Hi Franky,
I followed your tips concerning “How to add a “Add to Google Calendar” link to an event” but this link only opens my google calendar but didn’t insert the event.
What could going miss?
Second question: How do I get a link to send the event in a outlook-compatible format to an email-adress?
i have event manager plugin ,and i want to create search for all events i have , when i click nearby button for example, then detect the nearest event place from me and showup
plllzzz help me ??
i am using the free version of the event manager extended.
I have this code
<?php eme_get_calendar(“full=1”); ?>
I see the calendar displayed in the page but for the event name it shows this
it doesnt display the event name for 11/17/2001 which is the date the event is added for.
Can someone please help me
Thank you
]]>Hi all,
version 4.0.2 of Events Manager Extended has been released. The next version has a new name, called ‘Events Made Easy’, version 1.0.0. In order to switch: deactivate ‘Events Manager Extended’ and download and install ‘Events Made Easy’, all your events will be converted to the new plugin.
From the changelog:
* Feature: added options ‘category’ and ‘notcategory’ to the shortcode [events_filterform], so you can choose to only show specific categories or exclude certain categories from the select box
* Feature: all location placeholders can now be used inside events (those that make sense of course). In order to make a distinction among event and location placeholders with the same name, some have been deprecated (see below)
* Feature: the end time can now be the same as the start time, so you can test on this to not show end date/time info (for eg. events without end)
* Feature: each booking now has a unique bank transfer number for belgian transfers, the placeholder “#_TRANSFER_NBR_BE97” can be used in booking mails
* Improvement: when adding a registration in the backend, you can now only choose from events that have RSVP activated
* Improvement: when the setting “Max number of spaces to book” is empty, it is now ignored so unlimited number of attendees is now possible
* Improvement/fix: price can be a decimal number as well
* Improvement: make sure the Settings page can be reached if something is not correct with the security settings
* Improvement: make sure the first event of an recurrent series is used to get the info from
* Improvement: for location formatting, #_IMAGE has been deprecated in favor of #_LOCATIONIMAGE
* Improvement: for location formatting, #_IMAGEURL has been deprecated in favor of #_LOCATIONIMAGEURL
* Improvement: for location formatting, #_DESCRIPTION has been deprecated in favor of #_LOCATIONDETAILS
* Improvement: for location formatting, #_CATEGORIES has been deprecated in favor of #_LOCATIONCATEGORIES
* Improvement: for event formatting, #_NOTES, #_DETAILS and #_DESCRIPTION have been deprecated in favor of #_EVENTDETAILS
* Improvement: for event formatting, #_CATEGORIES has been deprecated in favor of #_EVENTCATEGORIES
* Improvement: the html header now only shows the event name, and not the whole single event title format string
* Improvement: some rsvp info remains entered now if the user enters a wrong captcha
* Improvement: updated German translation (thanks to Jorgo Ananiadis)
* Improvement: locations are now also sorted alphabetically when using the eventfull option
* Improvement: email body text can now contain qtranslate calls as well
* Improvement: the paypal form now also shows that the registration was successfull
* Improvement: the RSS feed now includes the pubDate field for each event (value is the creation or modification date of the event)
* API change: eme_insert_recurrent_event renamed to eme_db_insert_recurrence (old function exists for backwards compatibility)
* API change: eme_update_recurrence renamed to eme_db_update_recurrence (old function exists for backwards compatibility)
* API change: function eme_db_update_event now takes the event_id as the second parameter (you can still use the where-array method directly, made it backwards compatible)
* API change: function eme_email_rsvp_booking now only takes booking_id as the first parameter and the action as the second
* Bugfix: attributes weren’t taken into account for the new email formats pending, cancelled, denied
* Bugfix: the filtering threw an error when selecting multiple items
* Bugfix: the attendee list didn’t return the correct number of booked seats
* Bugfix: for the filter form, the selected items were not highlighted upon submit
* Bugfix: true and 1 now work as value for the options full and long_events
* Bugfix: array in hook eme_update_event_action missed event_id and event_author
* Bugfix: typo: payed => paid
* Bugfix: the widget update refused anything different than future, past or all for scope
* Bugfix: number of events can now be 0 in the widget
* Bugfix: attribute values were not sanitized
* Bugfix: if the booked seats were 0, the pending screen wouldn’t show the booking
* Bugfix: the capability for adding events in draft wasn’t working ok
* Bugfix: when paypal was active, rsvp field validation results were ignored
* Bugfix: ampersand character in event title breaks RSS feed
* Bugfix: make sure that we apply the the_content filter only once
I’m trying to get a feed going from Events Manager Extended to Mailchimp that allows me to send emails from Mailchimp that automatically pulls in events from my WordPress site which has EME installed.
