Guten Tag,
leider musste ich feststellen, dass die Exportier Funktion bei beliebtesten Inhalten nicht funktioniert.
Es wird nur eine Excel Tabelle mit “Beitrag/Seite,”URL”,”Inhaltstyp”,”Aufrufe”,”Anteil”, allerdings ohne Inhalt erstellt.
Haben noch andere das Problem und k?nnen mir dabei vielleicht helfen?
I experience the strange behaviour, that on the default dashboard widget from statify plugin are visitors displayed for every day. But when I go to the page of this plugin, there are displayed 0 visitors for the same time period.
Have you an idea, how that can be possible and how to fix it?
If you need more Details, let me know. Thanks in advance for the reply!
bei der Durchsicht der beliebtesten Inhalte fiel mir ein seltsamer Eintrag auf.
Beitrag/Seite und URL sind ident:
Wie kommt es dazu?
Unfortunately I don’t see any charts and tables in the dashboard (only the widget provided by the plugin “Statify”.
I have installed
– Statify plugin on January 11th
– Statify – Extended Evaluation on January 12th
The additional environment:
– WordPress 5.8.3
– Theme: Twenty Eleven
– Child Theme Check
– GDPR Cookie Consent
– Statify Widget: Beliebte Inhalte
– UpdraftPlus – Sichern/Wiederherstellen
– Widgets On Pages
– WP Photo Album Plus
– Yoast SEO
Thanks in advance for your help
Hello –
Thanks for a great stats plugin!
Is there a reason why the extended evaluation plugin functionality can’t just be a part of the regular statify plugin?
Statify – Extended Evaluation uses just the data from Statify and calculates any statistics on demand; no own settings or data are kept.
So if you leave the default value 14 days, Statify – Extended Evaluation can only evaluate the data of the last 14 days, as Statify comes with a cronjob which deletes the data longer than the time period set. That’s why Statify allows you to set the time period to any number of days.
So two questions …
1) What is the longest default value that can be safely set?
2) Is it possible to remove or disable the cron job in Statisfy?
The owner of the blog wishes to have perpetual stats. Can this be done?
version 2.6.0
I was able to narrow multiple ajax loading issues on my sites to your plugin.?
Sometime ajax?won’t load on pages or I am unable to save pages using ajax, both plugins and themes.
Your plugin also caused one site to crash when activating a theme using redux.
This is from browser dev tools
(anonymous) @ redux.min.js?ver=3.6.9:1
dispatch @ load-scripts.php?c=1&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-draggable,jquery-ui-sortable,undersco&load[chunk_1]=re,backbone,moxiejs,plupload&ver=64f978f669239f67caa2f04dd9d6a53a:3
r.handle @ load-scripts.php?c=1&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-draggable,jquery-ui-sortable,undersco&load[chunk_1]=re,backbone,moxiejs,plupload&ver=64f978f669239f67caa2f04dd9d6a53a:3
There was an error saving. Here is the result of your action:
Wenn ich bisher alles richtig verstanden habe, dann wertet dein Plugin die von Statify gesammelten Daten aus. Diese werden ja über einen Cronjob regelm??ig gel?scht, um die eigene Datenbank nicht zu überfrachten.
Nun gibt es in euer Plugin-Erweiterung die Punkte, monatliche und j?hrliche Aufrufe.
Werden diese als separater Datenbankeintrag von deinem Plugin gespeichert?
Oder muss ich, um eine Zahl für j?hrliche Seitenaufrufe zu bekommen, Statify auch ganzj?hrig gesammelte Daten speichern lassen?
Lg Prayer90
es w?re cool, wenn man Statistiken gruppiert nach Kategorie des Beitrags oder vor Allem nach Autor h?tte. Was h?ltst du davon?
