I have a school with MemberPress + your Discord plugin that has been working properly since about September 2024. So far we haven’t had any problems: users were able to log in correctly to the server back in the day.
However, and without apparently any reason related to MemberPress, the bot has started to expel some users from the Server. Example:
IMG: https://pasteboard.co/wOaftcSlKvEK.png
Out of all of them, for now 2 users have been able to re-enter the Server via the button on the website:
IMG: https://pasteboard.co/EIufjycsr4hF.png
Why did the bot make the decision to kick them out? Where can I find this information?
]]>Dear support team,
We’re encountering some Discord role synchronization issues requiring some help. Some details:
?(2024-06-15)Setup of the plugin was done correctly and we have verified some things:
? Discord bot has “Manage Roles” + “Administrator” permissions
? Server ID matches plugin settings
? WP-Cron operational via external ping service
Hopefully you can help me out with some advice on how to solve this:)
Kind regards,
Laurens Jansen
When installing Memberpress Discord plugin, I see this error in bold, which will not allow me to Save Changes at the end.
Bring your app to life on Discord with a Bot user. Be a part of chat in your users’ servers and interact with them directly.
Private application cannot have a default authorization link
If I move forward with the process and complete to the point of adding my Discord Server ID, there’s a message at the bottom that says, “The server ID is wrong or you did not connect the bot” (Of course the issue is not connecting the bot because of the error message above.
Please tell me how I can fix this. Thanks!
]]>Hi There,
When a user takes a membership they can connect to our Discord however, when they connect the status stays in some occasions “Not Connected” and the can not reconnect agian.
When I look in the database in the wp_user_meta I don’t see the following rows:
When I remove all other ets_memberpress_discord rows the user is able to reconnect again.
What is the problem and how can it be fixed, or does the plugin need an update form your side?
Plugin version 1.1.1
Memberpress Pro 30 (Legacy) 1.11.35
I went through all the setup instructions and got to the very end. When I click “Connect Your Bot” I receive an error, “Installation type not supported for this application.”
I did have to uncheck “Guild Install” on the Installation screen to be able to save my settings on the Bot page. When I try and reactivate that setting I receive the error, “Private application cannot have a default authorization link”
Any advice woudl be appreciated.
]]>Hi guys,
Thank you for the amazing plugin! I’ve been testing it for the last few days and ran into an issue when a user disconnects from the Discord channel.
It shows as disconnected, but the user remains connected on the Discord server. I have set the bot as primary, enabled “Kick members out when they disconnect their account,” and set “Allow non-members” to no. When I manually kick the user, they can rejoin normally. There are no issues in the log
Any suggestions on how to test or resolve this issue?
Thanks again for your help!
]]>Please help me asap we have a problem that people cant connect this was working perfect for months since today ppl cant connect i also can connect i updated memberpress to latest version also yesterday this plugin updated to 1.1.1 version thats when this happens what to do here?
Here is a clip
I need to change the server that MemberPress is connected to. I have changed the settings for the plug-in on my website, including the updated mappings, so that any new members will be automatically added to the new server. What is the best way to move over existing members? Should I invite them via link, or should I disconnect them from the old server through the plugin and have them re-connect themselves that way? Thank you for best procedure.
]]>Hi, When a new member joins our server through the bot they are automatically taken to a webpage that doesn’t exist and so they get our 404 error page. I can’t find where the URL redirect is to change this to a page that actually exists. I’d like them to see a page rather than our 404 error page.
]]>When new members are joining our discord server from memberpress they are not being assigned the role that is set up in the plug in. We are having to manually assign the role to them. I have set up the role on membepress exactly as stated and have the memberpress bot as high in the role hierarchy it can go. It’s just new members are not being assigned any role at all when they come to the server.
]]>We have just set up this login with memberpress. But when someone new joins they are getting three welcome messages. One has the correct date on, the others have a random date from April and August on. I can’t see why three messages are being sent and can’t work out how to stop this.
]]>Hello, since my Memberpress Discord bot is offline, I wanted to redo the entire setup. However, after deleting and reinstalling the “Connect Paid Memberships Pro to Discord” plugin, the “Discord Settings” option didn’t reappear in the Memberpress menus. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin several times, but the result hasn’t changed. What should I do in this situation? Thank you.
]]>For Members who DO NOT have a Discord account prior to becomming a Member, what are their Discord login credentials?
I have Members who access their membership largely from their phone, though want to use Discord on their PC. How do they log into it? What login credentials are generated from them connecting to Discord from my website membership?
Thanks for your help.
]]>Hi! I’m new to the support forum, loving the product, very useful for us.
Here’s my problem ->
API CALL -> ets_memberpress_discord_as_schedule_delete_role
action failed via WP Cron: Failed in function ets_memberpress_discord_as_handler_delete_memberrole
API CALL -> ets_memberpress_discord_as_send_welcome_dm
action failed via Async Request: Cannot access offset of type string on string
API CALL -> ets_memberpress_discord_as_schedule_member_put_role
action failed via WP Cron: Failed in function ets_memberpress_discord_as_handler_put_memberrole
1065 failed api calls ??
Hello. I’m having a problem with the Discord buttons not actually adding the person to the server, or automatically removing them when they drop their subscription. The buttons appear on the My Accounts page, and with a new account they can be clicked and indicate the connection was made with the Discord username is listed. However, they never actually arrive on the server.