I am using the following Mailchimp merge tags:
No matter what I do, the email that is generated by mailchimp cannot be formated other than font color. It prints EXACTLY whatever is located at: ‘https://example.com/events/feed/rss/’
The problem is that I have no way of formatting what is displayed when viewing that url. So, I get one long string of events that do not link back to the specific event page on my wordpress site. All the email displays is a link after a long list of events that says “[Read More]” because that is exactly what is displayed at the ‘https://example.com/events/feed/rss/’ url. I need a way to format the rss page to put ‘
‘ tags between events and make them live links much like one would see at ‘https://example.com/feed/rss’
I’ve tried changing the setting in the EME backend within the “RSS Feed Format” section of the settings page, but it doesn’t seem to have an effect on whatever is displayed at: ‘https://example.com/events/feed/rss/’
Can anybody help?
]]>I just thought I’d include this because it took me a bit to figure out just how to implement the maps into an individual event.
Under Event Manager Options, there is some code by default for “single event format.” This does not include a map, even if you select “Enabler Google Maps integration” at the top of the page. In order to get a map to show up on each event with a location, you need to add a call to it.
<p>#j #M #Y - #H:#i</p><p>#_TOWN</p><p>#_NOTES</p>
is in the “Default single event format” field by default, so I added <p>#_MAP</p>
to the end to call for a map on my posts. This does not appear to affect posts with no location.
I hope that helps anyone who needs it, and if you think I should have some sort of an if/then statement, please let me know!
This is a great plugin and does everything I want except one small thing … is there anyway to change the date format so that in the admin section it shows the UK date format rather than US format eg 16th October would be 16/10/2011 rather than 10/16/2011. This would be needed for both the Future events overview and also when creating/editing individual events.
Any pointers would really be appreciated!!
]]>Hi, can’t see if it’s possible to create bookable appointments by hour at all?
]]>I’ve 2 issue with EME :
– First is it possible to not show a texte if there is no location
defined. Because I’ve an event that is national, but my configuration
for events list is : “[…], at #_TOWN” so when there is no location
defined I would like to not show the “, at”
– Secondly I have an event that running for 5 days, the first day
this is the only one event I have, so when I click, i go to the event
page, but for the other days, the events is listed with other event
and when I click on it i go to the linked page.
In the conformation mail de code #_EVENTPAGEURL returns the wrong URL.
in stead of https://www.haagsevrouwenzaken.nl/cms/?page_id=180&event_id=4
it adds #38; to the #
What can I do to get de URL right?
Thanx in advance
]]>If I go into settings and link EME to my Events page it makes my events page disappear. I cannot see or book any of my events. I did a fresh install of WP 3.2.1 and EME 4.0.1. Using 2011 theme. Is this a bug with the new release?
]]>I looked to see if this topic was in before but could not see it –
Plugin is FAB – However its causing us lots of work – Basically we have a free events section on our Magazine Website – It gets hit a lot – We want the readers to be able to submit events to the site.. Upon approval they then appear. Basically we a re a free lifestyle mag in the Berkshire UK.
To get the data we have a form at the moment – We are basically having to cut and paste in from the form to generate a new event. Not a problem initially but now we have more people submitting its a headache.
I would like to have a code edit or adaptation so we can have the form go to an Approve /Not approve type status – We approve it and it appears in the event list within events manager
Naturally I dont expect this to be for nothing – Im quite happy to pay to get the adaptation done – If its possible to do it ..
Thanks in advance to either the developer or a coder that wants to do some work.
Alternatively is there another way to do it >?
Advice greatly received –
I’m still getting the “green screen of death” even though my theme calls wp_head.
Any ideas? https://p21decision.com/events/1/orality-in-james-joyce-conference/
]]>For 2 places not far from each I manage 2 blogs. I’d like to synchronise the tables for EME. Does a solution already exists for this?
there is no placeholder to show the description of the location, if your in detailview of an event.
Is there any other way to show this description?
]]>On the official forum, a small survey is ongoing. Please go there and voice your opinion:
I’m trying out this plugin and I have a problem with maps – Google can’t find the desired location, but I know the exact latitude and longitude. Is there any way I could input those in the event so the map shows the correct location?
]]>A small update for 4.0.0, including some minor bugfixes and some new features.
