I like this plugin which is working fine for me and I fixed several warnings and notices (some of them already mentioned in this forum). These updates are documented on a gitea repository :
* https://gitea.dyomedea.com/Dyomedea/extended-table-of-contents-with-nextpage-support/issues/1
* https://gitea.dyomedea.com/Dyomedea/extended-table-of-contents-with-nextpage-support/issues/2
* https://gitea.dyomedea.com/Dyomedea/extended-table-of-contents-with-nextpage-support/issues/3
* https://gitea.dyomedea.com/Dyomedea/extended-table-of-contents-with-nextpage-support/issues/4
]]>If I have many h2 tags, some ids are empty and links aren’t working.
I’m getting this PHP warning:
PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant POWER_TOC_VERSION - assumed 'POWER_TOC_VERSION' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in */wp-content/plugins/extended-table-of-contents-with-nextpage-support/extended-toc.php on line 294
]]>I set up my web site a few years ago now in WordPress, and to get the plugin to display how I wanted it to, I had to edit the custom CSS and tweak the php. At the time I knew what I was doing, but I haven’t changed it in 3 years. With the plugin updates, I lost my customisations. I took notes, so I know what I did but now I get CSS errors and I can’t quite recall exactly where I tweaked the php code.
In the CSS I did this:
#toc-np-container {
padding: 0.5em;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
width: auto;
display: table;
margin: 0 auto;
… and also …
#toc-np-container li.header-level-1 {
font-weight: bold;
margin-top: 4px;
display: inline;
In the plugin code I also added this:
$items .= ‘ | ‘;
The idea was to display the TOC horizontally like so:
Information | Memories | Packaging | Scrapbook | Data |
Unfortunately, CSS no longer likes margin-top and display: inline and I need to remember where to put my slight code addition so it places a | between each TOC entry.
Either that, or is there a better way of using this plugin to display the TOC horizontally?
This plugin will not process non-latin heading texts and therefore, it will leave an empty anchor ID.
Currently, I have managed to temporarily fix this by adding a random string for the anchor, if it was empty.
Modified file: extended-toc.php
Putting the below code after line 455:
if (empty($anchor)) {$anchor = substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', mt_rand(1,10))),1,10);}
So it will look like:
for( $i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++ ) {
/** get anchor and add to find and replace arrays **/
$anchor = $this->url_encode_anchor($matches[$i][0]);
if (empty($anchor)) {$anchor = substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', mt_rand(1,10))),1,10);}
$find = $matches[$i][0];
$replace = str_replace(
Hope this help.
]]>Would it be possible to include a collapsing option in the plugin itself? I added some code I found elsewhere but it took a bit of playing to get it to work like I wanted it.
See an example here: https://pain-and-depression.com/Library/depression-comprehensive-overview/7/
Also, what about updating it since it’s been a while and we’ve changed versions a few times? It works fine for me on 4.1.
Thanks a bunch for making this plugin too, it’s already great!
]]>Hi, my pages who have the EX-TOC in it always get an error when I try to HTML5 validate them.
I always get this error:
No p element in scope but a p end tag seen.
Is there a quick fix for this?
]]>EToC works with qTranslate and it successors as mqTranslate, but language tags in the title are ignored.
To solve this, edit “extended-toc.php”. Go to line 346 (in version 0.9.5) and replace:
$toc_content .= "<p id=\"toc-np-title\">" . $this->options["heading_text"] . "</p>";
$toc_content .= "<p id=\"toc-np-title\">" . __($this->options["heading_text"]) . "</p>";
That is all. Now it regognizes e.g.:
Regards, Hani
I am using this plugin but I can not add the next page.
Please help me how I can add this feature.
]]>Blacklist posts/pages by [noextoc] does not work. Needed many times that table of contents should no appear is a post, but [noextoc] inserting in post did not stop table of contents.
And also minimum 4 heading setting also doesn’t work properly, some times it respect 4 heading rule and many times didn’t.
website using waystoworld.com
]]>Dear all,
TOC doesn’t render the [extoc] Shortcut anymore, if the plugin “Arconix FAQ” (https://arconixpc.com/plugins/arconix-faq) is also activated at the same post. You can see an axample here https://axel-schroeder.de/2013/10/22/was-ist-netzplantechnik-und-wofuer-brauche-ich-das-ein-grundlagenartikel/
How can I fix that issue?
]]>The plugin did generate TOC for a paginated post. However the links of page 2,3,4……does not work, always stay in first page.
I think the URL in TOC are not valid.
]]>Is it possible to have this TOC in sidebar instead of the top of the page?
I have tried to add its shortcode to the text widget with a couple of shortcode in widgets plugins
]]>Can anyone tell how to get heading text in url instead of numbers …/1/ or …/2/ in this plugin? It would be a really good pagination and SEO solution.
]]>Could You please tell me how to add non-latin language characters support in table of contents URLs? It would be better if they are converted in to latin characters but not removed as is now.