I just set up this plugin and I am expecting the Like box included on the side of the page to not be empty but it is. Can you advise if this bug is expected or if this is evidence of a misconfiguration? (https://tradeswomen.org/about/mission-and-history/35-years-of-tradeswomen-inc/2014-gala-september-19-2014/35th-anniversary-sponsors/)
I hage a code `[vc_row][vc_column width=’1/2′][contact-form-7 id=”81″ title=”kontakt”][/vc_column][vc_column width=’1/2′]
<a href=”https://www.facebook.com/krakownanowo” target=”_blank”>Facebook</a>
in HTML text editor but can’t see your plugin
Is Activity Feed included in this plugin? Does it show what the friends of the logged in user posted on this webpage or just that they Liked it.