From the changelog:
* Feature: added placeholders #_PRICE and #_CURRENCY, so you can show the price for an event
* Feature: you can now specify any scope in the events list widget
* Feature: added scope=’tomorrow–future’, so you can show events in the future but not happening today. The normal scope=future once again shows events happening today as well
* Feature: you can now add a registration in the backend
* Improvement: for location formatting, #_NAME has been deprecated in favor of #_LOCATIONNAME
* Improvement: added payed status to the printable booking report
* Bugfix: price can now be more than two digits
* Bugfix: fixed two small issuess in eme_rsvp.php
* Bugfix: the array for the eme_insert_event_action action hook didn’t have the event ID
* Bugfix: fixed a recurrence insert when the day of the week was not checked
* Bugfix: fixed a recurrence insert when the end day of the single event wasn’t set (it resulted in a 2-day event)
]]>Much has changed since the last version, about 20 feature requests were implemented for this one, so I bumped up the major version.
Some of the most visible changes: access right management and paypal support for events. Now the payapl thingie is something that is still in early development, meaning: it works ok in my paypal sandbox, but I advise you to test in a sandbox as well first.
For the rest, I quote from the changelog:
* Feature: added option “show_ongoing” to [events_list], to indicate you want the scopes to include end dates (ongoing events) upon evaluation (like e.g. future events include events starting in the past, but ending in the future), or just the start date. Default: 1
* Feature: you can now set the desired capability a user must have in order to do things (access right management). Use a plugin like “User Role Editor” to add/edit capabilities and roles.
* Feature: eme_add_booking_form_filter and eme_delete_booking_form_filter filters added, so you can change the form html to your liking
* Feature: split the function eme_display_single_event_shortcode into 2 parts, creating the function eme_display_single_event() that takes as single argument the event id, returning the html output for that event
* Feature: recurrent events can now span multiple days
* Feature: new shortcode [events_countdown], with one optional parameter (event ID): returns the number of days until the next event or the event specified
* Feature: the shortcode [events_ical_link] now also accepts category as an option
* Feature: locations now also can have categories on their own, and the “category”-option in [events_locations] will now show locations in those categories if the “eventful”-option is not set
* Feature: locations now also have an author, and people can have the right to add, edit own or edit all locations
* Feature: #_CATEGORIES for locations now returns the categories a location is in (as for events)
* Feature: new option link_showperiod for shortcode [events_list]: if showperiod=daily and link_showperiod=1, then the shown days are links that will go to events for just that day
* Feature: new option notcategory for shortcode [events_list]: works as the category option but serves to exclude categories
* Feature: for conditional tags, I added 1 extra shortcode:
#_IS_SINGLE_DAY (‘1’ if you’re viewing a single day, ‘0’ otherwise)
* Feature: new shortcode #_CALENDAR_DAY, returning the day being viewed when viewing a specific day on the calendar
* Feature: added filter to do own email obfuscating: eme_email_filter. If defined, the standard ascii obfuscating won’t take place and you can use your own
filters, eg. from an obfuscating plugin, if you define it it functions.php:
add_filter( ’eme_email_filter’, ‘c2c_obfuscate_email’ );
* Feature: locations now also can point to an external url, as events can already
* Feature: extra html headers can now be added, usefull for e.g. meta tags for facebook or seo
* Feature: now you can delete events of an recurrence or the whole recurrence (no longer needed to take an event out of an recurrence before being able to delete just that event)
* Feature: the permalink prefix for events and locations can now be changed in the settings page. After each change, you need to press save on the wordpress permalinks settings page before changes take effect.
* Feature: the event or location permalink slug can now be changed manually, but for now the event/location ID remains required
* Feature: the pending email body text can now also be changed per event
* Feature: basic Paypal integration
* Improvement: the RSVP form now always prefills the name and email if you’re logged in, if no WP membership is required you can change the values
* Improvement: the no-events-message needs to be formatted by the user, not in the code using ul/li constructs
* Improvement: for format: sometimes people want to give placeholders as options, but when using the shortcode inside another (e.g. when putting [events_list format=”#_EVENTNAME”] inside the “display single event” setting, the replacement of the placeholders happens too soon (placeholders get replaced first, before any other shortcode is interpreted). So we add the option that people can use “#OTHER” as prefix for any placeholder inside format (like #ESC works)
* Improvement: “change registrations” now only shows the approved registrations, not pending ones
* Improvement: in the events/locations admin section (add/edit), the categories are now sorted alphabetically
* Improvement: #_NAME has been deprecated in favor of #_EVENTNAME
* Improvement: #_LOCATION has been deprecated in favor of #_LOCATIONNAME
* Improvement: #_PLAIN_CONTACTEMAIL has been deprecated in favor of the existing #_CONTACTEMAIL
* Bugfix: AND categories for [events_list] were no longer working and resulted in all categories being used
* Bugfix: some filtering fixes in admin panel
* Bugfix: scope=this_week/next_week now takes the “start day of week” WP setting into account
* Bugfix: cancelled registrations reported the wrong number of seats cancelled in the mail
* Bugfix: an inappropriate mysql warning when updating a location without changing anything (wpdb->update returns 0 because 0 rows changed) has been eliminated
* Bugfix: the names of users logged into WordPress were not pre-filled in the delete booking form
* Bugfix: fixing a bug with quotes in category names
* Bugfix: cancel emails were not being sent
* Bugfix: #_IMAGEURL didn’t return the location image url for events (it worked ok for locations itself)
* Bugfix: wordpress inserts canonical url’s since 3.0, but these point to the page url. Fixed so the correct canonical url is inserted for single locations or events.
