {
foreach($_POST['player_ids'] as $player_id) {
$payment_type = rgar( $entry, '108' );
if ($payment_type == "Cash") {
GFAPI::update_entry_field($player_id,'42',"CASH" . date('y',time()));
else {
GFAPI::update_entry_field($player_id,'42',"PAID" . date('y',time()));
Any help would be great.
]]>I am getting the following error when trying to submit my form with a user defined price product field…
Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘GoCardlessPro\Core\Exception\ValidationFailedException’ with message ‘Validation failed (session_token can’t be blank)’ in /wp-content/plugins/fb-gocardless-hosted-for-gravity-forms/vendor/gocardless/gocardless-pro/lib/Core/ApiClient.php:111
Any ideas?
Is it possible to take an initial payment followed by monthly payments with this plugin?
]]>So I have sandbox enabled and when I fill in test data on GoCardless, 2 things don’t seem to work.
1. I do not get redirected back to my “Thank You page” which i ahve set in the gravity form settings, instead i am taken to my home page with this added to the end of the domain “?gf_gocardless=8389___oupmucjekcry2rhxbptwwrbbba5ahfpef&redirect_flow_id=RE0001FQYNV6F8Z3C0DZV3VJ73H8FP15”
2. no customer / payment details are shown in my sandbox account
Are the above things happening because it is sandbox mode and not live mode?
]]>When I install and activate Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On, Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On stops working. i.e. no registrations are made.
]]>The plugin seems to only set up a monthly DD and with start date of a month hence.
I need the option to offer a one-off payment (donation) and I also need to be able to take a monthly subscription starting immediately. Can these features be added?
The current plugin version appears to have ‘Monthly Donation’ hard coded in: fb-gocardless-hosted-for-gravity-forms/classes/class-fb-gf-gocardless-hosted.php on line 512. Any chance the next version has this set as the Gravity Form’s Product field name? My product field is a drop-down with multiple choices so to pull the selection into the GoCardless description would be welcome.
Also, it would be useful to have frequency options in admin for weekly, (monthly), annual too if poss.
Great work so far. Thanks.
]]>I’ve installed/configured the plugin according to your docs / this forum but only a one-off payment appears to get passed on to GoCardless, not a recurring subscription. Is there an option to set up a subscription anywhere?
]]>I’ve installed the plugin. Firstly a minor bug, a PHP notice.
Accessing static property Fb_Gf_Gocardless_Hosted::$has_this_feed as non static
The error is triggered by line 185 of class-fb-gf-gocardless-hosted.php
Also, it took me a very long time to work out that when the documentation says “Settings”, it means the settings of the specific form. I was looking on the Gravity Form settings page.
There’s also a more serious bug on line 497 of class-fb-gf-gocardless-hosted.php. There the gocardless_direct_debit_amount
is cast to (int)
BEFORE being multiplied by 100. It should be cast to (int)
AFTER this operation, otherwise only whole pounds can be debited.
Hi there,
In the plugin it says:
“It is recommended to use a redirect or page confirmation so the visitor is not redirected back to the form once they complete their direct debit sign-up. Note that redirect and page conditional confirmations are not supported at this time. Your redirect URL must use https:// for the live environment or GoCardless will reject it. ”
I’ve set up a simple confirmation page. I’d like to redirect people back to our site and give them a thank you message and a share button. However, when I complete a successful payment, I simply get redirected to a standard GoCardless thank you page hosted within GoCardless. I can’t seem to get anything to redirect back to my site after the payment is set up.
Can you please help me out and let me know how to get things working?
very best,
I’ve added
define( ‘FB_GF_GOCARDLESS_HOSTED_READWRITE_TOKEN’, ‘insert-token-here’ );
to my wp-config file but within the admin area, it’s still asking for the details to be added and the Gravity form is submitting normally rather than via GoCardless
Is there anything else I need to be checking for? I’ve added a product field with a ‘user defined amount” fielsd and populated dynamically (I haven’t set up a redirect)
Any help would be really useful. Thanks