This plugin seems nice but it’s not working with the latest WP Theme (twenty-twenty-three). No visible changes. twenty-twenty-three is a Fullsite-Editing theme and favicons seem to work different with them
J'ai le bug ci dessous en voulant paramétrer le plug-in dans WordPress (chez Hostinger).
Pouvez vous m'aider? Merci
[10-May-2023 09:51:19 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Non-static method HT_Ultimate_Favicon::issue_message() cannot be called statically in /home/u5782142/domains/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/u5782142/domains/ HT_Ultimate_Favicon::create_icons_from_attachment_id()
#1 /home/u5782142/domains/ HT_Ultimate_Favicon_Settings_Page->create_admin_page()
#2 /home/u5782142/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#3 /home/u5782142/domains/ WP_Hook->do_action()
#4 /home/u5782142/domains/ do_action()
#5 /home/u5782142/domains/ require_once('/home/u578214...')
#6 {main}
thrown in /home/u5782142/domains/ on line 314
Dear developers, when is the update expected?
Thank you for this great plugin.
It’s exactly what I was Looking for.
But, I’m having an issue.
On Chrome, the favicon is showing on tabs if it’s the backend.
If it’s the frontend, the favicon is not showing.
On Mozilla, the favicon is showing on the frontend tabs.
(No need to check backend on Mozilla)
I have uploaded your plug-in and deleted my old favicon, purged cache, and opened incognito tab to see if favicon would show up in Google SERP in Chrome on mobile. It doesn’t show up. Any ideas?
There is no icon in the Safari tab iPad Os 15
All other icons work
Thank you for your work…
I just installed it on and picked 320×320 image. I had expected the fact that it was a square image that it would work, but it’s being chopped off (cropped) on the top and bottom. Is this normal?
Also it is not showing in the admin of the site, just the frontend. I’d like it in the admin as well. Is this normal as well?
Error severity: Very Low
PHP version affected: From PHP v7.4.x
Cause of the error: PHP deprecated syntax
System specifications: WordPress v5.6 with PHP v7.4.13
Affected plugin: Heroic Favicon Generator
Affected file: phpthumb.functions.php
Path of file: …/wp-content/plugins/favhero-favicon-generator/phpthumb/phpthumb.functions.php
Affected lines of codes: 212, 989
PHP Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in / on line 212
PHP Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in / on line 989
LINE 212
Change this value:
$output .= ‘ 0x’.str_pad(dechex(ord($string{$i})), 2, ‘0’, STR_PAD_LEFT);
With this value:
$output .= ‘ 0x’.str_pad(dechex(ord($string[$i])), 2, ‘0’, STR_PAD_LEFT);
LINE 989
Change this value:
$strtr_preg_quote[$escapeables{$i}] = $delimiter.$escapeables{$i};
With this value:
$strtr_preg_quote[$escapeables[$i]] = $delimiter.$escapeables{$i};
I have tested this solution several times and it appears to be correct.
Hoping to have been useful, however, I await confirmation from you.
Good day and good work.
]]>Hi dear @herothemes , @richardlong , @chrishadley ,
Please add this other favicon size and device support.
This is the correct size for this another favicon and device support:
1) 270×270 pixel – Medium Windows 8 Start Screen Icon
2) 558×270 pixel – Wide Windows 8 Start Screen Icon
3) 558×558 pixel – Large Windows 8 Start Screen Icon
4) 150×150 pixel – Microsoft Edge v41.16299.15.0 Tile Picture
5) 180×180 pixel – PC Windows 10 Firefox v58.0.1 Bookmark Apple touch Icon
6) 180×180 pixel – PC Windows 10 Firefox v58.0.1 Home Screen Apple touch Icon
7) 180×180 pixel – iPad Mini Mac OS X v10.13.3 Safari v9 Bookmark Apple Touch Icon
8) 180×180 pixel – iPad Mini Mac OS X v10.13.3 Safari v9 Home Screen Apple Touch Icon
9) 180×180 pixel – Samsung Galaxy S7 Android v7 Firefox v58 Home Screen Apple Touch Icon
10) 192×192 pixel – Samsung Galaxy S7 Android v7 Chrome v643282 Home Screen Apple Touch Icon
If you want to deepen this topic, these are the links where I found all this information:
Thanks in advance for the support.
]]>Hi dear @herothemes , @richardlong , @chrishadley ,
34 days ago and precisely on November 26, 2020 the latest and most updated official stable version of PHP 8.0.x was released while 53 day ago and precisely on November 8, 2020 the latest and most updated official and stable version was released of WordPress 5.6.x which supports the new version of PHP 8.0.x .
I wanted to ask you the following question:
When you make your “Heroic Favicon Generator” plugin compatible with the latest and most updated official stable version of PHP 8.0.x , you have an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) ?
Thanks in advance for the support.
]]>Hi dear @herothemes , @richardlong , @chrishadley ,
Your “Heroic Favicon Generator” plugin for WordPress has not been updated for over 3 months and is only compatible up to WordPress version 5.5.3 .
53 day ago and precisely on November 8, 2020 the latest and most updated official and stable version was released of WordPress 5.6.x .
