First, I would like to thank you for creating this plugin and also to inform you of an error:
Notice: Undefined property: FacebookWidgets::$pluginDirectory in /MY_DOMAIN_PATH/wp-content/plugins/facebook-social-widgets/facebook-social-widgets.php on line 25
Hope it helps.
]]>The problem I am having is that while I am developing and have WP_DEBUG set to true I am not able to start a session because the headers have already been sent by the WordPess error handling. Here is the error that I am receiving:
Notice: Undefined property: FacebookWidgets::$pluginDirectory in …/…/wp-content/plugins/facebook-social-widgets/facebook-social-widgets.php on line 26
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at …/…/wp-content/plugins/facebook-social-widgets/facebook-social-widgets.php:26) in …/…/wp-content/plugins/wp-custom-admin-bar/custom-admin-bar-functions.php on line 8
My suggestion would be to declare that variable as a member of the class:
protected $pluginDirectory;
Or something like that to get rid of the warning. Thanks for the great work and for helping me out by taking care of this problem.
when i use the plugin to add the “Facebook activity feed” widget, it works perfectly in the inner posts, while it dose not appear any activities in the homepage. and the widget remain empty.
crashes on activating
]]>Sorry – I followed the instructions – nothing displays in the widget sidebars. I see no configuration tab or settings tab and there is nothing in the documentation other than to upload. The site support doesn’t say anything other than someone tried to activate it and there was no content. Looks great, but doesn’t do anything.
]]>Like Box options are reversed. Check “Show Feed” to not show the feed. Also, Like Button widget doesn’t work because there isn’t even an option to enter your page ID.