Our facebook feed was working yesterday, today we are getting “Cannot Display Feed Pls check if the Facebook page exists or not.”
]]>Hyperlinks in post content are red because of inline style. There is no setting for this in plugin options page.
Please let the link color be set by an option and/or shortcode and modify plugin CSS instead of markup.
WFF Version
The fb event https://facebook.com/10155346516708962
has a hashtag, where the link-text has an encoded special character:
<p>Am 25.10.2017 l?dt das Netzwerk <a class="_58cn" href="/hashtag/hochschulbrückelüneburg?source=feed_text&story_id=10155346528093962" data-ft="{"tn":"*N","type":104}"><span class="_5afx"><span aria-label="Hashtag" class="_58cl _5afz">#</span><span class="_58cm">HochschulbrückeLüneburg</span></span></a> ein zur Veranstaltung ?Akademische Weiterbildung – die verkannte Chance!“.
The output of the widget shows the link-text which is shortened before the first occurance of the special character, so that the hashtag is not completely linked:
<div class="cleafix"></div></a></div><p class = "wff-post-text" style=" text-align:left; " >Am 25.10.2017 l?dt das Netzwerk <a class="wff-link-tab" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/Hochschulbr" target = "_blank">#Hochschulbr</a>ückeLüneburg ein zur Veranstaltung ?Akademische Weiterbildung – die verkannte Chance!“. Unternehmen, Arbeitnehmervertretungen und Bildungsakteure k...<span><a class="wff-more-link" >Mehr zeigen ?</a></span></p><p class="more-content" style=" display:none; text-align:left; " >Am 25.10.2017 l?dt das Netzwerk <a class="wff-link-tab" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/Hochschulbr" target = "_blank">#Hochschulbr</a>ückeLüneburg ein zur Veranstaltung ?Akademische Weiterbildung – die verkannte Chance!“. Unternehmen, Arbeitnehmervertretungen und Bildungsakteure k?nnen sich austauschen und über Themen, wie "Offene Hochschule" und akademische Weiterbildung als Baustein der Unternehmensentwicklung, informieren.
The details of the event https://www.facebook.com/events/710030289202506/ only exist once on fb, but (at the moment) your widget shows the details text twice.
Line breaks are vanished.
This event with a single day date is shown with <start date> – <end date> which does not make sense.
div id="text-11" class="widget scg_widget home-page widget_text"><h4 class="widgetTitle">Der VNB auf facebook</h4> <div class="textwidget"><div class = "wff-feed-wrapper"><div id = "wff-id"><div style="" class = "wff-fb-item wff-fb-item-event" id =121059708961_710030289202506><div class = "wff-author-wrapper"><a class="wff-link-tab" href =https://facebook.com/121059708961 target="_blank" ><div class = "wff-fb-author-data" ><div class="wff-row">
<div class="wff-facebook-feed-image-div"><div class = "wff-author-image"><img style="" src = https://graph.facebook.com/121059708961/picture?type=square></div></div>
<div class="wff-facebook-feed-title-div"><div class = "wff-author-name"><p style="" >VNB e.V. - BildungsINITIATIVEn in Niedersachsen</p><p class = "wff-date">17.Oktober 2017</p></div></div>
</div></div><div class="cleafix"></div></a></div><p class = "wff-post-text" style=" text-align:left; " >Am 26.10.17 k?nnt ihr das Projekt "<a class="wff-link-tab" href="https://facebook.com/710030289202506" style="color: indigo;" target="_blank">Zuhause bleiben war gestern</a>" live erleben und kennenzulernen. In einem zweistündigen Workshop lernen wir gemeinsam, welche M?glichkeiten wir haben, uns politisch ...<span><a class="wff-more-link">Mehr zeigen ?</a></span></p><p class="more-content" style=" display:none; text-align:left; " >Am 26.10.17 k?nnt ihr das Projekt "Zuhause bleiben war gestern" live erleben und kennenzulernen. In einem zweistündigen Workshop lernen wir gemeinsam, welche M?glichkeiten wir haben, uns politisch einzubringen. Wie kann ich meine Meinung künstlerisch durch Rap oder Filme ausdrücken und wie diskutiere ich mit Politiker*innen?
