My pages have sometimes very long names. That does not work with the width of the page tree. Could you please add another field in the settings to adjust the width of the page tree?
I have reported the bug on the forum of another plugin, and there the author suggested a solution, but it requires you to modify the plugin a little.
Thank you in advance!
Unfortunately, I can no longer write a reply to the original post, as it has been closed:
It is about the first problem again (the second one has been fixed – thanks for that!):
I have looked at it again. The mentioned window is indeed from a third party (UpSolution, theme “Impreza”).
The window has the CSS class “.us-paste-section-window” and in its original state this class has the property “z-index: 13;”.
As soon as I set the property to “z-index: 1100;” via the developer tools, the window is on top again.
So the solution I see is either that you make a fix for Impreza and overwrite this class with “z-index: 1100;” or that you set an element you created that probably uses z-index: 1099 to z-index: 12.
Leider kann ich beim originalen Post keine Antwort mehr schreiben, da dieser geschlossen wurde:
Es geht dabei nochmals um das erste Problem (das zweite wurde ja behoben – besten Dank daf��r!):
Ich habe mir das nochmals angesehen. Das erw?hnte Fenster ist in der Tat von einem Dritthersteller (UpSolution, Theme “Impreza”).
Das Fenster hat die CSS-Klasse “.us-paste-section-window” und im Originalzustand hat diese Klasse die Eigenschaft “z-index: 13;”.
Sobald ich ��ber die Developer-Tools die Eigenschaft auf “z-index: 1100;” setze, ist das Fenster wieder on top.
Die L?sung sehe ich also entweder darin, dass ihr einen Fix f��r Impreza macht und diese Klasse mit “z-index: 1100;” ��berschreibt oder dass ihr ein von euch erstelltes Element, dass wahrscheinlich z-index: 1099 benutzt, auf z-index: 12 setzt.
Now I have a few new ideas, which would be great:
1. you probably know the page tree from TYPO3 too, I guess. I do, anyway.
But there it was also very practical that TYPO3 always remembered exactly which pages with subpages were open and which were not. This status was always saved, even after a logout/login.
That would be ingenious, if that were also possible.
2. it would be great to have a function to open/close all pages with subpages at once.
3. in TYPO3 there is also a search field with a filter function. After input only the corresponding pages are displayed. That would be also ingenious.
4. if another person is already editing a page, I think you see a lock icon (I can’t check that at the moment due to lack of a second user).
It would also be great if an icon could also be displayed if the page is password protected, for example. I have seen this with other plugins as well.
I have the theme Impreza ( and this uses WPBakery.
To what extent the theme builders have adapted WPBakery, I don’t know, but there are certain problems with it.
Whether this needs to be solved by WPBakery or you, I don’t know either, you can judge that better.
In any case, there is a function there to be able to paste a copied section:
A window will appear.
But as soon as I activated your extension, it looks like this:
The window now hides behind all other elements of WPBakery.
I have to make the browser window so small that I can see the window between the elements and paste the text.
I hope you guys can improve this.
Then there is a second problem right away. In the top right of WPBakery it has a maximize button.
When you press that, the image looks like this:
It doesn’t really help much if you can still see your window, it shouldn’t be visible there at all.
Besten Dank f��r Eure geniale Erweiterung, welche ich schon oft eingesetzt habe.
Ihr seid ja nicht weit in Luzern, ich bin in K��ssnacht… ??
Nun habe ich ein paar Probleme und Ideen, welche ich nun separat in Beitr?gen abfassen werde.
Hier der erste Beitrag.
Ich habe soeben auf einer Website das Plugin installiert und dann erscheint ja jeweils nach der Aktivierung gleich die Einstellungs-Seite. Dort habe ich allerdings NICHT auf den Button “?nderungen speichern” geklickt, sondern bin dann gleich weiter gegangen auf “Seiten”.
Der Seitenbaum wurde dann geladen, aber ein Sortieren war nicht m?glich. Nach jedem Ziehen einer Seite kam gleich die Meldung “Seitenbaum wird geladen…” und danach war die gezogene Seite wieder an ihrem urspr��nglichen Platz.
Das scheint ein Fehler zu sein.
Sobald ich die Einstellungen speichere, geht die Sortierung.
Thank you very much for your brilliant extension, which I have already used many times.
You are not far in Luzern, I am in K��ssnacht… ??
Now I have a few problems and ideas, which I will now write separately in posts.
Here the first contribution.
I have just installed the plugin on a website and then immediately the settings page appears in each case after activation. There, however, I have NOT clicked on the button “Save changes”, but then went straight to “Pages”.
The page tree was then loaded, but sorting was not possible. After each dragging of a page, the message “Page tree is being loaded…” came up immediately and then the dragged page was back in its original place.
This seems to be a bug.
As soon as I save the settings, the sorting works.
Perhaps you also want to make a frontend version in your plugin?
Because, the author of this plugin hasn’t updated his plugin for a long time:
Gutenberg block editor sidebar is behind the f4 post tree pages list. So we cant see the block inserter sidebar.
Can we fix this with something like a css code or something else ?
And are you still planning update the plugin or make a pro version in a short time ?
]]>Just wanted to say I’m interested with the ability to see the categories tree for posts. And not sure if it’s the already case now, I hope it will be possible to slide off the panel when we don’t need it.
Keep up the good work and let me know !
]]>Dear folks,
this plugin is multisite incompatible.
One example would be a query like
“UPDATE wp_posts SET post_parent = %d, menu_order = %d WHERE ID = %d”
( see \F4\TREE\Tree\Hooks::ajax_move_tree_post )
Actually this is very dangerous in a multi-site because you edit things on a complete different table.
This is also dangerous for single-sites because when the db-prefix has changed, then you update a very different table that has nothing to do with the current WordPress that the user works with.
In addition:
In \F4\TREE\Core\Helpers::get_settings you set [ 0 => post, 1 => page ] as default value
but in the actual settings section you store [ post => 1, page => 1 ] .
Even worse, when the array contains [ foo ] then all post-types get the tree view.
Please let me know if you need someone that helps with the code review.
I stop after 5 minutes and let you know what I found (so far).