From version 1.0.4 , you can choose your preferred language for comment box.
Hi Team
Whenever I try to activate the plugin, the favicon on my website goes missing. I’ve tried de-activating and it comes back.
Can you please check.
I realized, your Plugin loads the British Language from the Facebook-API. I just changed the Link to use the System-Locale of the WordPress-Installation, to provide Multi-Language-Support of the Feature.
Maybe you can use this modification too, to provide this functionality to the other users.
In plugin.php I changed line 191 to:
js.src = "//<?php echo get_locale(); ?>/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.5&appId=<?php echo $facebook_comment_box_app_id; ?>";
I hope I helped you a little bit,
Greetings from Germany
I think I’ve connected everithing.
But when someone comment on the wordpress, it doesn’t shows on moderation page.
]]>This plugin sorts comment by Oldest to Newest in default configuration. Is it possible to change it to Newest to Oldest?
]]>How do I make it transparent as on screen 3?
]]>Hi King,
Unfortunately comments aren’t appearing in admin section. Could you assist ?
]]>I am testing this app and cant get it to Post to the Users facebook timeline. I am checking the box that indicates it will.
How do I get comment notification?
by default the plugin load the comment box in english. Can you add a setting to choose the language?
Thank you in advance