My web page is, and before every post i shared with publicize or manualy, the featured image of my posts worked well, the same for LinkedIN. for example try this old post:
that one works just fine, but now none of my posts work, like this one:
i haven’t find a solution in any forum yet, please help me…
]]>Hi WordPress Gurus,
My featured image is not sharing on LinkedIn.
I have read many forum threads and nobody seems to have a solution, but there is mass confusion.
I have downloaded and unzipped the most common plugin solution offered, but I am not a code writing guru, so do not understand what it means when Step 1 says…
“Upload plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory”
There is 3 files in the unzipped folder – which one?
How do you “upload” it?
How do I find the “/wp-content/plugins/ director”?
Guys, we need step by step instructions please.
I just want to tell everyone who helps on these forums that I appreciate your efforts. Thank you.
]]>I have put the code into my wordpress and I have worked with another developer to take a look at the issue. An image seems to be showing up on Facebook, but nothing shows when I either share or try to post the image onto Linkedin.
I feel maybe I am missing something.
This is the website, I created the latest one after activating the plugin in the plugin menu.
]]>Hi … This plugin fix my problem about showing correct image when I share a post in facebook !! Thanks !! … the problem is that in the post shared in facebook I see this at the right of the title of my site: WIDGET_LIKE_LOG_APP
]]>Hello, I’m seeing some weird behavior. On some posts, for example on this one:
the featured image appears fine.
However on other posts, for example on this one:
the featured image is not chosen, the site logo is chosen as the thumbnail by facebook.
Why us this?
]]>I’ve tried setting my featured image for my homepage but it’s not showing up when I use the debugger. Maybe that’s because my homepage doesn’t actually display that image? (The featured image is a square version of my logo to share but it doesn’t and I don’t want it to be a part of the design of that page.)
I’m a complete newbie to this part of WordPress so I don’t even know where to start.
i don’t where the problem could be.
When i want to share a video post like this:
i embed a vimeo video with the video format. Responsvie. But when i want to share the video post on facebook, g+, etc. no thumbnail shows up. Only a small picture of my profile pic.
I get a video thumbnail with the video thumbnail plugin. It works. But the thumbnail doesn’t show up.
I thought perhaps with you plugin it coul work. But nothing has changed.
When i use a link like this: and add it to the debug tool: i get this error: More Than One OG URL Specified Object at URL ‘’ of type ‘article’ is invalid because it specifies multiple ‘og:url’ values:,
I don’t know how to solve this eror problem. Perhaps this is the key? I read someone else had the same issue. I also have jetpack.
Also when i share a normal post like this: there’s an issue. When i post it to g+ the correct thumb shows up, but facebook chatches some pics from the content and not the thumbnail i want to show.
Thank you for you help.
]]>Hi Facebook Featured Image and Open Graph Meta Tags support,
I have installed the plugin today and I am very pleased.
There is one issue I need to resolve.
After installing the plugin it has caused another plugin to render share buttons double on single post pages.
It is as if the Facebook Featured Image and Open Graph Meta Tags plugin tries to share the entire page (header, body, footer)…. You can see the issue on this post page:
All input on how to resolve this is highly appreciated ??
Best regards
]]>I just installed the plugin, and everything seens to be fine, except he is not getting the description.
What should I do?
]]>Hi there, Is there any way to use your plugin but change the description or title area in the code so it pulls a variable from another file, I’ve tried including the other file at the start of the code and then inserting the variable in between the ” ” ( a couple of different ways ) but it just shows up as empty if I share to FB, The reason I’d like to do this is to include the price from my Thecartpress E-commerce site alongside the title, the products are generated as custom post types so it pulls everything else fine. I don’t know if I need to provide some kind of formatting around the variable so it will be read properly or something? I feel like this would be a handy wee piece of advice as I’m sure other people would be interested in doing the same thing. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give on the subject, I’m no coding expert but I understand the basics and I’m more than prepared to give this a go and learn anything I don’t already know if you could point me in the right direction.
I ran it through the FB Debugger and I just can’t figure out what is conflicting or what I need to do from here.
I’m going crazy about this issue, since weeks ago i’m trying to get in facebook main news feed the big/new format for news.
If i post to my fan page test (Venezuela Indignada) in the timeline, the news look great, you can check:
The trouble is right here in news feed, as you can see, the image and description is not showing:
I would like to get the right setup and see my posts like these posts:
All my featured images have more than 200×200. I tested featured images from 630×420, 660×346, 700×366, 800×420, 900×600, 1200×630 and 1200×675 px and i still not getting the thumbnail and description not even in the main news feed and fan page timeline, so the news don’t help me to get more engagement as the new post format.
You can check the media size that i setup in WordPress:
This is the only active plugin that i have enabled:
I have the WordPress 3.7.1 and i’m using the WordPress twelve theme, could you help me to identify what’s going wrong to get the new post format?
Thanks in advance for any help that you can give me,
Really thanks!
]]>I downloaded the app…but when I share my website on Facebook, I still get ads as my featured image and not my logo. What can I do to change this?
Here is my link:
]]>Worked this out now.
1) Open WordPress Settings-Media. Change ‘Thumbnail size’ to at least 200 x 200
2) For your posts, ensure you choose an image which is at least 200x200px
3) Set as your featured image
4) Test using facebook open graph debugger:
Best of luck my good friends! ??
]]>Changed the code to
cause i got no excerpt for most of my pages.
Just add has_excerpt($id) to check if there’s one or not. Too lazy to type it ’cause i never use excerpts.
]]>Hello – I’m seeing everything showing up in the source code properly I believe (example page here: but I’m still not seeing everything showing up properly if I try to share out an article on FB. The definitions in the tags are correct, just not what Facebook is pulling in. Please advise.
]]>This may be a theme issue, because all of the Open Graph plugins are failing to work.
I have it installed at
It is a woocommerce store site, but the theme is not from woo themes.
But the shares are only randomly showing the featured image. But the theme is have overall issues with product images and featured images showing correctly. They say they are coming out with a wc 2.0 compatible update, but still waiting.
But do you have any idea why the plugin would not be working on 100% of the product post pages?
]]>Hey Ryan– great plugin. One thing– Facebook wants the og:image to be as big as possible (ideally 1500×1500 or larger, but required to be at least 200×200), so I’d recommend changing line 32 to:
<?php $fb_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id( get_the_ID() ), 'full'); ?>
Thanks for the plugin!