Please update your installation documentation to say that one needs to turn on “Super Advanced Mode” in the “Formatting” tab to find the “Events” -> “Single event page format” and “Locations” -> “Single location page format” entries. (The plugin installation page does not list “advanced mode” at all; only the plugin home page (in French).)
You might also want to point out that a good location for the change is to replace the “#_LOCATIONMAP{100%,0}” by “#_OPENSTREETMAP”.
]]>Hell, thanks for this nice plugin. On https Site I get
“Mixed Content: The page at ‘https://…’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ‘https://…/wp-content/uploads/em-map-export/events/xml-export-events.js?ver=2.0.61470532652’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.”
Can you help, please?
]]>Discover my demo plugin :
This plugin is always supported
]]>I created extra pages for maps and it works ??
On backend I could create new location with address form from your plugin.
There is also another one which doesn’t work with title: Where
I have an option on Event manager not to show dropdown menu with already created location to could put a new one (Best would be both possibilities).
But still I only see dropdown menu.
How to set event with new location on frontpend?
I am struggling to setup the plugin but map does no appear in event page .
#I added the mapbox api key
#I edited the formats to replace to add #_OPENSTREETMAP ( may be my edits are not correct?)
#and checked my settings
but nothing ??
errors in console are hereafter. I can see that extensions .map appears . Is it the cause of my problemes?
Thanks for your support
I am using wp6.1, PHP 7.4; EM 6.14 , OM 2.04
——–errors messages——————–
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
Better than Stonehenge Creations but still have problems.
In the main page events there is view type MAP where I see nothing than [em_events]
How to place there a map f.e. events-map/categories-map//locations-map/
without haveing to crate new menu entries on page.
Also unfortunately new 3 pages are no more build with CONTENT placeholder like other em pages ?? I used this for my own bradcrumbs menu.
Still as with Stonehenge Creations plugin there is no map to see on single event, not even on linked address ??
What the layout tab did you mention in thread before?
And what are this entries for?
I’m working with Worpdress 5.8.2 / PHP 7.4 / Events manager 5.12.1 / Events Manager – OpenStreetMaps 4.2.1.
I have a problem with the physical locations in Event Manager. The front-end form seems to work properly except that it does not store the informations. In consequences, the location placeholders do not work.
Here is the result of print_r($EM_Event) of an event submitted in front-end with the creation of a new location at the same time :
EM_Event Object ( [event_id] => 19 [post_id] => 239707 [event_parent] => [event_slug] => diam-sociosqu-suspendisse-eleifend-ad-hendrerit-ut-penatibus-malesuada-torquent [event_owner] => 1 [event_name] => Diam sociosqu suspendisse eleifend ad hendrerit ut penatibus malesuada torquent [event_start_time:protected] => 00:00:00 [event_end_time:protected] => 00:00:00 [event_start_date:protected] => 2021-12-01 [event_end_date:protected] => 2021-12-31 [event_start:protected] => 2021-11-30 23:00:00 [event_end:protected] => 2021-12-30 23:00:00 [event_all_day] => [event_timezone:protected] => UTC+1 [post_content] => [event_rsvp] => 0 [event_rsvp_date:protected] => [event_rsvp_time:protected] => [event_rsvp_spaces] => [event_spaces] => [event_private] => 0 [location_id] => 7 [event_location_type] => [recurrence_id] => [event_status] => 1 [blog_id] => 0 [group_id] => [event_language] => [event_translation] => 0 [event_attributes] => Array ( ) [recurrence] => 0 [recurrence_interval] => [recurrence_freq] => [recurrence_byday] => [recurrence_days] => 0 [recurrence_byweekno] => [recurrence_rsvp_days] => [event_owner_anonymous] => [event_owner_name] => [event_owner_email] => [fields] => Array ( [event_id] => Array ( [name] => id [type] => %d ) [post_id] => Array ( [name] => post_id [type] => %d ) [event_parent] => Array ( [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [event_slug] => Array ( [name] => slug [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [event_owner] => Array ( [name] => owner [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [event_name] => Array ( [name] => name [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [event_timezone] => Array ( [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [event_start_time] => Array ( [name] => start_time [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [event_end_time] => Array ( [name] => end_time [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [event_start] => Array ( [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [event_end] => Array ( [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [event_all_day] => Array ( [name] => all_day [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [event_start_date] => Array ( [name] => start_date [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [event_end_date] => Array ( [name] => end_date [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [post_content] => Array ( [name] => notes [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [event_rsvp] => Array ( [name] => rsvp [type] => %d ) [event_rsvp_date] => Array ( [name] => rsvp_date [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [event_rsvp_time] => Array ( [name] => rsvp_time [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [event_rsvp_spaces] => Array ( [name] => rsvp_spaces [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [event_spaces] => Array ( [name] => spaces [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [location_id] => Array ( [name] => location_id [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [event_location_type] => Array ( [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [recurrence_id] => Array ( [name] => recurrence_id [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [event_status] => Array ( [name] => status [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [event_private] => Array ( [name] => status [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [blog_id] => Array ( [name] => blog_id [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [group_id] => Array ( [name] => group_id [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [event_language] => Array ( [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [event_translation] => Array ( [type] => %d ) [recurrence] => Array ( [name] => recurrence [type] => %d [null] => ) [recurrence_interval] => Array ( [name] => interval [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [recurrence_freq] => Array ( [name] => freq [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [recurrence_days] => Array ( [name] => days [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [recurrence_byday] => Array ( [name] => byday [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [recurrence_byweekno] => Array ( [name] => byweekno [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [recurrence_rsvp_days] => Array ( [name] => recurrence_rsvp_days [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) ) [post_fields] => Array ( [0] => event_slug [1] => event_owner [2] => event_name [3] => event_private [4] => event_status [5] => event_attributes [6] => post_id [7] => post_content ) [recurrence_fields] => Array ( [0] => recurrence [1] => recurrence_interval [2] => recurrence_freq [3] => recurrence_days [4] => recurrence_byday [5] => recurrence_byweekno [6] => recurrence_rsvp_days ) [shortnames:protected] => Array ( [language] => event_language [translation] => event_translation [parent] => event_parent [id] => event_id [slug] => event_slug [name] => event_name [status] => event_status [owner] => event_owner ) [image_url] => [start:protected] => EM_DateTime Object ( [timezone_name:protected] => UTC+1 [timezone_utc:protected] => 1 [valid] => 1 [date] => 2021-12-01 00:00:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 1 [timezone] => +01:00 ) [end:protected] => EM_DateTime Object ( [timezone_name:protected] => UTC+1 [timezone_utc:protected] => 1 [valid] => 1 [date] => 2021-12-31 00:00:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 1 [timezone] => +01:00 ) [rsvp_end:protected] => [location] => EM_Location Object ( [location_id] => 7 [post_id] => 239707 [blog_id] => 0 [location_parent] => [location_slug] => diam-sociosqu-suspendisse-eleifend-ad-hendrerit-ut-penatibus-malesuada-torquent [location_name] => Diam sociosqu suspendisse eleifend ad hendrerit ut penatibus malesuada torquent [location_address] => [location_town] => [location_state] => [location_postcode] => [location_region] => [location_country] => [location_latitude] => 0 [location_longitude] => 0 [post_content] => [location_owner] => 1 [location_status] => 1 [location_language] => [location_translation] => 0 [owner_anonymous] => [owner_name] => [owner_email] => [fields] => Array ( [location_id] => Array ( [name] => id [type] => %d ) [post_id] => Array ( [name] => post_id [type] => %d ) [blog_id] => Array ( [name] => blog_id [type] => %d ) [location_parent] => Array ( [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [location_slug] => Array ( [name] => slug [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [location_name] => Array ( [name] => name [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [location_address] => Array ( [name] => address [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [location_town] => Array ( [name] => town [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [location_state] => Array ( [name] => state [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [location_postcode] => Array ( [name] => postcode [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [location_region] => Array ( [name] => region [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [location_country] => Array ( [name] => country [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [location_latitude] => Array ( [name] => latitude [type] => %f [null] => 1 ) [location_longitude] => Array ( [name] => longitude [type] => %f [null] => 1 ) [post_content] => Array ( [name] => description [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [location_owner] => Array ( [name] => owner [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [location_status] => Array ( [name] => status [type] => %d [null] => 1 ) [location_language] => Array ( [type] => %s [null] => 1 ) [location_translation] => Array ( [type] => %d ) ) [shortnames:protected] => Array ( [language] => location_language [translation] => location_translation [parent] => location_parent [id] => location_id [slug] => location_slug [name] => location_name [status] => location_status [owner] => location_owner ) [post_fields] => Array ( [0] => post_id [1] => location_slug [2] => location_status [3] => location_name [4] => post_content [5] => location_owner ) [location_attributes] => Array ( ) [image_url] => [required_fields] => Array ( [location_address] => L’adresse de l’emplacement [location_town] => La ville où se trouve l’emplacement [location_country] => Le pays ) [feedback_message] => [mime_types] => Array ( [1] => gif [2] => jpg [3] => png ) [errors] => Array ( ) [previous_status] => [ID] => 239707 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2021-12-18 14:12:41 [post_date_gmt] => 2021-12-18 13:12:41 [post_title] => Diam sociosqu suspendisse eleifend ad hendrerit ut penatibus malesuada torquent [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => open [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => diam-sociosqu-suspendisse-eleifend-ad-hendrerit-ut-penatibus-malesuada-torquent [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2021-12-18 14:12:41 [post_modified_gmt] => 2021-12-18 13:12:41 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [ancestors] => [filter] => raw [location_private] => 0 ) [event_location] => [event_location_deleted] => [bookings] => [contact] => [categories] => EM_Categories Object ( [is_ms_global:protected] => 1 [taxonomy:protected] => event-categories [meta_key:protected] => event-category [terms_name:protected] => categories [term_class:protected] => EM_Category [ajax_search_action:protected] => search_cats [terms] => Array ( [87] => EM_Category Object ( [option_ms_global] => 1 [option_name] => category [taxonomy] => event-categories [id] => 87 [term_id] => 87 [name] => Méditations collectives [slug] => meditations-collectives [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 87 [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 13 [image_url] => [color] => #5644a9 [link] => [fields] => Array ( ) [shortnames:protected] => Array ( ) [required_fields] => Array ( ) [feedback_message] => [errors] => Array ( ) [mime_types] => Array ( [1] => gif [2] => jpg [3] => png ) [filter] => raw ) ) [event_id] => 19 [post_id] => 239707 [fields] => Array ( ) [shortnames:protected] => Array ( ) [required_fields] => Array ( ) [feedback_message] => [errors] => Array ( ) [mime_types] => Array ( [1] => gif [2] => jpg [3] => png ) ) [tags] => [errors] => Array ( ) [feedback_message] => [warnings] => [required_fields] => Array ( [0] => event_name [1] => event_start_date ) [mime_types] => Array ( [1] => gif [2] => jpg [3] => png ) [previous_status] => [recurring_reschedule] => [recurring_recreate_bookings] => [recurring_delete_bookings] => [just_added_event] => [ID] => 239707 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2021-12-18 14:12:41 [post_date_gmt] => 2021-12-18 13:12:41 [post_title] => Diam sociosqu suspendisse eleifend ad hendrerit ut penatibus malesuada torquent [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => open [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => diam-sociosqu-suspendisse-eleifend-ad-hendrerit-ut-penatibus-malesuada-torquent [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2021-12-18 14:12:41 [post_modified_gmt] => 2021-12-18 13:12:41 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [ancestors] => [filter] => raw [id] => 19 [slug] => diam-sociosqu-suspendisse-eleifend-ad-hendrerit-ut-penatibus-malesuada-torquent [owner] => 1 [name] => Diam sociosqu suspendisse eleifend ad hendrerit ut penatibus malesuada torquent [start_time] => 00:00:00 [end_time] => 00:00:00 [start_date] => 2021-12-01 [end_date] => 2021-12-31 [status] => 1 [status_array] => Array ( [0] => En attente [1] => Approuvée(s) ) ) 1
Strange thing is that informations are correct in back-end. Editing the event or the location in back-end does not update the address and the placeholder #_EVENTLOCATION return nothing.
This problem does not occur with URL location, everything works as expected, placeholders included.
Any help would be greatly appreciated because this a critical bug.
Thank you very much.
Best regards