I would like to help development- please get in touch
]]>How can I add facebook comments also in recent comments? This is not happening now.
]]>Hi I have setup the plugin but it is only shows for administrator.
]]>PHP Compatibility Checker gave the following issues for PHP 7,
FILE: /../wp-content/plugins/facebook-comment-by-vivacity/user-file.php
1 | WARNING | File has mixed line endings; this may cause incorrect results
FILE: /../wp-content/plugins/facebook-comment-by-vivacity/fb-comments.php
1 | WARNING | File has mixed line endings; this may cause incorrect results
is it possible to import comments from an old url to a new url?
From https://mysite.com/cool-page
To https://mysite.com/new-cool-page
I just installed the plugin. The box shows as desired but after typing the comment and when i was about to login, it didn’t allow me to. I was kept in the circular loop trying to open a login box.
what went wrong?
It sorts comment by Oldest to Newest in default configuration. Is it possible to change it to Newest to Oldest?
]]>I am using Yoast wordpress seo. So i need to know the best settings for name servers. after installing your plugin title, image, and descriptions are not coming while sharing through facebook
]]>Hey guys,
Loving the plugin, although i a have a request that i hope you could include in an upcoming version. Right now the plugin gives you the choice to put the comments under posts or pages, but nothing about custom post types. All custom post types follow the settings of the normal ‘post’ checkbox.
I have several custom post types, and for some i would like to enable and for some to disable it. i know i can add custom php but adding checkboxes in the plugin would make this plugin even beter then it already is.
]]>When I tick the ‘Also post on Facebook’ box, whereabouts on Facebook does the comment get posted?
The Facebook comments shows up if using non SSL website. But my site is all SSL, which causes your facebook plugin to not show at all.
Is there a “enable ssl” funtion I am missing.
Best Regards
Hello guys,
I am having a problem that does not allow me to sleep at nights. Whenever anybody comments on my website and checks the box ‘post on facebook’, I am the only one that actually sees this post on facebook timeline and on comment author’s profile.
Why is it? I declare to donate if you solve my problem here!
]]>We are using your plugin Facebook Comments by Vivacity Pro to add commenting functionality. We are using Yoast SEO to provide SEO and social meta. We’ve found that your plugin adds duplicate (and in the case of og:title, conflicting) og tags to our posts/pages. Is there a way to disable your plugin’s og:tags?
]]>I cannot seem to get anywhere with making this plugin work. I’ve done the following:
If I try and make a comment on the wordpress post, all I get is “Sorry, this feature isn’t available right now”. I’m not seeing anything useful in the response or the developer console. Any ideas on steps I can take to trouble shoot this??
Everything works great except when on Mobile. I have tested with Android and that where you can see the comment count but not the comments.
]]>Hi I really like this plugin. But got some problems
1. Why its not showing on the facebook shared post
2. I only see my own comments when I visit the page. How can I see other comments.
Hope you guys can help me on this
I am trying to add this comment box on my paginated posts such as 9 Smart Speaking Habits You need
This plugin via [vivafbcomment] is not showing. Any idea why?
I have just came across a situation,told by one of my reader. If you add a comment to a single post, all is ok. But if you want to withdraw this comment, the opening window is not displaying the buttons or only the very top of the 2 buttons /”Delete” and “Don’t delete” guess./. The bottom part -foot- of the opening window is cut off. You may try to add and delete a comment to any single post on my site to see the phenomenon https://www.mosthallottam.hu
How to fix?
2 questions.
– I am not getting new comment notifications unless ticking share on fb.
As default wp comment system is set invisible, can’t follow comments that are not shared. Or? (If I could set the “share comment on fb ” as default,without ticking, there were no problem, but I guess I can’t.) Or?
– Plugin info shows at moderation notes
“All admins to the App ID can moderate comments,By default”
I am the owner/admin to the given AppID, entered at Main settings/Facebook app.ID. but can’t moderate any comments now. Should I enter once more my personal ID or appID
at Moderation settings/Moderators empty place?
Is it possible to delete a comment!
Next to the comment on my web i have only 3 options ,
mark as spam
]]>Checking with Gtmetrix. Why are the same script called?
This slows down the site. Any solution to this?
The following resources have identical contents, but are served from different URLs. Serve these resources from a consistent URL to save 1 request(s) and 32.6KiB.
]]>Hi there,
I recently activated this plugin with great pleasure, but the only thing I need right now is to be able to filter on post-category.
In that way the FB-comment only comes on my News-posts.
Is there a place within the php-code where I could alter that?
]]>Hi, I’ve added Facebook Comments by Vivacity to all my post pages, and it looks like it’s working great.
Is there a way to remove the Comments section from a single post? I have a WooCommerce product sales page, which is classified as a post, and I would like to remove the comments section just from this single post.
Is there a shortcode that I could add to this post that would remove the comments section?
Thanks for your help and the great comments plugin!
Nice plugin. I have installed on a website and it works great.
One thing that is happening is when admin edit a post it clear the comments. The edit is small fix on text. Then comments disappear.
Is it normal?
Thank you.
great plugin! is it compatible with wordpress multisite setup?
we would like to use it on .
]]>Hi ??
Awesome plugin guys, i really love it, but something is happening. I’ve got to comments on all my posts.
You can se here.
Do you have any idea?
Kevin ??
]]>Hi guys
Great plugin, easy to install, thanks!
One thing though –
If someone comments on a post, why is there no notification to me? Not on either the moderator page, or my FB notifications?
Here is an example:
There were 0 alerts that those 4 comments were posted?
I went through all the settings, can’t figure it out, and am worried that people post a comment and it will seem like I’m ignoring them because I have no idea it’s there!
]]>Hi There!
When someone comment with facebook do i receive any kind of notification?
(I am the admin of the site and owner of the appID, already add my userID as moderator too)
Nothing show up in “Moderation area” Review(0), Public and Hidden says:
“There are no comments to review right now.”
Heres the shortcode i’m using on content-single.php file:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[vivafbcomment url="'.get_permalink( $post->ID ).'" width="100%" data-width="100%" count="on" num="5" countmsg="Deixe seu comentário através do Facebook"]'); ?>
]]>HI there,
I’m wondering if it’s possible to have the comments show up as the last thing on the page?
It comes up before my social media star buttons and my opt-in box, I’d like it to be under those elements.
]]>The plugin works great, only I wonder if you can activate automaticamnete (Also post on Facebook), I would like my users do not have to activate the check box.
It can?