* Bugfix: get rid of some php notices in the event creation form
]]>generally in wordpress widgets area, the drop down arrows for editing a widget are not activating; the hover response works but can not be activated.
also, when creating a new event, it is not possible to select the date either by using drop down arrows, mouse click or trying to insert text
]]>First off, kudos for the amazing plugin. It is super flexible and works wonderfully.
I just want to report a problem I experienced. After looking in the forums and googling, I found no one else complained about this so I am not sure if it is just me or what.
On the single event page I am displaying all the info for it and I am using this at the end of the page:
[events_if tag=’#_IS_LOGGED_IN’ value=’1′]
I am of course requiring people to be registered.
The booking form works great and the people are added to the events just fine. The booking form shows my name and email already loaded in the fields since I am logged in.
However, when I try to use the remove booking form, the booking form shows me the name and email fields are disabled but with no values whatsoever. Even so, the form seems to work just fine because hitting the button will end up in the desired action: to be removed from such event.
So the problem seems to be only in the display of the fields name and email.
WordPress: 3.2.1
Plusing: Latest version
Environment: 2 clones, one in WAMP and one in LAMP.
If you need any more info please let me know and I will be happy to assist you.
]]>Hello, it’s posible that the users comment de events?? thanks.
PD: I read about Facebook Comments, but i d’ont like.
]]>Hi there,
Any idea if it is possible to integrate the categories of Event Manager Extended with the existing tags cloud widget?
]]>Hi everyone,
I remember having achieved this before, but I must have updated, or reinstalled and lost it. Anyway, we are using EME with Google calendar, subscribing to the info via the ical link.
This works quite well, although one of the problems is that the description that gets included in the ical file seems to be the code for when a single event item is displayed, rather than the description field that is entered when a new event created.
I distinguish the difference because in our setup, when a user views a single event, we have quite a complicated system of tables and hidden DIV containers. Currently, when viewing the ical file, these DIV containers (in raw HTML) are showing in the description field. Have a look. https://www.ysa.org.au/sydney/events/
I can tell that this is just a simple change in one of the PHP files, and I am 99% sure I had achieved this before, but for the life of me can’t remember how I did it.
Any help would be appreciated!
]]>Hi everyone,
I am using EME on the latest wordpress to great success. https://www.ysa.org.au/sydney/events/
However, we are running into a problem. We are based in Australia, and when EME configures the iCal file it doesn’t include a timezone, or it seems to default to the timezone of the server, or GMT or something similar.
The problem comes when we pull the cal in to Google Calendar, as it then sets the wrong times for everything. ??
Anyway, I was having a poke around in eme_ical.php and wasn’t sure what to change to include an Australian Sydney timezone with the iCal file when it is created.
Anyone know how I could do this? Help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Does Events Manager or Events Manager Extended handle online payment for people who book appointments as well? Or has anyone worked this out on their own? I can imagine adding a PayPal button to the booking form, but I imagine there would be some fancy PayPal customization to make sure the booking info gets submitted as well as the payment.
Thanks for any advice.
]]>Using EME 3.3.5 and WP 3.1.3.
The Events page isn’t sorting using filterform, so I tried using GET instead of POST in eme_filters.php (per something on the forums) and it looks like things are starting to happen (the URL field is passing info)
But it’s still not filtering.
Any idea?
]]>I am trying to insert a Gravity Form into the Event WYSIWYG. It doesn’t work, and after some discussions with the Gravity Forms admins, they suggest the issue is on the Events Manager Extended side in regards to CSS and JS not being enqueued properly.
