Há um erro no redirecionamento deeplink para o WhatsApp, onde está sendo redirecionado p/ essa página: “404. This page doesn’t exist.”
O link é: https://api.whatsapp.com/resolve/?deeplink=%2F55 etc
]]>Hola, el plugin está instalado y activado pero no veo la opción de enviar por whatsapp, solo se ven las opciones de siempre del form de elementor.. hay que hacer algo más para que pueda ver la opción???
]]>I’m using the Whatsapp Extension.
Upon submitting i got this message:
Pattern attribute value [0-9()#&+-=.]+ is not a valid regular expression: Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /[0-9()#&+-=.]+/v: Invalid character in character class
Is there any way to use shortcodes or ACF custom fields on WhatsApp Number field?
]]>Hi! love your plugin, just want to know if you will continue updating it? Thanks in advance
I did everything as it should be, checked it several times but the info is not redirected to my whatsapp.
Can you please tell me what cuasing it?
Please check on desktop version, the form on the top.
Thanks alot ??
Hi, i’ m trying to install this plugin, but everytime i do it, it breaks my website and it goes offline. Is it some kind of problem with newer versions of wordpress or elementor?
thank you,
Is it possible to get the current URL of the page where form is sent in WhatsApp?
]]>Hello – We are doing an intake form through an Elementor pop-up but the custom message is not appearing after submission. Do you have a solution for this? Thank you for your help!
]]>Hi, just today, the Whatsapp plugin is not automatically redirecting to WhatsApp Web.
it’s says: “Looks like you don’t have whatsapp installed”
Please see pictures:
Hello, I have the page: https://www.ekovps.sk/kontakt
There is an elementor form. After submit I have set to hide the form. However, it doesn’t work correctly.
I have a input for multiupload of files, it allows you to add up to 3 files. When I add 4 files (more than I can) and click the button, while I am logged as admin, everything is OK, I get back the error notice “You can upload up to 3 files”.
However when I try to do the same as guest (not logged in), the form disappeared and display both success and error notice: https://snipboard.io/tojer3.jpg
The e-mail is not fired up, because of error, that’s correct
However the form disappears and success notice are display – that’s not correct.
I thought it was the cache issue (as logged in I have no cache), however problem persists, even when WP Rocket is deactivated.
Could you please help?
]]>Opa galera, tudo bem com vcs, ent?o fiz toda a configura??o mas na hora de enviar
da essa mensagem
N?o conseguimos encontrar a página que você procura
Parece que você está buscando uma página que n?o existe ou que foi apagada recentemente. Volte à página anterior ou verifique o endere?o digitado e tente novamente.
N?o há integra??es com outros plugins, exemplo de CrockBlock jet…?
]]>Hi, congratulation for the plugin, its fantastic.
I need to when send the form in Whatsapp, open link to whatsapp in new one windows. With target blank. Is this possible? Thanks!
towards the bottom you can see an elementor form. (just above the footer)
I have set this up with your plugin. It’s working perfectly on iphone (tested with safari and chrome) but with Android (chrome browser) it dosnt launch the whatsapp action. It just keeps on loading. Is there a bug?
thank you in advance
]]>The plugin works fine with forms added in a page but it does not work with pop-up forms.
]]>Hello good afternoon.
I need to clear up a question with you, I created a contact form popup, but I’m using a masked field feature for the phone, I recorded a video just to see my problem and talk about how I can solve it:
Awaiting return.
I’m trying to do multistep form submit in Elementor and do want to show custom messge, but when i do that using this plugin, Mailerlite gives error. mailerlite 400 or invalid API,
]]>If you submit the form and don’t fill in the recaptcha you still get the custom success message.
Tengo una página web con multitud de entradas con éste formulario.
En cada entrada el usuario puede rellenar un formulario y mandar esa información a WhatsApp al mismo tiempo que se envía al correo.
Por WhatsApp todo va bien, pero el formulario no llega al correo. Antes funcionaba bien (se enviaba a WhatsApp y al correo) pero ahora no se recibe ese formulario en el correo. Esta ma?ana he probado a desactivar el plugin y volver a activarlo y ha funcionado. Pero ahora de repente va mal otra vez…
?Cómo lo puedo solucionar?
]]>Ola! instalei o plugin e montei um formulario simples para testar. Quando eu clico no botao de envio para o Whatsapp sou direcionado para a pagina de erro (https://api.whatsapp.com/error). Coloquei o numero de destino como descrito (+55 21 XXXXXXXXX).
O que pode ser?
Desde ja obrigado!