Mit diesen und anderen Fragen setzt sich das einj?hrige Projekt ?Zu Hause bleiben war gestern – ich mach mit!“ auseinander. In Workshops und Seminaren diskutieren wir ca. einmal im Monat gemeinsam über politische Themen, lernen Politiker*innen und politische Vereine kennen, besuchen den nieders?chsischen Landtag und probieren uns in Rap und Poetry Slam aus – natürlich alles kostenlos! Begleitet werden wir dabei von @Jennifer Gegenl?ufer als Projektpat*in.
Im Anschluss an den Workshop am 26.10. besuchen wir um 18.30 Uhr gemeinsam die Ausstellung ?So sehen wir Hannover!“ des Vereins @Hometown Hannover im Historischen Museum Hannover (Pferdestra?e 6).
Wir freuen uns auf viele neue Gesichter, die unser Projekt kennenlernen m?chten.
Bei Fragen meldet euch bei Henriette Lange, [email protected]
Projekttr?ger: Verein Nieders?chsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V.
In Kooperation mit: h1
Wir bedanken uns für die Projektf?rderung bei:
Nieders?chsisches Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung
Lotto-Sport-Stiftung Niedersachsen
Jugend lebt Stadt
Stiftung Leben und Umwelt...<span><a class="wff-less-link" style="display:none">? Weniger zeigen</a></span></p><div class = "wff-fb-item-event-wrapper"><div class = "fb-text-wrapper"><div class = "fb-post-data description-wrapper"><p class="wff-event-title" style=" " ><a class="wff-link-tab" href = https://www.facebook.com/events/710030289202506/ target = "_blank">Zuhause bleiben war gestern</a></p><p class="wff-event-content" style=" " >Am 26.10.17 k?nnt ihr das Projekt "Zuhause bleiben war gestern" live erleben und kennenzulernen. In einem zweistündigen Workshop lernen wir gemeinsam, welche M?glichkeiten wir haben, uns politisch einzubringen. Wie kann ich meine Meinung künstlerisch durch Rap oder Filme ausdrücken und wie diskutiere ich mit Politiker*innen?
Mit diesen und anderen Fragen setzt sich das einj?hrige Projekt ?Zu Hause bleiben war gestern – ich mach mit!“ auseinander. In Workshops und Seminaren diskutieren wir ca. einmal im Monat gemeinsam über politische Themen, lernen Politiker*innen und politische Vereine kennen, besuchen den nieders?chsischen Landtag und probieren uns in Rap und Poetry Slam aus – natürlich alles kostenlos! Begleitet werden wir dabei von @Jennifer Gegenl?ufer als Projektpat*in.
Im Anschluss an den Workshop am 26.10. besuchen wir um 18.30 Uhr gemeinsam die Ausstellung ?So sehen wir Hannover!“ des Vereins @Hometown Hannover im Historischen Museum Hannover (Pferdestra?e 6).
Wir freuen uns auf viele neue Gesichter, die unser Projekt kennenlernen m?chten.
Bei Fragen meldet euch bei Henriette Lange, [email protected]
Projekttr?ger: Verein Nieders?chsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V.
In Kooperation mit: h1
Wir bedanken uns für die Projektf?rderung bei:
Nieders?chsisches Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung
Lotto-Sport-Stiftung Niedersachsen
Jugend lebt Stadt
Stiftung Leben und Umwelt</p><div class = "event-date">26.October 2017 - 26.October 2017</div></div><div class = "wff-view-on-facebook"><a class="wff-link-tab" href = https://www.facebook.com/events/710030289202506/ target = "_blank">Auf facebook lesen »</a></div></div></div></div>
After update, the site only loads headers and footers, with no page content across the entire site. It has been working great up until now. Disabling the plugin allows the page to load, but I would prefer to have the FB feed in the footer. Please let me know if you will be releasing an update. Thanks!
]]>We encountered a Fatal error on three websites.
It appears that the Facebook data is now being sent as an object rather than as an array.
We have corrected the issue in our limited scenario by performing a find/replace for the bracket notation string ‘[0]->’ to ‘->’
filepath: /facebook-feed/facebook-feed-shortcode.php
This hack has corrected the issue for us – however we only use the one identical shortcode in all instances.
No Shortcode Attribute or Plugin Option Page Setting seems to provide limiting the length of the content of a shared post…
]]>Why does share_text=’xyz’ not work in a Widget?
Do you have a direct email address I can contact you on for support please?
I’ve just purchased the pro version.