Following is a response from the Gravity Forms admins:
“…This integration is really on the Events Manager side. Adding admin.php to the list above will “work”, but it will also enqueue that script in most admin pages, which is not ideal. Also, the Events Manager plugin will need to enqueue the CSS and JS when displaying the form. Gravity Forms adds those scripts automatically when the shortcode is placed in the post content, but it has no way of knowing that there is a form on the event page, so the scripts have to be added by the Events Manager plugin. I would suggest contacting the Events Manager plugin. If they need help with the integration, we would be glad to give them some pointer on what needs to be done. …”
If the author of Events Manager Extended needs a hand to sort this out, please let me know.
]]>From the changelog:
* Feature: added WP filter eme_directions_form_filter, so you can change the form generated by #_DIRECTIONS to your liking
* Feature: Hebrew translation (thanks to Edna)
* Feature: filter on status now possible in admin events screen
* Feature: the attendee list can now also show the number of reserved spaces per person
* Feature: the conditional tags now also can check if a tag is empty by adding “is_empty=1” as extra condition
* Feature: scopes “this_year” and “next_week” are now possible for shortcode events_list
* Feature: scope=”YYYY-MM-DD–today” and “today–YYYY-MM-DD” are now possible, to show events from a certain day in the past till now or from now till some day in the future, also “this_week–today”, “this_month–today”, “this_year–today”, “today–this_week”, “today–this_month”, “today–this_year”
* Feature: scope=+Nd, scope=-Nd, scope=+Nm, scope=-Nm, with “N” being a number, so you can now go N days/months in the past/future.
* Feature: scope=Nm–Mm, to get the events from month N in the past/future till month M in the past future (eg. scope=-3m–2m , scope=0m–3m)
* Feature: for conditional tags, I added a new shortcode:
#_IS_PRIVATE_EVENT (‘1’ if event is private, ‘0’ otherwise)
* Improvement: Updated pt_BR language (thanks to Gustavo Sousa)
* Improvement: fix some php notices
* Improvement: you can use calmonth and calyear as url parameters to influence the year/month of the calendar being shown
* Bugfix: WP changed the function sanitize_title_with_dashes in 3.1, so it didn’t replace accented characters anymore. Workaround has been put in place
* Bugfix: quote the person id in the SQL query for bookings to account for empty variables
* Bugfix: better avoidance of duplicate div-id’s for location maps when called in the event list
* Bugfix: when no bookings are made, 0 is now returned for RESERVEDSPACES and other shortcodes alike, and no longer an empty string
* Bugfix: removed some old code that was checking for magic_quotes_gpc, no longer needed
* Bugfix: for single events, if end day equals start day and end time is smaller than start time, put end day one day ahead but only if the end time has a value (if not: keep the end day intact)
* Bugfix: Hack to make the google maps window size correct before the map is shown, so it’s not cut off the first time
* Bugfix: Fixed private events to be totally hidden
* Bugfix: for correct RSS validation, <item> should start on a newline
* Bugfix: escape some chars for RSS feeds
]]>While working on integrating EME into a site I’m working on, I checked my site’s rendered code to make sure everything was displaying properly. That’s when I noticed an error in the call to the EME stylesheet…
<link rel='stylesheet' id='eme_stylesheet-css' href='https://www.mysite.com/content/plugins/homepages/12/x123456789/htdocs/mysite.com/www/content/plugins/events-manager-extended/events_manager.css?ver=3847' type='text/css' media='all' />
As you can see in the path above, my WordPress content folder isn’t in the default location as I make use of WP_CONTENT_DIR
in my wp-config.php
file (for safety and security).
Looking over the code, I noticed that EME doesn’t check for any use of these custom configs. To fix this up, I made the following changes in events-manager.php:
First, around Line 114, I added a few lines to define WP_CONTENT_DIR and WP_CONTENT_URL using the default WordPress content paths, in case they haven’t been defined:
if (!defined('WP_CONTENT_URL')) define('WP_CONTENT_URL', get_option( 'siteurl' ) . '/wp-content');
if (!defined('WP_CONTENT_DIR')) define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', ABSPATH . 'wp-content');
if (!defined('WP_PLUGIN_URL')) define('WP_PLUGIN_URL', WP_CONTENT_URL. '/plugins');
if (!defined('WP_PLUGIN_DIR')) define('WP_PLUGIN_DIR', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins');
Next, I had to make a couple of edits to the EME_PLUGIN_URL
definitions, which are now around Line 121:
define('EME_PLUGIN_URL', WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/events-manager-extended/'); //PLUGIN DIRECTORY
define('EME_PLUGIN_DIR', WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/events-manager-extended/'); //PLUGIN DIRECTORY
The plugin’s name (events-manager-extended
) is hard-coded, which I normally don’t like, but I just wanted to get this issue fixed before worrying about adding more.
If you’re having this issue, this is one way to fix it. There may be alternate ways, but figured I’d get this one out there.