Liebe Grü?e
my counter doesn’t work fine. There are only four visitors but at least there should be twenty or more. Do you have an idea? How does the counter work?
aufgrund des ganzen DSGVO Wahnsinns haben wir Statify nun mal ausprobiert zusammen mit der erweiterten Auswertung. Klar ist es mit Google Analytics nicht zu vergleichen, aber dafür 100% konform, wie ich herausfinden konnte?!
Nun ist es aber so, dass die Statistiken, wenn man Sie im Backend aufruft, wahnsinnig lange laden. Ich warte tats?chlich fast 2 Minuten, bis die Seite “Statify – Erweiterte Auswertung” aufgerufen wird. Wechsle ich dort auf z.B. 2019 warte ich wieder fast 2 Minuten. Klicke ich auf “Statify > Inhalte”, ebenfalls fast 2 Minuten. Die Weiteren Reiter auf dieser Seite, wie z.B. “Beitr?ge” und “Seiten” laden dann schnell. Ich vermute, dass diese langen Ladezeiten mit den Diagrammen zu tun haben?!?
Kann man da irgendetwas machen???
because of the whole DSGVO insanity we have tried Statify now times together with the extended evaluation. Of course it’s not comparable to Google Analytics, but it’s 100% compliant, how could I find out ?!
Now it is true that the statistics, if you call them in the backend, load for an incredibly long time. In fact, I’m waiting for almost 2 minutes to get to the Statify Advanced Evaluation page. I change there to e.g. In 2019 I wait almost 2 minutes again. I also click on “Statify> Content”, also almost 2 minutes. The following tabs on this page, such as “Posts” and “Pages” load quickly. I suspect that these long loading times have to do with the diagrams?!?
Can you do anything there ???
Liebe Grü?e
one of my Website has over 1000 Posts. Maybe there would be a nice feature to add a “search field” so that we can search for Post/Page-names.
]]>As I understand Statify, it stores the data in a simple database table and deletes the data from it after the set period.
Does this extension only work with this data or is the data summarized after a certain time and saved separately? I couldn’t find any hints in the description/FAQ and directly after the installation no additional table was created for such data.
If only the existing data is used, I conclude that the storage period in Statify must be set up (i.e. to 182 days = 26 weeks, 365 days = 1 year or more) to see statistics for the last months or years. Is that correct?
since v2.5 the plugin doesn’t show any charts or graphs.
JS console:
]]>I just got a message that Statify – Extended Evaluation was removed from Why is that?
]]>Hi there,
Thank you so much for providing the Extended evaluation for Statify – it’s awesome!!
We plan to extend the collected data of Statify, so we get able to track visitors – in addition to visits. That said, is there a possibility to extend the charts you are providing with the ability to either show visits (current behaviour) or visitors?
Maybe with some sort of hook and a button on the UI so the user can decide which of the two he likes to see?
I’m hoping we do not have to add a full blown menu & plugin for this, since all the functionality is already provided by this plugin.
is the timerange how long data will be kept independent to the settings made in statify or are they dependent if the statify setting?
For example:
If I leave statify at the default value of 14 days, I will get the visitor data in the extended evaluation plugin also for 14 days – right?
it would be really nice to have at least some predefined buttons for certain periods of time on the “content” tab:
Today, yesterday, this week, last week, month etc. to filter the results without entering the time span manually.
Thanks in advance!
is there a possibility, to show the results at the frontend, for example by using a shortcode?
]]>In the highchart with the yearly view, there seems to be something wrong with the years in the x-axis:
I have Statify Version 1.5.0 running on WP 4.7.3 with your Plugin “Erweiterte Auswertung für Statify” in Version 2.2.
After login with an “Analyst” account, I get forwarded to “/profile.php” to which that user role has no access, therefore the browser shows an error message…
thx for any guidance
[German:] Nach dem Einloggen als Statify-Analyst erscheint die Fehlermeldung “Du hast keinen Zugriff auf diese WordPress-Seite”. Als URL ist /wp-admin/profile.php angegeben…
Vielen Dank für einen L?sungsansatz ??