Is this plugin still being developed, supported and compatible with WP 4.9.6?
I installed your plugin because it looks good and is lightweight. It was working absolutely fine with wp super cache plugin but it stopped working as soon as I installed cache enabler plugin.
Site link is:
Plugin with which your plugin is not compatible is: cache enabler
Can you please tell me how to solve this problem. I really want to continue using your plugin not just because it’s good but I have also made few CSS changes to make it look good with my site design.
]]>Can you please tell me how do I add social buttons on the top of the post, just below the title area?
]]>Hi there, thanks for this plugin. Looks good. I’m just wondering how to get the social share buttons to show up at the top of the post, and not just the bottom? Is this an upcoming feature?
]]>Hi, is it possible to make the share buttons smaller? They are rather big…
]]>I search for a fast social share buttons. This seem to be fast but there are 2 big bad parts for this plugin.
1. It supports less social networking websites. You should add at least: linkedin, digg, reddit, stumbleupon, instagram and tumblr.
2. The design of the buttons is not so pretty.
I have installed Fast Social Share Plugin and i like it very much. The only problem i am having on is that buttons are appearing on homepage and i would like to hide them.
Can you please tell me how can i remove Fast Social Share Plugin buttons from frontpage?