If I delete a user from the external database, is it suppose to delete that same user in the WordPress database? If it doesn’t, I can see the External and WordPress user databases getting out of sync right?
]]>When this plugin is activated, when I log out and take a visit to my page as a guest. Most of my plugins such as “WP Sliding Login/Dashboard Pane” or “Executable PHP widget” are disabled. But once I log in, no matter what roles I am. All plugins just come back and works totally fine. I’ve searched through internet and found no hint about my problem. Any idea?
Thank you in adbvance :’)
]]>I’d like to ask you if it’s possible to call a database that is located on another hosting server. Since I want my WP,which is located on a common hosting server, to access cloud server where a database of my customers are stored there.
I’ve tried to input several values in the Host label at the setting page but it seems doesn’t work properly. Do you have any suggestion?
eg. I’ve input mydoamin.com in the Host label and the server returned this to me
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Unknown MySQL server host ‘www.mydomain.com’ (1) in /home/www/virtual/myWordpressdomain.com/wp/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/external-database-authentication/ext_db_auth.php on line 282
Thanks in advance ??
]]>Hi theres, i found these plugin very useful as it is what i need, but when i use External DB authentication it always shows that i have invalid password, i have plain password inside my data base it is does not use salt or hash method i believe i have miss configured the password field, i’ve tried to to use the 3 option but neither those 3 work, i hope someone could help me with this one, i badly need this to work with me thanks and regards, your reply is deeply appreciated
]]>We use phpass to store our passwords encrypted with bcrypt-style hashes. I don’t think there is a way to authenticate against those with the plugin (correct me if I’m wrong).
The addition of this feature would be great.
]]>I failed getting the plugin running with the moodle user table ??
WP version: 3.2.1
Moodle version: 1.9.12
$password2 = md5($password.’salt_phrase_from_my_moodle-config.php’);
found the following articles/forum posts, but it’s still not working ??
Does anyone solved this or a similar problem?
First of all a big thanks for a perfect plugin! But the big question is; will there be support for phpbb3 auth? As phpbb3 is using their own auth method the plugin is not capable of authing against a phpbb3 db. For me this featur would be a gift from heaven, and I suppose I’m not the only person whom would love to be able to smoothly use a phpbb3 installation as the userdb for WP.
]]>Hi I have a site with wordpress platform then I wing task of integrating an external forum but could share the user registry, I decided to use the platform MyBB and External DB authentication plugin, the plugin installed MyBB and decided after aver porB if I could log into wordpress with a registered user of MyBB, but I throw this error Fatal error: Call to undefined function login_header() in /home/maxterg1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/external-database-authentication/ext_db_auth_mybb.php on line 529
reload the page and I could magically logearme a MyBB user, I thought everything was fine then went back to record another user MyBB and try to log into wordpress just does not recognize the user no longer get the above error but I can not start, if anyone knows how to solve this problem and they would appreciate, Thanks for the attention
When I test this in WP 3.12, I can get the whole ext DB authentiation process to work in terms of plugin configuration – but I cannot resolve a strange problem…
When logging in as a new user (one that is in the ext DB but the WP user table) – after entering username/password and logging in the login screen reloads with an extra message below:
User registration is not available from this site, so you can’t create an account or retrieve your password from here. See the message above.
and I have to login again.
Surely this is not working right ?
A new user should not have to login twice.
Please help
I am 99.9% there with my WP setup – except for this one small issue
]]>Hello. Is it possible to adapt this plugin to be able to look at 2 different user tables at the same time ?
I have 2 types of users in 2 tables in my external DB and need to allow either type to login to a single WP site
I have integrated the External DB authentication(latest version) to with a wordpress site(version2.9.2).
And it works while connecting to MYSQL DB and not works with MSSQL DB.
While i taking login page, it gives a blank .And in the DB, the password are stored using php function’ base64_encode()’
Any one please help
]]>When the user that has been validated against the external database is created by the plugin (calling wp_insert_user) the process will fail if an email address has *not* been retrieved from the external db.
This is because wp_insert_user creates a blank email address at line 140 in the absence of one from the db. If there are other blank emails in WP the “email already exists” check will then fail and hence the login.
The safest way to fix this appears to me to be to force the reading of an email address from the external db (in my case drupal)
Thanks for a very useful plugin though
]]>Is there going to be an update for this plug-in for WordPress 3+ ?