I wanted to ask you the following question:
When will you make your “Heroic Favicon Generator” plugin compatible with WordPress version 5.6.x , you have an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) ?
Thanks in advance for the support.
]]>I’ve installed the Heroic Favicon Generator and uploaded a png file. Unfortunately not all favicon were generated (modern browser/retina, standard icon file and default size are missing) and the favicon is not displayed in the browser header. I see the following error message:
Warning: copy(/homepages/31/d825374833/htdocs/app845493063/favicon.ico): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /homepages/31/d825374833/htdocs/app845493063/wp-content/plugins/favhero-favicon-generator/ht-ultimate-favicon.php on line 201
Could not copy favicon to root, please check the permissions on your installation
What can I do to solve this problem?
]]>“Select Favicon” does not seem to work for me. I get a broken link indication. I am trying to load from an image in the Media Library. The link to the image is good. Here it is from the “Copy Link” in the Media Library:
The link to your dashboard setting is
]]>I created all the favicons for all devices. It did not show up on my laptop or iPhone until I went to – will the user who comes to the site have to do that to make it show up? And the same on the iPhone, Android or did I do something wrong? Thanks
]]>I’m getting the following errors in backend on settings screen.
Deprecated: Non-static method HT_Ultimate_Favicon::create_icons_from_attachment_id() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /Users/davepanfili/Desktop/Media/Dave/MAMP-Dev/wp-practice/wp-content/plugins/favhero-favicon-generator/php/ht-ultimate-favicon-settings.php on line 78
Deprecated: Non-static method HT_Ultimate_Favicon::create_png_icon() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /Users/davepanfili/Desktop/Media/Dave/MAMP-Dev/wp-practice/wp-content/plugins/favhero-favicon-generator/ht-ultimate-favicon.php on line 236
So I installed the plugin and uploaded the image, but now the favicon I uploaded shows in the backoffice but in the front office I still see the the theme’s favicon.
I cleared the cache of my browser, but it did not change.
]]>Hello, I wonder if this or similar plugins will be still ‘needed’ when WP 4.3 comes out (with integrated favicon-support). Or will there be still much left to do for a plugin? Does the plugin need an update for WP 4.3?
Thank you!
Hi, i have a problem (sorry form my english). My site is not working now, because: Fatal error: “Cannot redeclare is_executable() in …/www/wp-content/plugins/favhero-favicon-generator/phpthumb/phpthumb.functions.php on line 975”. On line 975 of this file is: “function is_executable($filename) {”
Can you anyone help me? Thanks!
]]>-installed Heroic…no prob.
-uploaded image to Media Library…no prob.
-selected image from Library from Heroic Favicon Generator page…no prob
…until it finished generating all the favicon image–no prob with the favicon images
BUT message at top of screen says “could not copy favicon to root “
Went to view site and View Source. this is in the default file:
<!– FAVHERO FAVICON START –><link rel=”apple-touch-icon-precomposed” href=><meta name=”msapplication-TileColor” content=”#FFFFFF”><meta name=”msapplication-TileImage” content=””>
And I can view the image content link rel=”…
BUT no favicon shows up anywhere. Have cleared caches, and even used browsers I never use…and no favicon anywhere.
Do I need to manually FTP the favicon images to the root? If so, what “root” do you want?
All my wp files are in
Why the “could not copy favicon to root” message? It seems that if you have an error message response already set for this condition there should be an FAQ answer for it.
Dan K
]]>I checked out your previous advices: cleared cache, refreshed favicon.ico. It still not appears. Could you help me out?
My page:
I keep getting this error message.
Why hints on how to resolve?
It is not working
]]>Mac OS
Image uploaded
Favicons generated and show in plug in
Cache cleared
Dev Tools / Hard Reload
Nope. Nada.
I get an error saving the favicon in the setting admin. Please help!?
]]>Heroic Favicon has generated my new favicon and it appears on my RSS feed, but the main
Wordpress site still shows the old one. This tells me there’s something in the files I need to take out, but I’m unsure about what it is or where it is.
What should I remove to get rid of the old favicon? Or is there some way Heroic can do it for me?
]]>I installed this plugin to change my Genesis default favicon. It is changed on the admin pages, but not on the blog. I cleared my cache. Is it a waiting game, or is something wrong?
]]>I’m getting the error message ‘GD not installed’ What is GD please and what do I need to do to sort it?
Thank you
]]>When I looked in my page source I noticed that my Favicon is served over https even if my page is served over normal http. (non encrypted)
I use a self signed SSL server certificate on my backend to securely login on my Dashboard.
When visitors visit my website it’s always over http and the favicon should also be served via http not via https. As this can cause problems with browsers not displaying the favicon.
So Heroic Favicon Generator doesn’t follow the protocol over which the page is served.
Hope you can fix this soon, as Heroic Favicon Generator is a great plugin!
You can see a live example of this problem on:
]]>I was able to generate the favicon from my media library, all the images are checked but it does not appear in the URL bar? Is there another step to activate the favicon?
How do I troubleshoot this message: “Could not open original image attachment”. On a new WP install this message appears irrespective of what image I try to use.