Want to get in touch to ask you if you wouldn’t mind correcting the redirection that happens with the author image please? Here is what I mean:
Remove the following redirect chain if possible:
There is 1 redirect
https://graph.facebook.com/113174522101365/picture?… redirects to https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/…/15572_973619872723488_2981815564096196144_n.png?…
I manually correct this myself by removing the image in the code entirely like so:
line 867 replace whats there with (Doing this prevents a warning rather then commenting the whole line out):
$authorimage = ‘<div class = “wff-author-image”></div>’;
Then in CSS do display none on wff-author-image.
Could you fix it or add an option to remove the image entirely please?
Thank you!
]]>I am getting following error:
Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in /public_html/new/wp-content/plugins/facebook-feed/facebook-feed-shortcode.php on line 933
The WP crashed. I had to manually disable the plugin to revive the website. When I try to reactivate the plugin, it gives me the same error saying the plugin cannot be activated since it is giving fatal error.
Kindly advice.
]]>Hello. We just went live with the new website. Check here: https://komikaze.hr
The plugin ignores the limit setting (which is set to 8) and shows too many posts. It’s also possible that this happened after I updated the plugin in wp dashboard, but not sure.
Any help would be welcome.
]]>WARNING: v.1.4.7 crashes WordPress 4.7.3
re-Installed v. Version and worked with like a charm
Do backup before updating to this version!!!
Developer, pls recheck current repository for overnight built errors and crashes
]]>Facebook Feed- trying t add the following shortcode but nothing is coming on the page …what am I ding wrong [socialfeed id=’9881′]
Love the plugin!
Just installed it on another one of our sites and I’ve noticed that its not adding a space where it needs to in some cases.
Here are a few examples:
HAS INCREASED!Latest figures
plus VAThttps://www.work
From another site we use this plugin:
at Gerber!Challenge:
Can’t really see a pattern with this so not sure whats causing it.
If you need anymore info, please let me know.
]]>Hi, is there a way to create a specific color background box around the feed? I am using it in a footer at carolinagunrunners.com and would like to put the feed in a white box.
]]>I have installed the app. I have entered the correct facebook ID (tried both the number id and the page name, both same result). And have entered a app Id en and app secret. Now i can not figger out why it does not show in the footer widget.
Kind regards,
I am trying to get this working, but I can only get it to display when using your sample Facebook Feed. Does this work with public groups? I want to go Premium, but need to get this working first.
Example page issue: https://vitriolinc.com/matt-test-feed/
]]>Is there any way to remove the avatar and title from the widget? It takes up too much room. Thanks.
See my website below:
Hi, is there a standalone version of this plugin for non-WordPress websites?
]]>Does this plugin have php shortcode, instead of text version?
]]>I’m not sure if this is a facebook problem, a problem with your plugin, or a problem with my site. Our latest post on our group’s Facebook page is showing the snippet of from a few posts previously. This is reflected in the plugin on the sidebar of our site. Even when I paste the URL of a post on our site in my personal facebook page, the same erroneous preview pops up. On our News page, which has snippets of all of our posts, the snippets are correct. Not sure what is up.
Our Facebook page is here: https://www.facebook.com/virginiamontessoriassociation/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel.
Our WordPress site is here: https://virginiamontessoriassociation.org/
]]>The FB page I am trying to set up a feed to is: https://www.facebook.com/City-of-Kensington-185318238316874/
When I put the shortcode in a sidebar widget I get the message.
.description-wrapper{border:1px solid #f00;padding:10px;background-color: #000000;margin-top:10px;}
i must be edit on style.css don’t word in the Custom css of custom script, it is normal ? thanks.
]]>Hi there,
I′ve found a problem. Facebook feed on our webpage didn′t actualise itself for a month. I can′t find a reason or solution, can you help me please? ??
Thank′s a lot.
Here is a link to my feed. Only a few words for each post are displaying. In my WordPress settings, syndication is set to display full posts.
Your help is appreciated!
I can’t get this plugin working.
I keep getting the following message:
Cannot display feed
Pls check if the Facebook page exists or not.
In settings for the facebook ID I have tried gocreatepreston and 318036661699883 but neither seem to work.
]]>I recently installed the facebook feed plug in. But I am having trouble with how it looks on my site. It puts the post ok but adds a white box. How do I get rid of that box?
Hello there,
I′ve got Facebook Feed Pro, it looks really cool, but what am I to do to get photos in the original size from Facebook.The photos are getting larger and losing quality.
Thanks a lot for your help,
I′ve got problem with paragraphs. On facebook page the post are divided into paragraphs, but in the feed they′re no. Is it possible to fix it?
Thank you very much.