I have this plugin and it was working fine but suddenly i have this error:
Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class ‘Facebook_Like_And_Comment’ does not have a method ‘facebook_like_add_meta’ in /home/zywetrupy/domains/strefawalkingdead.pl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 406
What Can I do?
]]>Hi Thank you for this great plug in, It’s just what I need, it’s working fine but it messes up a little, Please look at this page and scroll to the bottom and you will see what I mean.
Is there anyway to make the border bigger so it doesn’t spoil the layout?
Thank you for the great plug in
]]>I registered on this site just to say THANKS ??
The thing that I love about this plugin that it hides the WP comments, I couldnt get that with other plugins.. You beat them alllll
Thanks :)))
Just installed and testing this plugin and I see 2 problems with it.
1) The comment field centers on the whole page rather than to the main post. This means that it overlaps my sidebar and looks messy (see site for reference)
2) In all blog entries except the first, I get the wrning message:
“Warning: https://www.mydomain.com/blog/blog-article/ is unreachable.”
Not sure why that would be as the blog posts are public?
Here’s my site for reference: https://b.Callumw.com
]]>The download is zipped in a wrong way. Needed to unzip it, then found the needed zip in a subfolder.