It’s been about 3 years since an update has been released for the wonderfully handy plugin. I’m sure there isn’t much that needs to be done to it, but security software, like Wordfence, marks it as a risk since it appears to be abandoned. Any chance a new release will be made available showing it’s compatibility to WordPress 6.2?
Can I add multiple shortcodes in a single widget? My website is
Kindly Help
Hi, I am trying to make the categories list more compact, but I can’t find a way to remove the extra empty lines between the various entries. Meaning: I’d like to go from
Category 1
Category 2
Category 1
Category 2
Any advice?
]]>I tried [extra_archives type=”postbypost” order=”ASC”], hoping to generate an archive index of all posts in ascending date order, but apparently the order=”ASC” parameter is ignored in this case. Was this an intentional part of the design?
]]>On each product list page, all custom taxonomy categories and tags are showing within the product <li class. We do NOT want the custom taxonomy categories appearing in the source code. How can we hide this?
<li class=”post-51423 cake-delivery-7-bungalows-andheri-west cake-delivery-a-s-rao-nagar cake-delivery-aashiana cake-delivery-aaya-nagar cake-delivery-abhiramapuram cake-delivery-abids cake-delivery-acharya-vihar ………
]]>Great plugin. We’re using the following shortcode on one of our websites , which displays the intended category, BUT on mouse hover the category description is showing, which we dont want. How can we hide the description?
[extra_taxonomies taxonomy=”flower-delivery” include=”874 hierarchical=1″]
]]>I can see the archive of a category (by id or slug)?
I set the shortcode [extra_archives show_post_count = “1”] but it is the repository of all category. I would like to see only a specified category.
thank you
Just browsing through the wordpress plugins as I search for something, and then I see this current plugin that is marked as being compatible with wordpress 5.0
Congratulations to the plugin maintainer for being able to travel into the future and know the specs and requirements in advance. Could I also kindly ask to know the lottery numbers in advance, in addition to the wordpress specs in advance too?
Jokes aside, I think that “Compatible up to: 5.0” on ought to be corrected ??
]]>Hello! thank you for usefull plug-in – it is just I was looking for.
One question:
is it possible to output the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy?
and is it possible to edit months names somewhere? for example to cut January to Jan?
I have added your shortcode [extra_archives type=”yearly”] to display the archive by year. This is great just what I need, but how do I also filter these posts by category? I only want to display 2 categories of post in this section, not every post.
So for example I want to be able to click on one of the years, say ‘2014’ and for it only to show posts from 2014 in the category ‘Events’ and ‘Reviews’.
Is this possible?
]]>Hello friends,
I am using the plugin, & i am developing a news site for an Indian client, i want to display the date, month and year detail in hindi how can i do it? my site url is- you can see the date displaying on header of my site.
and one more problem is this that i want to display the timing on my site according to India stander.i just want to show all the detail related to date and time like this site-
I’m in Moscow and it’s 00:40 of 28 december, monday.
But when I use shortcode like
[date_i18n format=”j F l” use_wordpress_timezone=”1″]
the output is 27 december, sunday.
and [time format=”H:i”] = 21:40.
And in WordPress settings it’s Moscow timezone.
So, there’s a 3 hours difference.
]]>I have a question for everyone. My company has been in business since 1985. I want to celebrate this. Here’s how I word it on my front page.
“We’ve been in business for over 30 years.”
So….is it possible for this plugin to display the total number of years that have transpired from 1985 to the current year?
How would this be achieved?
]]>Tell me, please, how to make replacement in your widget result.
I need to fix months names:
function true_russian_date_forms($the_date = '') {
if ( substr_count($the_date , '---') > 0 ) {
return str_replace('---', '', $the_date);
$replacements = array(
"Январь" => "января",
"Февраль" => "февраля",
"Март" => "марта",
"Апрель" => "апреля",
"Май" => "мая",
"Июнь" => "июня",
"Июль" => "июля",
"Август" => "августа",
"Сентябрь" => "сентября",
"Октябрь" => "октября",
"Ноябрь" => "ноября",
"Декабрь" => "декабря"
return strtr($the_date, $replacements);
add_filter('the_time', 'true_russian_date_forms');
add_filter('get_the_time', 'true_russian_date_forms');
add_filter('the_date', 'true_russian_date_forms');
add_filter('get_the_date', 'true_russian_date_forms');
add_filter('the_modified_time', 'true_russian_date_forms');
add_filter('get_the_modified_date', 'true_russian_date_forms');
add_filter('get_post_time', 'true_russian_date_forms');
add_filter('get_comment_date', 'true_russian_date_forms');
what filter can be added to hook your plugin data?
Is there a simple way to use it in portuguese?
I just want to translate weekdays, like “monday” to “segunda-feira”, “saturday” to “sábado”, and so on.
Thanks in advance for your help!
]]>need back link in top bar to go back to previous page
When I use the shortcode [month] it return the month in english while my website is in french.
Is there a way to translate all of the months ?
]]>Everything was working fine until I ported the site to a new server. Now my dates are reading 01.01.1970 using the shortcode [date format=”d.m.Y” timestamp=”+400 years”]
Any clues?
]]>Screen goes white upon activation. Tried deactivating all other plugins to see if there was a conflict, but it still happened.
This is with latest wp version 3.8.
Will try to figure it out and post back. This should be a pretty valuable plugin
I would like to use the shortcode Month inside another shortcode but … I must use the parameter “plus” with the shortcode “month” … How can I do that ?
I was wondering if I could use this plug-in to display when a page was most recently updated and, if so, how exactly do I do that?
]]>I have create the [post_datetime][/post_datetime] shortcode
i want to add format option in shortcode
Like this [post_datetime format=”F jS, Y H:i”][/post_datetime]
from user possible to change format from editor?
for ex: [post_datetime format=”Y jS, F H:i”]
how can i do this plz help me
Thanks for all
Why don’t you use “date_i18n” (function of wordpress) instead of “date”?
With “date_i18n” retrieve the date in localized format, based on timestamp.
I do the change and works fine!
Best regards.