]]>So it looks like this plugin will only acknowledge a single user role right? You can set up a single test in the plugin settings, but no more. However I have a variety of users on my site with my own hierarchy of roles. I would like to map my user’s roles to the Word Press roles.
This isn’t currently possible is it?
I’ve been tinkering with wp_usermeta table in the database, but I’m having a hard time figuring which fields control the user’s role. There’s wp_capabilities (a serialized array I don’t understand yet) and wp_user_level that both look relevant. But I still haven’t been able to convert a subscriber to an administrator so maybe I’m still missing something? Any ideas?
]]>So it looks like this plugin will only acknowledge a single user role right? You can set up a single test in the plugin settings, but no more. However I have a variety of users on my site with my own hierarchy of roles. I would like to map my user’s roles to the Word Press roles.
This isn’t currently possible is it?
I’ve been tinkering with wp_usermeta table in the database, but I’m having a hard time figuring which fields control the user’s role. There’s wp_capabilities (a serialized array I don’t understand yet) and wp_user_level that both look relevant. But I still haven’t been able to convert a subscriber to an administrator so maybe I’m still missing something? Any ideas?
]]>I have an external form and database set up for users to complete. Upon, completion three fields are rolled over into my external DB (name,email,password). The password is generated randomly from the script I have written. On the final Thank You page of that form I will put a link that will send the user directly to my WordPress site.
My question: I would like to use my external randomly generated password and email fields for future logins into my WP site. I’m new to this plugin. Can External DB Authentication help with this. There isn’t much support on how to make it work. If so, how?
]]>So I downloaded and installed this plugin so I could use WordPress as my main content site along with my MyBB forum, and after I installed and configured it and tried to login I got this message:
Unknown column 'syntaxicU' in 'where clause'
If anybody could help me it would be appreciated.
]]>I have updated the plugin script to fix :
1) MS SQL Server query bug
2) Support NopCommerce Encryption.
Here is my changes :
Line 176 // Add NopCommerce 1.80 Encryption option
switch(get_option('ext_db_enc')) {
case "SHA1" :
echo '<option selected="selected">SHA1</option><option>MD5</option><option>NopCommerce 1.80</option><option>Other</option>';
case "MD5" :
echo '<option>SHA1</option><option selected="selected">MD5</option><option>NopCommerce 1.80</option><option>Other</option>';
//START Support for NopCommerce 1.80
case "NopCommerce 1.80":
echo '<option>SHA1</option><option>MD5</option><option selected="selected">NopCommerce 1.80</option><option>Other</option>';
case "Other" :
echo '<option>SHA1</option><option>MD5</option><option>NopCommerce 1.80</option><option selected="selected">Other</option>';
default :
echo '<option selected="selected">SHA1</option><option>MD5</option><option>NopCommerce 1.80</option><option>Other</option>';
Line 369 // Add the password hash for NopCommerce comparing password
//START Support for NopCommerce 1.80
case "NopCommerce 1.80" :
// Hashing Password for the NopCOmmerce Store
$sqlSaltKeyfield = 'SaltKey' ;
$query = "SELECT [$sqlSaltKeyfield] FROM " . get_option('ext_db_table') . " WHERE ".get_option('ext_db_namefield')." = '$username'";
$result = db_functions($driver,"query",$resource,$query);
$numrows = db_functions($driver,"numrows",$result,"");
if ($numrows == 1)
$SaltKey = db_functions($driver,"fetch",$result,"");
$SaltKey = $SaltKey[strtolower($sqlSaltKeyfield)];
$nopcryptedpassword = sha1($password.$SaltKey);
$password2 = strtoupper($nopcryptedpassword) ;
Thank you Charlene for this plugin ??
]]>Originally it worked as it allowed me to log in from my community details but I’m having reports that for some reason it’s not allowing anyone else to log in. I’ve checked using my wifes account who has yet to been logged via this system and she’s unable too.
Not exactly sure why this would work and then fail but would appreciate any assistance.
]]>I’m in the process of setting up a few blogs using WP 3.0. The latest version I see that this plugin works for is 2.7. Is this current version of the plugin compatible with 3.0? If not, will there be an update in the near future?
I really want to use this plugin as it will likely solve almost every login issue I will run into, but I don’t want to spend hours trying to make it work when it’s already know that it won’t.