As of February 5th, we have decided to stop all development on the Event Ticketing plugin.
This plugin started out with the best of intentions. But, our attention and energy has been focused elsewhere which has resulted in a mediocre plugin that doesn’t have a great chance for success.
If you would like to pick up development on this plugin, the code is available on github at
]]>I notice that both on the website and here, support questions are NEVER answered. That’s ridiculous for a plugin full of errors.
]]>After completing a sale, going through the PayPal prompts and returning to my site, the client gets a payment confirmation screen. However, they are never emailed the ticket to fill out.
How can I fix this? The plugin is useless without the customer being able to fill their info out.
]]>Is there a way to change the check out page ie not to be on my Blog template.
]]>Hi, I noticed that there was a list of around 14 ticket options all blank when I installed the plugin. I have deleted them all and added in my own ticket options ie name , email address etc. However this is not showing up on my Ticket page, all I am getting is the paypal facility to submit.