After the account is created and they have attempted to connect to Discord, when I click the Disconnect Discord button, it redirects to the same (/my-accounts/#) page. As well, an image that appears beneath the button and beside their Discord name doesn’t display. All of this worked when I initially set up the plugin months ago. It stopped working in the last two weeks. I have changed nothing.
I deactivated then reactivated the plugin, with no change. At this point I don’t know why it stopped working, and I’m having to do it all manually.
Thank you.
]]>Hey hi so i use wordpress with your plugin everything works kinda fine but i get this error at failed everytime what occurs this? here screenshot
So how can i fix this kind of issue
Server version 11.3.2-MariaDB-1:11.3.2+maria~ubu2004
PHP version 8.3.4 (Supports 64bit values)
Should realy appreciate how can i fix this also all connections goes threw cloudflare i blocked all ports on mine serverip and whitelisted cloudflarex proxies in ufw with port 80-443
Do i need to whitelist discord ips or something? because in the discord group there are some people having roles even when their subscription is cancelled few days ago still they have role. i did add a cronjob in crontab
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/wp-cron.php
*/5 * * * * curl -s https://fiatballers.nl/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron
*/30 * * * * cd /var/www/fiatballers; wp cron event run –due-now >/dev/null 2>&1
Realy appreciate if you can understand the problem how to fix what to do also if when this is fixed their roles get removed automaticaly because if i do a test buy and connect discord everything works fine so idk what occurs this problem. Also do i need to manually remove the roles from those people.
Need help asap also put this in the developer discord group.
Kind regards TizTou
Hey hi how are you guys doing good i dont have a problem but more as advice can you guys fix styling for the discord connection button also font wise?
add like a custom css field i can add to change the css of the button because now i did it manually in the script self but if its possible for in next update should be nice.
Kind regards
Hey, I really love the simplicity of the connection plugin for Memberpress and Discord we also use the Paid Membership Pro version.
We have recently started to have an issue and I think it’s related to Discords new username policy of removing the #0000 number that usually appended the username.
I’ve had several users sign up to our membership recently and create new Discord accounts with usernames that have no #num after them. Eg mydiscordusername they go through all the auth steps via the website to connect but the bot never adds the respective role to their profile. Upon looking I find that without fail every one of them has a different user name registered on the site it’s always the case that their username has had #0 appended. So to use my example name above mydiscordusername#0 would be the username that appears in the members listing on the website.
There seems no way around this other than for me to manually add their discord role which kind of defeats the purpose of using the plugin in the first place.
As I mentioned I’m sure this is a by product of Discords latest username policy update. It does however need addressing. Also as mentioned I’ve been able to replicate this on this plugin with memberpress and on the Pmp version.
Thank you for your help in previous support tickets. I have 2 questions.
Happy to hear your thoughts as always!
Your plugin has helped a lot and I really appreciated it!
Just a suggestion regarding bot in discord. I received feedback from my users that the bot has been sending welcome message every time their recurring subscription renewed automatically, which has caused confusion that their membership is cancelled previously. Is this something the development seeking to improve in the future?
I am using the Memberpress Discord plugin, but it does not load in a useable manner. The interface loads a wall of text with no styling applied, and the actual connector interface does not load in a useable way, just the roles all stacked on top of eachother in text with no styling.
What steps can I take to troubleshoot this and get it fixed?
]]>Hi ALL,
Has anyone else encountered this issue as me? When new member connect to the discord, the welcome message is sent twice.
]]>So in this case, I have a customer that has cancelled their membership but the billing cycle had completed so they have whatever time remains on the membership terms.
Should the bot remove the role from that user before the time elapses?
]]>Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in?/Users/michelemarri/Sites/menthorq/wp-content/plugins/expresstechsoftwares-memberpress-discord-add-on/includes/libraries/action-scheduler/classes/schema/ActionScheduler_LoggerSchema.php?on line?83
I get this error in wp-admin and on front-end
]]>The discord connect / disconnect button is not always shown. For some users, it appears and for others it does not.
]]>Hi Support,,
Thank you for this great plugin,
I have a feature request. When the member press user connects to Discord through this plugin, we don′t know who is in the Discord server because the usernames in Discord differ from those in WordPress.
Having a tab in the WordPress plugin with a list of registered Discord users with their WordPress usernames in front of the Discord username and a button to kick manually from the server.
Or this option in the user wordpress area,
This will give us more managing control over users,
]]>A member presses the DISCORD button to connect his Memberpress membership to Discord but nothing happens. If you display the members page in WP –> Memberpress –> members it shows a column / attribute for Discord. For my member, there is a button that states “Run API” and shows the discord user name and id.
]]>Hi there,
Our bot stopped working for some reason a couple of weeks ago, and we haven’t been able to resolve it for our members. We redid all the settings and connected another bot, made sure the role is above the other ones, but for some reason it won’t work.
Could we provide our logs privately and get help from someone, please?
I’m having an issue when a user has two memberships on my Memberpress site. When both memberships are active, they have all the proper roles, but when they cancel one of the memberships, it’s removing all their Discord access. It’s like their Discord access is has a “parent membership” and if that one is cancelled then they lose access entirely to the Discord premium channels. The manual solution is for me to delete their expired membership out of the system entirely, have them disconnect from Discord, and then reconnect. When they reconnect, it gives them access again by connecting to the active membership. However, this is a fault in the system as it should not cause an issue with their active memberpress subscription when they cancel a different one.