This seems like a simple thing but there appears to be no way to sort the FAQs once added. They appear to be displaying in order of date (and time) added, but this isn’t always the preferred order. Ideally having an ORDER ID field or even displaying them alphabetically (then we can number them) might work.
]]>How do you enable Editor Users access to this plugin? Admin has full access but Editors do not seem to have any access to the pages. Tried using User Role Editor with no luck.
]]>Can more than 1 category be shown on a single page? We have tried using the category shortcode of
[faq-with-categories?category=”category name 1″]?
[faq-with-categories?category=”category name 2″]?
But it only displays content from 1 category, not 2 or more on the same page.
We want to be able to display “general categories” and then certain specific categories on different pages as well. For example: “General Fashion FAQs”, “Only Womens Clothing FAQs”, “Only Mens Clothing FAQs”, etc.
Secondly, can they be sorted alphabetically or numerically? They seem to be displaying in order of date last added at the top which isnt necessarily preferred.