I created a new user who has manage options authorized, because he needs this to edit certain post types.
The problem is that enabling this also adds the “Expire User Passwords” entry under “Users” in the side menu. I would like to remove the possibility for that role to be able to modify/see that entry
I had set 1 day Reset period. It’s not working. What is the minimum days should i give for password rest ? Please help
Does this plugin work with multisite installation??
Can you give me some clarity (may be useful for the main plugin page too) about what happens when I first install the plug in?
If I set the timer to 60 days as per the example, does it either:
a) start the 60 day clock from the day I install the plug in, or
b) immediately expire passwords for everyone who last changed their password over 60 days ago, so I get a huge wave of resets immediately?
We tried updating the plugin today to the latest version (1.3) and got a critical error on our website caused by this plugin.
We have removed the plugin for now but would like to use it in the future. How can this be resolved?
Thank you
Could you please add to the next update use of profile_update action – it is required for the scenario of when the admin sets a password for the user manually.
In class “Expire_User_Passwords” in function “init” add:
add_action( 'profile_update', array( __CLASS__, 'save_user_meta_profile_update' ), 10, 2 );
I’ve implemented the function as such:
public static function save_user_meta_profile_update($user_id, $old_user_data){
update_option('onecity_save_user_meta_profile_update_' . microtime(true), json_encode($user_id));
I much appreciate your help on this.
Thank you
Please add the feature to set different password expiration per role.
subscriber every 90 days.
editor every 180 days
Thank you!
]]>Hi there ???
I am using your great plugin for my site, and despite having it enabled for the admin role, when my password (as admin) expires, when I follow the procedure, I get an error:
Password reset is not allowed for this account
I have to deactivate the plugin via FTP to be able to access my administration.
Thanks for your help!
Warm regards,
Hi there, I’m looking for a simple role-base password expiration plugin without a lot of frills and this might be perfect. My site has an employee intranet with a few hundred users. I’m curious how the plugin will decide when 90 days has passed for legacy users. since most people on the site have had active accounts for many months, will everyone immediately be asked to reset? Or will it start counting the 90 days from the time the plugin is installed and activated?
I’m also curious if it supports roles beyond the core WordPress roles. Does the plugin recognize roles created via the various members plugins?
Thank you in advance!!
]]>Hi. Could You add filter in Expire_User_Passwords_Settings::submenu_page() to change capability in add_submenu_page (e.g. from ‘manage_options’ to ‘update_core’)? Thank you in advance.
]]>Dear support team,
just in case you want to know:
Your plugin won’t work in case “Theme My Login” is active.
Best regards
]]>Hi. How do users get notified that the password have expired?
]]>Does it work with WP 5.6?
can you provide a new feature like to change on the first login ?
And after we can manage expiry password timers ?
Keep it up.
Best regards.
Is there a way with this plugin that you can forbid using the same password again?
Best Jens
]]>Using the newest wordpress. When installing this plugin my site crashed and I get “critical error” message.
Had to delete the plugin to make it work again.